Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd September, 2008

I am Mrs. Carolyn Allen, the freehold owner of 44, Ashley Avenue, one of the properties directly affected by the proposed compulsory purchase orders under discussion.

I would like to lay out my personal objections to having a CPO placed on my property.

. The BRT will involve removal of trees and vegetation located on my boundary. At the moment these provide me with privacy, security, insulation from noise from the industrial estate and a pleasant outlook. These were some of the reasons why I bought my house a little over two and a half years ago.

. During construction, my security will be compromised, a concern, since I am out at work during the day. At the moment the land adjoining my property is privately owned and I have a fence topped with barbed wire and have yet to be worried by intruders. Also, I live alone, as does my neighbour Mrs. Page, an eighty year old who has recently been widowed.

. One metre of my land is required. This is 7% of my garden and over a third of the flat area on which I have a shed. I have plans to landscape this in the future. Also, this is the only shady part of my garden due to the trees. If I lose this land, I will have nowhere to store my garden implements and furniture. Likewise, Mrs. Page will be unable to relocate her greenhouse and compost bin.

. Surely the amount of land required from me for the BRT can be gained from the land on the other side. In which case, the construction of the road would not impact on all of the residents in my terrace in such an intrusive manner.

.Lamp standards will be installed on the proposed road which will impact on me as will the noise of the buses. Visitors describe my garden as a haven when they visit. This will not be the case should the BRT run along the planned route.

.The value of my property will be acutely affected by any loss of land. I am five years away from retirement, and this house is crucial to plans for my future. The saleability will be affected since it will be less desirable to prospective buyers. I had two valuations carried out earlier this year. Both Estate Agents expressed their concerns regarding the impact of the loss of any land on the value of my house.

.Any CPO served on me and others will surely give rise to Appeal, based mainly on the Human Rights Issue. I hope this will result in a Public Enquiry.
