Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th February, 2004


Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




4th February 2004



Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership Delivery Plan 2004 - 2006








List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 : Delivery Plan 2004 - 2006

(Minutes of the Education, Youth, Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 26th January 2004 will be circulated to Executive Members as soon as they are ready and will also be made available at this meeting.)


1.1 The Council has a statutory requirement to approve the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership Plan. Previously the plan then had to be submitted to the Department for Education and Skills, but following the creation of the Sure Start Unit this is no longer a requirement in order to secure the delivery funding to achieve the targets outlined in the plan.


2.1The Executive is asked to support the plans core objectives, which are to: -

· Ensure that a quality Early Years Education opportunity is available for every 3 and 4 year old child if their parent/carer requires a place.

· Provide a choice of quality childcare for children up to the age of 16.

· To support every child's right to play.

2.2 The Executive is asked to support the Plan for recommendation to Council in March 2004 as a Policy and Budget Framework item.


1.1 The Government (Sure Start Unit) has provided a two year grant for 2004 - 2006.

2004/5 £938,996

2005/6 £1,058,868


to provide as a minimum:

· A children's centre reaching 778 children under the age of 5

· 557 new childcare places

· 70 expanded daycare places

· 1 full service extended school with childcare

· Services and support for SEN and Inclusion

· A support for childminders scheme

· Training and professional development for the early years education, childcare and play workforce.

· A Children's (Family) Information Service.

Sustainability, including financial support for childcare created during the 2001 - 2004 EYDCP plan.



3.2. In 2003/04 the following was made available in the education budget to give support from the Council for early years education, childcare and play as follows: -

Revenue grant to support the Family Information

Service, a mandatory service the Council is

asked to provide £74,764

Revenue grant to support early education

and the foundation stage within the total

education budget. This supports training

for practitioners, SENCos, teacher support for

settings and additional Area SENCo

work/support £243,411



£ 318,175

3.3 2003/04 voluntary sector play grants £144,678.

3.4 From April 2004 universal funding of the Nursery Education Grant for 3 year old children will be in place. This funding is now included in the education formula spending share, which has budget implications dependant on take up rates. The obligation on the Council is that every 3 and 4 year old child who wants a place five days a week for 2.5 hours can be funded, however, not every parent/family will take part or any of the funding on offer. If take up rates increase over time, financial obligation will increase.


4.1 As with previous EYDCP plans there are mandatory requirements and targets to be achieved, and this plan also summarises past achievements as well as outlining new requirements.

4.2 The EYDCP is receiving funding to help support a Sure Start for all - bringing together early education, childcare, health and family support. Part of the funding is targeted at disadvantaged areas, although universal services for all children aged 0 - 16, early education and out of school provision are supported through the Sure Start funding.

4.3 The EYDCP will work closely with partner agencies and officers to achieve the targets set out in the Delivery Plan.


5.1 The Plan supports Children and their Families in Bath and North East Somerset enabling them to access early education, childcare and play opportunities. The plan endorses strong co-ordinated development work to increase these opportunities, and improving quality, access and inclusion. Our objective is for every child to have a Sure Start.


6.1 The Plan is a statutory obligation.


7.1 The Plan was reviewed by the Education, Youth, Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 26th January 2004 and the minutes circulated to Executive Members and will also be made available at this meeting.

7.2 As part of the planning process a large scale childcare audit was carried out involving parents, practitioners and children.

7.3 The aim was to accurately assess the level and range of early education and childcare provision for 0 - 14 year olds and to assess the level of need across the Authority.

7.4 The data obtained from the audit is used to inform the decisions on planning targets and local priorities within those targets.

7.5 The EYDCP held a conference in November 2003 to review performance and plan priorities within guidelines and funding for 2004 - 2006.

7.6 The plan will be circulated to all EYDCP members. The EYDCP is still awaiting the recommencement of their Joint Elected Members group to help support planning and review progress.

Contact person

Philip Frankland

Tel: 01225 394483


Background papers

Previous plans are available on the Council website, go to Public A to Z, select E, then select Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership. Hard copies can be obtained from the Early Years Education, Childcare and Play Team on 01225 395349.