Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd May, 2006


Council Executive 3rd May 2006

Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West 2006 - 2026

1.0 Introduction

Members may recall that the 11th January Council Executive considered progress on the South West Regional Assembly's (SWRA) preparation of the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West 2006 - 2026 (RSS).

1.1 At that time the draft RSS Version 2 set out a spatial strategy for Bath & North East Somerset with a total dwelling requirement of 16,500 dwellings. This was revised to 16,900 dwellings in Version 2.2 subsequently reported to the 19th January Council. It set out the following spatial distribution:

Urban extension at South East Bristol about 6,000 dwellings

Bath Urban Area about 6,000 dwellings

Bath Urban Extension (south of Bath) up to1,000 dwellings

Rest of the District's towns & villages about 3,900 dwellings

Total Bath & North East Somerset

dwelling requirement 16,900 dwellings

Overall employment in Bath expected to rise by 16,000 - 20,000 jobs.

1.2 This compared with the Council's and West of England Partnership's own proposals submitted to the SWRA in September 2005 which totalled 15,400 dwellings but was not locationally specific.

1.3 The report to the 11th January Executive set out an alternative strategy for Bath & North East Somerset for consideration. This was modified in a report to 19th January Council where the following District Strategy was agreed:

Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset agreed by Council:

"Strategy for Bath

i. Optimise capacity of Bath existing urban area to accommodate deliverable and sustainable growth respecting the responsibility to protect its world heritage value and enhance its economic base. The realistic capacity within Bath is currently considered to be c 5,000 (2006-2026);

ii. Subject to ongoing environmental impact studies, optimise the potential to implement a deliverable urban extension to the south of Bath which respects the responsibility to protect the setting of the World Heritage Site and the surrounding AONB and Green Belt. The considered maximum capacity is 1,000 dwellings.

Strategy Adjoining Bristol

i. To ensure retention of Green Belt separation between the Bristol urban area and the Keynsham built-up area

ii. To accommodate mixed-use urban extension to the south east of Bristol to assist in the regeneration of south Bristol and meeting Bristol's economic growth. Initial work indicates a capacity in Bath & North East Somerset of about 5,000 dwellings.

Elsewhere in the District

i. In total the rest of the District could contribute the remaining 4,400 dwellings.

ii. A strategy for the rest of the District focussing on optimising the capacity of Keynsham and securing regeneration objectives for the south of the District.

iii. The delivery of necessary infrastructure must be an integral part of this strategy.

iv. To work with neighbouring Authorities to integrate growth strategies.

The spatial breakdown of dwelling numbers set out above relates to the provision of 15,400 dwellings and not 16,900 dwellings as suggested in RSS (Version 2.2)."

1.4 The full resolution of Council is set out in Annex 1. This report updates the Executive on progress on RSS preparation; outlines the main issues it raises and the Council's response; explains progress on points raised by the 19th January Council; sets out the future programme of consultation; and refers to further work required to support the Bath & North East Somerset District Strategy.

2.0 The Regional Spatial Strategy to be submitted to the Secretary of State by the South West Regional Assembly

2.1 Since the last RSS version 2.2 was reported to Council there have been a number of other draft versions prepared before the final Version 3.2 was agreed by the 10th March meeting of the SWRA for submission to the Secretary of State (versions 2.3, 3, and 3.1).

2.2 In summary, Version 3.2 sets out the following spatial strategy for Bath & North East Somerset:

Urban extension at South East Bristol about 6,000 dwellings

Bath Urban Area about 6,000 dwellings

Bath Urban Extension (south of Bath) up to 1,500 dwellings

Remainder of Bath & North East Somerset about 2,000 dwellings

Total Bath & North East Somerset 15,500 dwellings

2.3 Job growth in the Bath Travel to Work Area of between 16,000 - 20,000 jobs. Extension of the Green Belt south of Bath toward Midsomer Norton and Radstock. The RSS contains a range of other policies and proposals which have previously been reported to Members covering sustainable development; Spatial Strategy and guidance for the scale and location of development; sub-regional strategy statements and housing distribution; transport; affordable housing and provision of services and community facilities; the environment and cultural infrastructure; the economy; deprivation; and equality.

