Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd September, 2003

Bath & North East Somerset Council





3rd September 2003


Transportation Service Capital Programme 2003 - 2004




List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 - Integrated Transport Programme

Appendix 2 - Highway Maintenance Programme



1.1 This report sets out the Transport Capital Programme in detail for members' approval.

1.2 The programme of expenditure aims to develop the policies of the Local Transport Plan in accordance with Government guidelines.


2.1 That Members approve the Detailed Capital Programmes in Appendices 1 and 2.

2.2 That Members grant delegated authority to the Head of Transportation, Access and Waste Management, in consultation with The Executive Member, to alter the capital programme as may prove necessary during 2003/2004 within the overall budget allocation.


3.1 The total funding made available under the Local Transport Plan is £7.338 million. The allocation is split into £2.587 million for Integrated Transport and £4.751 million for maintenance.

3.2 As part of the Council's budget for 2002/03 further additional funding has been provided for transport and highways. This is in the form of a further £544,000 capital funding. This additional funding is provided to help the Council meet its aims and objectives contained in the Local Transport Plan.

3.3 The programme as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 has been overprogrammed by 10% which allows slippage. However, the spending will be managed throughout the year to ensure that the overall budget of £7,832,000 is not exceeded.


4.1 The Local Transport Plan sets out a number of key targets in relation to transport and the Government Office for the South West are monitoring the Council's progress in meeting these targets. The spending profiles aim to achieve progress across the various targets although the Council's aspirations are unlikely to be met at the current level of funding.

4.2 The Government's allocation of capital expenditure on transport is a considerable improvement on previous years. A supplementary bid gained £2.23 million for maintenance works to the Wellsway in Bath. The Council has prioritised transport highly within its budget for 2003/04 through additional funds shown above. Government will be advised of the Council's commitment to transport including this additional funding as part of the annual review of the LTP and through the Best Value process.

4.3 Appendix 1 sets out the projects for the Integrated Transport Programme. Appendix 2 sets out the Maintenance Programme which includes Bridges as well as carriageway/footway works. Funding is also recommended to complete the assessment work for the vaults within Bath. Officers have a priority towards highway maintenance rather than bridges and this may well require heavy goods restrictions to be brought in instead of strengthening.

4.4 Appendices 1 and 2 also show how each project meets the objectives of the Local Transport Plan by linkage to the five strategic objectives of the Local Transport plan which are as follows

1. To protect Bath as a World Heritage Site, and to seek local environmental enhancements throughout the district.

2. To minimise the risk of personal injury to all road users and to ensure the area is safe.

3. To facilitate the prosperity of local businesses through policies which make travel more efficient.

4. To provide high levels of accessibility for all and promote public transport.

5. To gain maximum benefit from transport systems through the integration of their planning and operation

4.5 Whilst a major element of funding is suggested for carriageway maintenance £2.23 million of this has been identified as funding for the A367 Wellsway scheme. This level of funding needs to be sustained if the condition of highways is to be improved.

4.6 Regular monitoring reports will be discussed with the Executive Member for Transport and Highways to ensure progress of the programme of works.

Contact person

Steve Howell Head of Transportation, Access & Waste Management

Rhys Davies Team Leader

Background Papers
