Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th February, 2004


Report to Directors Group


December 2003

Reporting Area

Community Safety and Drugs Action

Lead Director

Jane Ashman

SCOPE OF REPORTING AREA: The Local Authority has a duty to work in partnership with the Police and others including Health and Probation to reduce crime and disorder in the district. This includes the duty to produce an audit of crime and disorder issues and a three-year strategy. This duty is discharged through the Community Safety Partnership, for which the Council provides the main support through its Community Safety Team. The Authority also has a duty under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act to take into account in all its decisions the impact on crime and disorder. This duty applies to all council services, although the community safety team have an advisory and support role.

The Local Authority is also a partner in the Drug Action Team (DAT). The DAT is responsible for planning, co-ordinating and monitoring the delivery of the national anti-drugs strategy. This strategy has four main objectives: to reduce problem substance misuse by young people, to increase access to treatment for people with substance misuse problems, to reduce drug-related crime, and to reduce the impact of drugs issues on local communities.

The Community Safety Team and Social Services Finance Team provide the main officer support for the DAT. These teams administer not only Council monies but also Partnership monies for both the DAT and Community Safety. The Police also administer funds on behalf of the Community Safety Partnership. All initiatives are funded under Community Safety and DAT are strategically linked and appropriate for this report.

The work of the Community Safety and DAT teams often supports partner organisation working within this field or is delivered through partnership arrangements and therefore other providers, not under the Councils controls, may appear on this report (in italics). Both teams now come under the management of the Community Cohesion Unit which also houses the Corporate Equalities team and Corporate Voluntary Sector Funding.

Glossary of abbreviations: DAT - drug action team; CSOG - Community Safety Operations Group; CS - Community Safety; DV - Domestic Violence; CCU - Community Cohesion Unit; ASB - Anti-social Behaviour; CSO - Community Support Officer; GOSW - Government Office South West; SW - South West; RAG - Responsible Authorities Group; PARH Partnership against Racial Harassment; PADV - Partnership against Domestic Violence; CCU - Community Cohesion Unit; CJIP - Criminal Justice Intervention Programme.



Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


Progress Made Issues to be addressed Who By When

Updates on Previous report

· Proposals, in line with government direction, the re-structuring of the Community Safety and Drug Action Team Partnerships were discussed at meetings at the end of October. Bath and North East Somerset are already ahead in the way they run their joint working.

· Providers have been identified to deliver the Drug and Alcohol service for Bath and North East Somerset.

· Further work to be undertaken on the new structures to be both agreed and implemented by the Partnerships. This is expected to be a process that will be in place by April 04 with the consent and agreement of all partner members.

· Final negotiations are underway as to the agreed contract for these services.


Joint Commissioning Officer




New items

· The Community Safety Operations Group (CSOG). Will be working on the Community Safety Action Plan for next year. This will enable a fully comprehensive plan for the whole of Bath and North East Somerset

· The CSOG will be reviewing young people as victims and perpetrators of crime at their next meeting.


People Management

Updates on Previous report

· The new domestic violence (DV) co-ordinator will be in post as of the 06/01/04. They will be working on the PADV (Partnership against Domestic Violence) action plan.

· An induction programme and work plan are being worked on jointly by the Police and the CCU (Community Cohesion Unit)

CCU and Police


People Management

New items

· Six Community Support Officers (CSOs) have now started their training with the Police and are out on the streets.


Policy and Strategy

Updates on Previous report items

· Re-commissioning of drug and alcohol treatment services is on target. Additional policies and strategies are being written to support the new structure due to start in April.

· A draft Housing Strategy for the Drug Action Team, was agreed at the DAT (Drug Action Team) steering group meeting

· A review of warden and civilian patrol schemes has been undertaken for the Executive Member Community Safety

· A seminar on tackling anti social behaviour repeated in November.

· This remains a significant piece of work and is particularly demanding of DAT staff time.


DAT team


Policy and Strategy

New items

· Six "Community Walkabouts" have taken place. Action plans have been produced. This has empowered local people to seek local solutions to possible triggers to crime and disorder in their area.

· Negotiation is underway with relevant agencies to ensure the implementation of the recommendations.

Community Safety Development officer



Updates on Previous report items

· All projects and staff funded through the community safety budgets are being reviewed by the funding body at present.

· The Community Cohesion Unit has produced an e-news letter which will be available quarterly.

· The Chair of the Responsible Authorities Group (RAG) is in correspondence with GOSW regarding next years funding.




New items

· We have secured funding to start planning work for CJIP

· The Bait/Covert Capture Car has been advertised and is being actively deployed




Updates on Previous report items

· The Fire Brigade have joined the Responsible Authorities Group as a member.

· Further work needs to be undertaken with the Fire Brigade to ensure a more coordinated approach to the delivery of community safety in the area




New Items

