Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd December, 2003


Key Elements of the SPG and Proposed Changes

The table below sets out the key sections of the SPG and highlights where the main changes are proposed.

Draft SPG

Main Recommended Changes

Section 1 Purpose & Status

Supplements policies in the Structure Plan and Local Plans covering the District

Acknowledges that the Joint Replacement Structure Plan is now adopted and the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan Revised Deposit Draft published. Reference to SPG being a material consideration in determining planning applications.

Section 2 Introduction

Sets out the national planning context (PPG3 Housing & Circular 6/98 Planning & Affordable Housing), gives definition of affordable housing

No significant changes other than updating.

Section 3 Affordable Housing Policy

Describes the existing policy context in the Regional Planning Guidance for the South West, Structure Plan and Local Plans

Updating to recognise the JRSP is adopted and Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan Revised Deposit Draft published

Section 4 Assessing Housing Need

Explains how the Bath & North East Somerset Housing Survey 2000 identifies a need for around 1,730 subsidised homes by 2006 and 250 low cost market homes

Explains that 8% of households in Bath & North East Somerset responded to questionnaire

Section 5 Negotiating Affordable Housing under Development Plan Policies


Sets out site size threshold above which a proportion of affordable housing will be sought as identified in Local Plans covering the District

Explains the lower threshold in the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan Revised Deposit Draft which has been approved for use for development control purposes i.e. on large sites in urban areas and larger villages 15 or more dwellings or residential sites of 0.5 ha or more. In smaller villages 10 or more dwellings or sites of 0.5 ha or more.

Level of affordable housing provision:

Sets a target of 30% affordable units on sites meeting the threshold levels

Clarifies that standard development costs will not `generally' be considered as abnormal site costs.

Priority for on site provision:

Explains how this will create more balanced communities

No change

Type of affordable housing:

Generally a mix of units including family housing and small units. It may include housing to meet the needs of the elderly or other special needs groups.

Amended to refer to meeting the needs of key workers, older people and other specific groups. Self build may also be appropriate.


Explains that rented housing from a Registered Social Landlord is preferred but other options include shared ownership or equity and limited number of low cost market homes

Amended to explain that greatest need is for households earning less than £17,500 per year who cannot afford to purchase (as at time of Housing Survey 2000)


Emphasises the importance of good design, that affordable housing should be indistinguishable from general market housing and dispersed throughout the development

Adds reference to contacting historic environment officers.


Sets out the importance of providing affordable homes where there is good access to services and facilities by means other than the private car

No change

Section 6 Delivering Affordable Housing

Involvement of Registered Social Landlords

Developers are advised to work with Registered Social Landlords in provision of affordable housing. The Council will seek provision at nil public subsidy and the mechanism for providing units encouraged is design and build with costs calculated according to the prevailing Housing Corporation total cost indicators and grant rates. Appendix 1of the SPG sets this out in detail

Appendix 1 is amended to incorporate the Housing Corporation's new grant rate calculator which replaced the old printed tables. This change does not alter the principle of seeking affordable housing at nil public subsidy but merely replaces printed tables with an excel spreadsheet.

Timing of Affordable Housing Provision:

To be negotiated at outline as well as detailed planning application stage. Phasing may be appropriate. S.106 agreements used to secure affordable housing

No change

Occupancy Controls:

Where developer is to manage the affordable housing planning obligations will be used to secure benefits to those in local housing need

No change

Use of Planning Obligations:

Explains the planning obligations will be sought to secure affordable homes. Sets out circumstances where financial contributions toward provision of affordable housing elsewhere will be acceptable and how the level of contribution will be calculated

Reference to use of planning conditions added

Mortgagee-in-possession clause:

Enables sale of property on open market but only acceptable if it is demonstrated that one is required.

No change

Section 7 Rural Exception Schemes

Explains that provision of affordable housing may be acceptable on small sites within and adjoining existing specified villages which would not normally be granted planning permission for housing

Minor editorial changes and updating for clarification

Section 8 Further Information

List of documents relevant to affordable homes provision in Bath & North East Somerset
