Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd November, 2004


Bath & North East Somerset Council





Adopt policy with clear guidance and protocol with regards to registration, negotiation, amended plans, together with model 106 agreements and protocol.

Impact on


Major - 16%

Minor - 3%

Other - 3%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

Requirement for more management and support for staff when under pressure from applicants.

Council Issues

There has to be political buy in and support or the process will be undermined and staff will be uncertain in their approach.

Current Situation

Over the last six months the above approach has been adopted informally, but is not supported by guidance notes, clear written protocols, letters and documents reflecting the change in practice. However, the change has had an impact on the performance on major applications and to a lesser extent on the other applications. Due to lack of formal adoption of policy, there is not a consistent approach by all staff.


Prior to the adoption of the informal policy, consultation was carried out with the private sector, including local agents. There was a general acceptance of the inevitability of their approach as most agents are aware of the Government's agenda and other local authorities have adopted this practice. They considered pre-application discussion was essential to help the system work. The issue was also discussed with the Bristol and Bath Chapter of Architects who had similar views. There will be a requirement for further consultation with the private sector and Members prior to formal adoption.


· There could be a backlash from the private sector resulting in pressure on the Members to undermine the agreed process. This will cause difficulty for both staff and managers when negotiating with applicants.

· Negative publicity in local press etc.

· Growth in appeal work and potential to have costs awarded against the Authority.

Resource Implication

The costs associated with this include the staff and managerial time associated with producing new guidance notes, letters etc. and carrying out the consultation process, together with the actual printing costs.

Staff/management costs: £2,500.

Printing costs: £1,000

Total: £3,500

Source: existing budget

Timescales (implementation)

It is anticipated that the policy will be in place for implementation in January.

Timescales (achieving target)

Full impact July - Sept. 2005

Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager

Acting Planning Control Manager


· Agree protocol on negotiation and amendments with staff and agreed timescales for site visits.

· Change all documentation, guidance notes, letters etc.

· Agree process for registration to include Design Statements/Checklist.

· Engage with private sector.

· Agree 106 protocol with Legal Services

· Amend and update procedures manual as necessary and inform staff and Members.

Corporate Link

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

· To improve performance year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Agree, adopt and monitor a protocol with all external and internal consultees to ensure consultation timescales are adhered to.

Impact on


Major - 8%

Minor - 1%

Other - 1%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

Many applications, particularly the more complex ones require consultations with external bodies and internal Services. The speed of response to these consultees is an essential element in achieving improved performance.

Council Issues

It is vital that all other Services, involved as internal consultees, ensure that timely responses are received. This is particularly important with regards to T.A.W.M. who are a statutory consultee in the process.

Current Situation

There are regular examples of applications going out of time as a result of both internal and external consultees not responding within the required timescales. The key internal consultee is the Highway Authority, but often others are involved such as Economic Development, E.C.S., Education, Property, and Housing. The key external consultee is English Heritage and a significant number of Listed building applications go out of time as a result of the legislative requirements to consult. It is anticipated that the on-line planning system will help significantly all electronic consultees internally and, progressively, external consultees.


There needs to be consultation with all our consultees in order to adopt an agreed protocol.


· There is the potential for external consultees to be rigid in their processes. This is particularly a potential problem with English Heritage.

· Internal consultation responses are often dependent on resource levels, including cover at times of leave/sickness etc. This can be critical, particularly in relation to the Highway Authority.

Resource Implication

There are no direct resource implications to the Service, other than senior officer time consulting and agreeing a protocol. There might be some resource implications for other Services if they are to achieve the required timescales.

Management Time: £2,000

Total: £2,000

Source: Existing budget

Timescales (implementation)

The protocol for all consultees can be in place by April 2005.

Timescales (achieving target)

Full impact July - Sept. 2005

Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager

Acting Planning Control Manager


· Identify all external and internal consultees.

· Contact all consultees to discuss issues.

· Draft a protocol relevant to the consultee.

· Adopt protocol.

· Monitor protocol.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Adopt new management responsibilities within the Service and change this current professional/technical and admin. structures.

Impact on


Major - 5%

Minor - 2%

Other - 4%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The restructure will result in a fundamental change to how the professional officers work in the teams, and might bring new responsibilities to certain posts. It will also alter significantly the current admin. support process and teams. The change has to be brought about properly with staff involvement and manager support.

Council Issues

There has to be senior officer and Member support for the restructuring.

