Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th September, 2002

Bath & North East Somerset Council



Priority Access Point "Busgates" - Overview and Scrutiny Consideration






Monday 29th July 2002



Bill Cotton 01225 477295


Bill Cotton - Head of Sustainability and Economic Development


Planning, Transportation, LA21 & Economic Development Overview & Scrutiny Panel




Appendix 1 - Monitoring Group Terms of Reference

Appendix 2 - Monitoring Group Indicators

Appendix 3 - Last Monitoring report

Appendix 4 - Summary of Monitoring Group Members final comments and recommendations



1.1 The Priority Access Point (Busgate) experiment was monitored by an independent group of stakeholders. The information collected and the considered opinions of this group should assist members in their deliberation of the issue


The Panel is asked to:

2.1 note the contents of the report, notably Appendix 3 which sets out the last summary monitoring report

2.2 receive the comments of the Monitoring Group members at Appendix 4

3. RESOURCE AND CORPORATE POLICY IMPLICATIONS (Where necessary, the views of the Council's Statutory Officers are reflected in the comments below)

3.1 Financial: NONE - the Monitoring process has now ended


The Busgate Monitoring Group was formed in 4 months before the experiment started. It's stated purpose was to monitor the impact of the experimental Priority Access Point during the period of the experiment. Representatives were expected to liase regularly with those they represent and to act as conduits for information to and from the group. The agreed terms of reference for the group are attached in Appendix 1.

The membership of the group was designed to bring together a wide range of interested parties. Organisations represented were as follows: -

· 1st Badgerline

· Transport 2000

· Avon and Somerset Constabulary

· Marks and Spencers (Bath Chamber of Commerce, Large Retailers)

· Orbis (Bath Chamber of Commerce, Small Retailers)

· Federation of Bath Residents Association

· envolve

· Chairman Blue Badge Guides

· Abbey Hotel (Representing hospitality industry)

· Royal Mineral Water Hospital (representing emergency services)

· Roman Baths

· Freight Transport Association

· Confederation of Passenger Transport and Coach Operators

· Bath Taxi Owner Association

· Bath Bus Company

In addition Planning, Transport and Environment Committee Spokespersons or their nominees and local ward members (Abbey) were invited.

The Monitoring Group was chaired by Bill Cotton, Head of Sustainability and Economic Development and technical input gained from Officers from Transport Access and Waste Management and their consultants. In addition the Chamber of Commerce retained technical consultants Savil Bird and Axon.


The Monitoring group agreed a series of indicators to be measured through the course of the experiment. Information was collected before the experiment to form a baseline report. All subsequent monitoring information refers back to the Baseline position. See Appendix 2 for list of Baseline Monitors.

The Monitoring Group undertook to scrutinise the information e.g. test the methodology for its collection and interpretation and to discuss any implications or trends which could be discerned from the data. They also recommend any changes to the monitoring regime or experiment to Planning, Transport and Environment Committee. Monitoring reports were produced on a quarterly basis.

The Monitoring group realised early on that the effects of the Busgate experiment were going to be difficult to disentangle from the complex systems which influence the working of a city and that information collected could only be used to inform judgements.

The Busgate monitoring group met on the following dates.

13th Dec 2000

19th Dec 2000

1st Feb 2001

21st March 2001

14th March 2001

21st March 2001

25th April 2001

26th July 2001

15th August 2001

15th November 2001

21st March 2002

13th June 2002

Attendance was in the main very good and a good level of debate was entered into.

The last summary Monitoring Report is attached at Appendix 3. It is an independent report by the Councils retained consultants.

It became clear during the process that it was impossible to expect a group with such a diverse range of interests to come to any unanimous recommendations to the Council about the implementation of the Busgate, although various amendments such as allowing delivery vehicles through were recommended.

To overcome the lack of unanimous view, all members of the Busgate Monitoring group were asked three questions.

1. Do you recommend that the Busgate experiment should be made permanent?

2. What improvements would you suggest if it were made permanent?

3. What other positive recommendations do you have regarding access to the city centre?

Appendix 1 Monitoring Group Terms of Reference

Appendix 2 Monitoring group indicators

Appendix 3 Last monitoring report

Appendix 4 Summary Monitoring group members final comments and recommendations

The overall responses are attached at Appendix 4

Background Papers:

· Methodology Papers

· Priority Access Point Baseline Report

· Priority Access Point 1st Quarter Monitoring Report

· Priority Access Point 2nd Quarter Monitoring Report

· Priority Access Point 3rd Quarter Monitoring Report

· Priority Access Point 4th Quarter Monitoring Report

· Waitrose Comment Book

· Correspondence

All background are available on appointment by contacting the Head of Sustainability and Economic Development (01225) 477295