Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th April, 2007

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


4th April 2007




Local Area Agreement: Update on Stretch Targets








List of attachments to this report:

Appendix (pdf - 19KB): Proposals for the use of Local Area Agreement Pump-Priming Funding


1.1 This reports sets out proposals for the use of Local Area Agreement (LAA) Pump-Priming Funding to help the delivery of the LAA stretch targets.


The Council Executive RESOLVES that:

2.1 The proposals set out in the Appendix for the use of LAA Pump-Priming Funding be approved

2.2 Reporting against delivery of the LAA stretch targets take place through the Council's quarterly performance reporting system

2.3 Monitoring of expenditure of pump-priming grant be reported though the Council's financial reporting system


Bath & North East Somerset's Local Area Agreement will attract £920,000 in Pump-Priming Grant (PPG) into the area. A total of £4.548m of Performance Reward Grant (PRG) is available is all reward targets are met. The Local Area Agreement provides an opportunity to pool and align resource streams to improve outcomes, and the LAA contains a number of examples of where this approach is being adopted.


The Local Area Agreement has been developed within the policy framework provided by the Community Strategy and is designed to contribute significantly to Community Strategy outcomes. The report to the Council Executive in September 2006 set out in detail how the emerging LAA framework contributes to the Community Strategy ambitions. Overall, the targets contribute to the cross-cutting outcomes of:

Promoting a 'sense of place' so people identify with and take pride in our communities

Celebrating the contributions people from different backgrounds and with different experiences can make, and promoting equality of opportunity

Sharing resources, working together, and finding new ways of doing things

Building communities where people feel safe and secure

Taking responsibility for our environment and natural resources now and over the long term

Specifically, the stretch targets are designed to help deliver components of the Community Strategy's improvement ambitions, as set out below:

Improving our local transport

Improving our housing situation for local people

Improving local opportunities for learning and gaining skills

Improving our local economy

Improving our local environment

Improving our local health and social care


The report to the Council Executive in September 2006 set out in detail how the emerging LAA framework contributes to the Corporate Plan improvement ambitions. The LAA stretch targets contribute significantly and specifically to the following Corporate Improvement Priorities

Reducing fear of crime

Promoting independence of older people

Improving life chances for disadvantaged teenagers

Improving the environment for learning

Cultural Development

Increase in Affordable Housing

Improving the Quality of Public Transport/Roads/Pavements and easing congestion

Developing a sustainable economy

Improving the public realm

Improving customer satisfaction


The LAA blocks contribute significantly to the CPA key lines of inquiry set out below:

> Ambition for the community - i.e. What the council, together with its partners, is trying to achieve - the LAA outcome framework is driven by Community Strategy ambitions

> Prioritisation of ambitions- work on stretch targets is based on the prioritisation of ambitions

> Increasing capacity of the council to deliver ambition for the Community to ensure we achieve what we say we will- the LAA focuses on building capacity in particular under the stronger communities theme

> Managing performance of community ambition to ensure we achieve what we say we will- the LAA will be subject to clear performance management

> Creating and developing a better quality of life for the area through

o Sustainable Communities and Transport

o Safer and Stronger Communities

o Healthier Communities

> Improving engagement with and a range of services for Older People and Children and Young People

These outcomes are set out under the relevant blocks in the LAA draft


7.1 The Council Executive at its meeting of 10th January requested that a report be prepared on the use of the Pump-Priming funding which would follow from agreeing the final Local Area Agreement document. It also resolved that the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Council Leader, be authorised to finalise the agreement document and make arrangements for signature.

7.2 Full Council at its meeting of 20th February approved the financial implications for the Council of the Local Area Agreement, including pooled and aligned budgets and the financial implications of "stretch" targets. These targets attract both "up-front" pump-priming funding and a reward if the target is met.

7.3 £920,000 will be made available by Government to "pump-prime" the stretch targets in the Local Area Agreement, following signature of the agreement. A total of £4.548m of Performance Reward Grant (PRG) is available is all reward targets are met.

7.4 It is important that any Pump-Priming funding allocated to the "stretch" targets can be shown to provide value for money, be sustainable and will focus on delivering the target. To assist with this process, the Business Improvement Service has undertaken a piece of work on the best use of PPG to maximise the opportunity for meeting stretch targets in a way that that meets value-for-money considerations and is sustainable over time. Their analysis included consideration of:

A7 Delivery and commissioning issues

A7 Funding, including profiles over the 3-year life of the LAA and use of additional funding streams

A7 Sustainability

A7 Partnership working and performance monitoring

A7 Process improvement

7.5 The Business Improvement Service have now completed their analysis and this has been taken into account in the proposal set out in the Appendix for the use of Pump-Priming funding.


8.1 The report author and Lead Executive member have fully reviewed the risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance. All stretch targets were subject to risk assessment processes during their development. The work undertaken by the Business Improvement Service on Pump-Priming is based around a robust risk assessment model which includes key risk issues such as sustainability and governance.


9.1 The rationale is based on clear and robust work undertaken by the Business Improvement Service designed to meet the LAA stretch targets.


10.1 An option of not using the Business Improvement Service (BIS) to conduct this analysis was considered but rejected on the grounds that use of the BIS was the best way of ensuring that the Pump Priming Grant was subject to rigorous analysis in terms of sustainable improvement over time.


11.1 Trades Unions; Overview & Scrutiny Panel; Staff; Other B&NES Services; Service Users; Community Interest Groups; Other Public Sector Bodies; Section 151 Finance Officer; Chief Executive; Monitoring Officer

11.2 A wide range of consultations have taken place on the Local Area Agreement, and a detailed statement of how the community has been involved in its development has been prepared. The first draft of the LAA was reported to each Overview and Scrutiny Panel in the November cycle. The comments of these panels have been fed into the process of developing the agreement. In addition, three workshops for elected members were held in November and early December 2006, which provided an opportunity to discuss in detail the content of the LAA, including stretch targets.

11.3 The joint meeting of the LAA Project Board and LSP on 22nd February considered the position regarding the LAA stretch targets in detail and resolved to authorise the Chair of the LSP to sign the LAA on behalf of the partnership

11.4 A report on the funding issues for the Local Area Agreement was presented to the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 12th December. A report was presented to the Trades Union Consultative/Advisory body on 26th March.


12.1 Customer Focus; Sustainability; Human Resources; Property; Corporate;


13.1 The Council's Monitoring Officer (Council Solicitor) and Section 151 Officer (Strategic Director - Support Services) have had the opportunity to input to this report and have cleared it for publication. Detailed advice has also been sought from the Business Improvement Service.

Contact person

Andy Thomas, 01225 394322

Sponsoring Executive Member

Councillor Paul Crossley

Background papers

Bath & North East Somerset Local Area Agreement

Please contact the report author if you need to access this report in an alternative format