Current Situation

A new draft structure was produced last year putting forward proposals for change. This received general support from the staff and managers, although concerns were expressed about certain aspects of the proposals. Some changes are already in place at the senior management level. A new structure is to be proposed based on comments received, research on other local authorities, and further staff involvement taking into account the recent changes in the Council's Senior Management structure.


The staff and Trade Union were consulted on the draft structure produced last year. A meeting has recently been held with the Staff Group to have initial discussions about the new structure. Further consultation will take place as the proposal emerges.


The proposal being put forward may have a short term impact on staff morale which is always associated with uncertainty and change. There is likely to be an associated short term impact on performance.

Resource Implication

It is difficult to give a clear indication of the resource implications in advance of the new structure emerging. There may be some short term costs to cover employment issues, but these will be contained within existing budgets. The charge process will also require significant management time.

Staff/Management time costs: £6,000

Employment Issue costs: Unknown but estimated £10,000

Total: £16,000

Source: Existing budgets

Timescales (implementation)

It is proposed to have a draft structure in place by the end of November for consultation, with agreement by the end of December. The implementation for the structure to be in April 2005.

Timescales (achieving targets)

It is acknowledged that the changes will have a negative impact on performance during Oct. - Dec. 2004, and Jan. - April 2005. The positive impact will be achieved in Sept. 2005.

Accountability (responsible officer)

Head of Service

Service Business Manager

Acting Planning Control Manager

Policy and Projects Manager


· Change geographical based area teams.

· Change admin. support with B.P.R. and reference to customer access and I.T. system.

· Provide focused teams for service change, performance and its monitoring, and customer service and liaison.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Implement the Planning On-Line Project to include facility for tracking of applications, scanning, on-line submissions and comments, and on-line submission of fees. Ensure proper external links to planning portal etc. and clear access through the Council's website.

Impact on


Major - 4%

Minor - 2%

Other - 2%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The implementation of this project will fundamentally change the front and back end of the process. This will impact on the admin. role in registration etc. It will provide immediate information to officers on all current applications, and will help the consultation process and information available to the public. It will reduce paper in the office. The new structure needs to take into account the implications of this project.

Council Issues

The Project has close links with the Customer Access Programme, and will enable immediate access to information on current applications. Other services will be able to be consulted electronically with all the associated benefits, and in particular the Highways Authority. It will help the Council achieve BVP.157 targets.

Current Situation

The Project has been subject to a feasibility study and Business Case, produced by H.B.S. The financial model has now been agreed and the relevant software chosen. The start of the implementation is the end of September with a potential going live date in November.




· Experience has previously shown that on the implementation of new computer systems, performance will be adversely affected in the short term.

· There is evidence from other local authorities that the type of product can result in an increase in workload, as a result of the easy access to information on current applications and the improved potential for making representations.

· Proper support from the supplier.

· Proper support from H.B.S.

· Quality control and service delivery on the scanned documents.

· Lack of proper staff training and support.

Resource Implication

The Planning Delivery Grant money for 02/03 and 03/04 is being used for investment in the Version 7 Uniform upgrade and the End to End planning. The total cost of the Project in the first year is £178,758 (capital) and £25,430 revenue. The Planning Delivery Grant money, the £75,000 Council money for access to planning and the revenue savings from stopping the CD Rom process will cover these costs. There is an ongoing revenue cost of £22,500 but it is anticipated that there will be potential savings on administrative support costs to off-set this. It is anticipated that the successful implementation of the Project will result in some Planning Delivery Grant, if not in 05/06 then in 06/07. This funding could be used for the additional capital cost in 08/09.

Staff/Management time costs: £10,000

Capital/Revenue set-up costs: £205,000

Total: £215,000

Source: Existing identified budget

Timescales (implementation)

The implementation is due to start in late September, with the project fully established and operational in Jan./Feb. 2005.

Timescales (achieving targets)

In the early months of preparation and implementation there will be a negative impact on performance - Oct. 2004 - March 2005. The positive impact will be achieved by July - Sept. 2005.

Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager


· Feasibility Study

· Business Case

· Financial profile and model

· Planning Tracking

· Scanning implementation

· On-line submission

· Link to portal

· Electric consultation

· Electric submission of fees

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction by electronic delivery of 100% suitable services year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Change committee systems to one committee meeting on a 3 week cycle (proposal by O.D.P.M.'s consultants).

