Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003

Appendix 5



8 May 2002


Our ref:

CK/ SP.8/14/5


Your ref:


Direct line:

01225 477888



01225 477890


E Mail:











«Stake_Address4» «Stake_Address5» «Stake_Postcode»


Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Consultation on Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance from Monday 13 May 2002 to Friday 21 June 2002

The Council's 5th February Strategy Committee approved for consultation purposes draft affordable housing supplementary planning guidance (SPG). The purpose is to provide detailed guidance on the implementation of the Council's planning policies on affordable housing contained in the existing and emerging development plan (Structure Plan and Local Plans). Once adopted it will be a material consideration in determining planning applications.

In accordance with Government advice the Council is consulting on the draft SPG and any comments will be taken into account before it is finalised.

Copies are available to be viewed at the following Council offices:

Keynsham Town Hall;

Riverside, Temple Street;

Trimbridge House, Bath;

The Hollies, Midsomer Norton; and

All public libraries including mobile libraries

In addition the SPG can be viewed on the Council's website at or available from me at the above postal address.

I would welcome any comments you wish to make whether objecting to or supporting the content of the SPG or indeed suggestions about any additions that you consider are needed. Comments should be received by 12 noon on Friday 21 June 2002 and only those made in writing or by e-mail during the consultation period (13 May - 21 June 2002) will be formally considered by the Council.

In making comments will you please provide the following information:

1. Your name or name of your organisation;

2. The paragraph number(s) you are commenting on;

3. Full and clear reasons for your objection to or support for the guidance or parts of the guidance;

4. The changes you are seeking (e.g. alternative, additional wording, or approach).

If you wish to comment please write to:

Colin Keane

Group Manager

Bath & North East Somerset Council

7 North Parade Buildings

Bath BA1 1NY

or e-mail

Following the consultation period comments will be considered and any changes agreed by the Council will be incorporated in a revised guidance. At the same time it will be adopted by the Council as Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Should you require further clarification please contact either Colin Keane as above or telephone 01225 477888.

Please remember that your comments should be received by 12 noon on Friday 21 June 2002.

Yours Faithfully,


Colin Keane

Group Manager