Impact on


Major - 6%

Minor - 2%

Other - 1%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

There are currently four committees responsible for Development Control decision making. Committee work and preparation requires considerable management and staff support time. Each committee involves agenda preparation, internal staff briefings, Member briefings, Member site visits, presentation preparation, and post committee work. One committee would be much easier to manage and there would be a saving on staff time which could help performance.

Council Issues

The Council is committed to an Area Committee pilot for a year and this committee has responsibility for Development Control decisions. The area committee concept has been in place since L.G.R., and any alteration to this would require a fundamental change to Members' views about the Democratic Process as it relates to decision making on planning applications.

Current Situation

There are currently four committees:

· DC 'A' - dealing with applications in parts of Bath.

· DC 'B' - dealing with applications in the rural area.

· Bath Area South - dealing with applications in parts of Bath.

· DC General Committee - dealing with strategic applications.


There will be consultation carried out in relation to assessing the Pilot Area Committee.


The change to the committee system as suggested by the O.D.P.M.'s consultants would require a fundamental change to the Council's current policy relating to the Democratic process, and if the change was implemented it would require Member support to be successful. If not, then there could be an impact on the Delegation levels, as Members might feel more inclined to ask for applications to be considered by committee.

Resource Implication

The reduced number of committees would free up officer time in the Planning Service, and would also impact on Legal Services, Democratic Services and T.A.W.M. This time could be re-invested to ensure increased performance on non-committee applications.

Reduced Management/Staff time costs: £20,000 per year.

Total saving: £20,000 per year



The Pilot Area Committee is committed until the end of the financial year. Any review of the Democratic Process is unlikely to have been completed by June 2005, and if there was to be a change the earliest date would probably by early 2006.

Timescales (achieving targets)

The achievement of the improvement targets would be in July - Sept., 2006.

Accountability (responsible officer)

Head of Service


Revise committee structure to have one DC Committee for the whole of the District, meeting on a 3 week cycle. There would still be the option of retaining the DC General Committee to deal with strategic applications and process/policy changes.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Revise Delegation Scheme to achieve Government Guidelines of 90%.

Impact on


Major - 3%

Minor - 1%

Other - 3%

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 9%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The higher the Delegation levels, the more staff time is freed up from committee support work. Higher Delegation levels require strong management support for staff when faced with pressures from applicants or Members.

Council Issues

The Council is keen to ensure that the increased levels of Delegation do not have a negative impact on the Democratic role of the Parish Councils, or takes away the opportunity for Members to refer applications to committee.

Current Situation

The Delegation Scheme was changed in May 2003 in order to increase levels from 79% towards the 90% target. This has resulted in an increase to 86% which has helped increase performance on "The Other" applications. The 90% level is already achieved in the urban area, which does not have Parish Councils as statutory consultees. A further revised scheme has now been adopted, following consultation and close co-ordination with the Parish Councils. This involves increasing the roles of the Chairs of the Committees in determining which applications to refer to committee following representations from the public and/or Parish Councils. This scheme will be fully implemented in October 2004.


The Parish Councils, amenity groups and private sector organisations were all consulted.


The Delegation Scheme could be undermined by applicants, and third parties putting pressure on Members to refer applications to committee. This would adversely impact on the process if there is not a consistent, uniform and firm approach by Members and the Chairs of committees.

Resource Implication

The reduction in applications referred to committee will free up officer time which will help them achieve the targets.

Management time costs: £3,000

Total: £3,000

Source: Existing budgets

Timescales (implementation)

The latest Delegation Scheme is to be reviewed in February 2005.

Timescales (achieving targets)

Oct. - Dec. 2004

Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager

Acting Planning Control Manager


· Monitor new Delegation Scheme and see how it impacts on performance.

· Monitor number of applications dealt with by Chairs and resulting decisions.

· Monitor delegation %.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Engage with Senior Politicians and Senior Officers in the Council, including the Chief Executive and Leader, in order to achieve corporate engagement with the issues and change the culture with regards to the importance of the targets.

Impact on


Major - ) The change in

Minor - ) culture will

Other - ) underpin many of

the other Actions

referred to as they

require support from

a senior level and


engagement and

sign up.

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The sign up by the Council at senior level will give the staff and managers of the Service the confidence to take forward and implement some of the Actions in the Improvement Plan.

Council Issues

Whilst it is important for the Senior Officers and Senior Members of the Council to be engaged in this process and change the culture with regards to the targets, it is essential all Members of the Council and stakeholders are aware of the changes.

Current Situation

· A scrutiny meeting was held on the 26th July by the Planning, Transportation, Economy and Sustainable Overview and Scrutiny Panel to consider the O.D.P.M. July letter. The Panel have now produced a report to the Executive Member for Sustainability and the Environment with a series of recommendations, with a request that they be considered by the Executive.

· The Head of Service has given a presentation to the Directors' Group which is made up of the Chief Executive and Directors, in order to explain the issues and seek their support in delivering the targets.

· The Head of Service has given a similar presentation to the Executive (an informal meeting).

· It is anticipated that an Improvement Plan will be reported to the Executive on the 3rd November.


The above process is the necessary consultation required to properly engage with the Council.


Lack of engagement at Senior Management and Member level, and/or little communication with relevant services and other Members could undermine many of the Actions proposed.

Resource Implication

The use of Senior Officer time in presenting the issues and writing the relevant reports.

Management time costs: £1,000

Total: £1,000

Source: Existing budgets

Timescales (implementation)

The engagement and presentation process should be complete by the middle of October. On-going communications will be required through to 2007 and beyond.

Timescales (achieving targets)


Accountability (responsible officer)

Head of Service


· Identify the correct and most effective method of engagement.

· Ensure all aspects are explained to Members and officers alike and the part they need to play.

· Ensure necessary formal decision process taken place.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Carry out a detailed exercise of process mapping for each type of application.

Impact on


Major - ) The Actions will

Minor - ) underpin and Other - ) inform the other

key Actions (1, 2 &

3), and will help

enable the impacts

on performance


Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The process mapping exercise could result in some fundamental changes to the way of working which will impact on staff in some areas. There are clear linkages with the restructuring process, procedures and the I.T. system, together with the B.P.R. process.

Council Issues

Any changes to the ways of working will need to be communicated with the relevant Services and Members within the Council, and in particular the Development Control Members.

Current Situation

Whilst some process mapping has taken place, particularly in relation to the major applications, further detailed work is required. The appointment of the Service Business Manager who starts at the end of September will facilitate this.


The process mapping exercise will involve many of the staff and consultation will also take place through the Staff Group.


There are risks of carrying out this exercise in isolation of the restructuring, I.T. system development and the implications of the Customer Access Programme.

Resource Implication

The exercise will take senior management time and also some staff time.

Staff/Management time costs: £3,000

Total: £3,000

Source: Existing budget

Timescales (implementation)

The initial mapping process will take place through October and November.

Timescales (achieving targets)


Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager


Key barriers to improvement on all applications have been identified by the O.D.P.M.'s consultants, and relate to many of the Actions put forward. However, more detailed work is required, specifically on the processing of the applications and the systems/procedures which support these.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Procure dedicated resource to deal with the backlog of applications.

Impact on


Major - ) In the longer term

Minor - ) the removal of the

Other - ) backlog will enable

improvement to be

made across the

board, in the

context of the other

Actions detailed.

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The process of dealing with the backlog with a dedicated resource will help free up officer time to deal with current and new applications. It will adversely impact on performance in the short term as out of time applications go through the system.

Council Issues

The Council must recognise and support the concept of a short term drop in performance to achieve the longer term targets.

Current Situation

In certain areas backlogs have built up as a result of the increase in numbers of applications, involvement with the major project work, and the pressure to deal with the new applications quickly. The backlog applications tend to be the more complex ones which are subject to negotiations, legal agreements and other difficulties. These can be resource hungry to deal with. There is the potential to get some of the applications withdrawn.


The person dealing with the backlog will have to work closely with the applicants and the other consultees in the process. The staff will also need to be closely involved.


There is the potential for complaints from the applicants if pressure is being applied to bring a resolution to an application. The short term drop in performance could result in an adverse reaction from different parties.

Resource Implication

There is no capacity for this exercise to be done with the existing professional staff resource. The exercise will require the procurement of an external resource. This cost could be in the order of £10,000. Vacancy management is being used to fund this cost.

Management/Staff cost: £1,000

Consultant's cost: £10,000

Total: £11,000

Source: Existing budgets

Timescales (implementation)

It is anticipated that the backlog exercise will take place between October and December which will impact on that quarter performance statistics.

Timescales (achieving targets)

It is anticipated that the backlog will be dealt with by April 2005.

Accountability (responsible officer)

Service Business Manager

Acting Planning Control Manager


· Identify all backlog applications.

· Procure suitable resource.

· Ensure external resource works closely with respective case officer.

· Maximise the potential for withdrawing applications to reduce impact on performance.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.

Bath & North East Somerset Council





Identify resource requirements to achieve targets in the context of staffing numbers (professional officer and admin/technical support).

Impact on


Major - ) It is clear that there

Minor - ) is a relationship

Other - ) between

performance and

staff numbers.

However, the impact

is unclear until such

time as other

Actions are put into

place at which point


requirements can

better be assessed.

Required Improvement from

Nov. 04 - March 07

Major - 35%

Minor - 7%

Other - 10%

Service Issues

The budget for this year has been set and the P.D.G. has primarily been used for I.T. system. There is some money available within existing budgets for the procurement of short term temporary staff where necessary, although it has not proved easy to recruit, such a resource has resulted in difficulties. The current workloads are about 172 cases per officer which is above the 150 referred to by the O.D.P.M.

Council Issues

The Council is embarking on the Service and Budget Planning process for the year 2005/06. The demands of the Service overall will need to be taken into account, in this process. The Council has identified £250k to be made available where necessary to the Planning Service, to procure resource to assist in dealing with some of the significant major projects and schemes which are coming through the process and which are putting a significant strain on both the Development Control and Policy staff.

Current Situation

· If the significant work associated with the major projects is discounted, then it is difficult to properly assess what the resource requirements are in advance of the implementations of the other Action and, in particular, the changes to procedure and policy, the implementation of the I.T. system and the restructuring. Whilst the current workload figures are above the benchmark referred to by the O.D.P.M., this benchmark has to be seen in the context of the overall picture.

· The Council has adopted (earlier this year) a policy to allow charging for pre-application advice on major schemes with a Build Value of over £5m. This has yet to achieve any success with regards to achieving additional income, and as such the threshold may need to be re-examined in the future.

· The situation with regards to the P.D.G. for next year is unclear and as such it is difficult to assess how much funding through this source might or might not be forthcoming. In this context it would be wrong to factor in any potential additional funding at this stage.


Any additional staff resource and procurement would be subject to the normal consultation process.


There is an element of risk in awaiting some of the changes proposed in the other Actions before assessing what the resource requirements are. However, this is a sound basis on which to proceed and will ensure the most efficient and effective use of public funds.

Resource Implication

These are zero until such time as the other Actions are fully implemented.

Timescales (implementation)

The timescales relate to the completion and implementation of the other Actions. The success or otherwise of the P.D.G. for next year will also be influential in this as will the potential to achieve additional income.

Timescales (achieving targets)

In September 2005 there will need to be an examination in detail of the resource levels following the implementation and effectiveness of some of the key actions.

Accountability (response officer)

Head of Service


Assess over time the impact of the other Actions and relate these to the ongoing workload levels, and the success or otherwise of those Actions on performance.

Corporate Links

Council Community Improvement Priorities

· Increase availability of Affordable Housing

· Improving the urban public realm.

· Achieve more effective use of Council's resources.

Council Objectives

· Improving the quality of life and the environment.

Council Goals

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

· Protecting our environment

· Making best use of our resources

Council Targets

To improve customer satisfaction year on year.





(Gov. Target 60%)


(Gov. Target 65%)


(Gov. Target 80%)

Implementation Date



+ Cost/

- Saving




Change Policy and Procedures, on negotiation, registration, amended plans, 106 agreement etc. until consultation.




Jan. 2005

July - Sept.






Agree adopt and monitor a protocol with all external and internal consultees to ensure consultation timescales are adhered to.

+ 8%



April 2005

July - Sept.


+ £2,000




Restructuring and new management responsibilities.




April 2005

July - Sept.






P. & P. M.


Implementation of On-line Planning.




Nov. 2005

July - Sept.





Change committee system to 1 committee every 3 weeks.




Jan. 2006

July - Sept.


- £20,000



Revise Delegation Scheme.




Oct. 2004

Oct. - Dec.










Oct. 2004 -

Jan. 2006

Oct. 2004 -

June 2006


- £30,000


Improvement Target Requirement (based on July 03 - June 04)









(Gov. Target 60%)


(Gov. Target 65%)


(Gov. Target 80%)



- Saving



Key Action 3

Restructuring and new management responsibilities.




Oct. 2004 - March 2005


Table A


Table A

Key Action 4

Implementation of On-Line Planning




Oct. 2004 - March 2005


Table A


Table A


Action 3

Procure dedicated resource to deal with the backlog of applications




Oct. 2004 - March 2005









Oct. 2004 -

March 2005