2.4 The full document can be viewed electronically at

2.5 The full text of the spatial strategy for Bath & North East Somerset is contained in section 4, paras 4.2.1 - 4.2.16 - Sub Regional Strategy Statements and Housing Distribution.

3.0 Key Issues arising from the Draft RSS Version 3.2

1. Overall Dwelling Requirement in the South West Region and West of England

3.1 The most significant change made from version 2.2 is the overall dwelling requirement where the West of England figure is reduced to those submitted by the West of England Partnership in the First Detailed Proposals (FDP) last September i.e. 92,500 dwellings. The Bath & North East Somerset contribution is 100 more than the FDP at 15,500 dwellings.

3.2 This reduction followed the consideration by the SWRA 27th January meeting of RSS Draft 2.3. The meeting amended the overall dwelling figure for the South West region downwards from 25,000 to 22,000 dwellings per annum accepting the advice of the strategic authorities (4/4 advice). However, a report to the 10th March SWRA meeting setting out the technical case for the original 25,000 dwellings per annum figure suggests the dwelling numbers submitted by the West of England Partnership are too low and that there is a "high risk that a significant net increase in commuting to the WoE could result" (paper F Appendix 1 of the SWRA agenda).

3.3 Paper F of the 10th March meeting of the SWRA claims that the 25,000 dwellings per annum figure is in line with reasonable economic and population forecasts for the region. However, the SWRA agreed a lower figure of 23,150 dwellings per annum for the region which in the main reflects the strategic advice from the strategic authorities (4/4 advice).

3.4 Although the lower figure is in the draft RSS, the report to the SWRA made the point that the 25,000 dwellings per annum represents the best `technical case' and that the lower figure will "undoubtedly be tested at the Examination in Public (EIP) and the robustness of the 4/4 (strategic authority advice) evidence ..... will be open to scrutiny".

3.5 These reports appear to set out a begrudging acceptance of the lower figure, not a justification for it and the West of England and constituent authorities will need to set out a robust case at the EIP if the lower figure is to be recommended by the EIP Panel to the Secretary of State.

3.6 The basis for the SWRA officers higher figures have consistently been challenged by the Council and the West of England Partnership and this will need to be further pursued during the forthcoming consultation period and at the EIP.

2. Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset

3.7 The strategy set out in the RSS still fails to recognise the concerns already expressed by the Council and reiterated in letters to the SWRA Secretariat both from Bath & North East Somerset and the West of England Partnership (see Annexes 2 & 3). These are:

1) The capacity of Bath to accommodate 6,000 dwellings plus the majority of the 16,000 - 20,000 jobs forecast for the Bath Travel to Work area;

2) The Regional Assembly jobs forecast does not concur with the Council's own forecasts of around 9,000 jobs for Bath. This will impact on the amount of land required for employment uses.

3) The Bath urban extension figure of 1,500 dwellings is considered too high and it must be subject to further assessment against sustainability criteria including an assessment of the impact on the setting of the World Heritage site, Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt.

4) The capacity figure for an urban extension adjoining south east Bristol is too high.

5) There is no flexibility in RSS to enable development at other settlements to contribute to meeting regeneration objectives, local needs and the needs of the District. Such locations should be well connected by sustainable transport links to main urban areas; development would need to support or enhance local services and employment opportunities.

6) The key diagram of the RSS is too specific and should be more diagrammatic in identifying possible locations for development and changes to the Green Belt.

3. Provision of Infrastructure

3.8 The SWRA have deleted Policy SR10 contained in Version 2.3 which specifically linked delivery of growth across the West of England with the need for significant investment in infrastructure:

"SR10 Delivering the scale of growth across the West of England's three main urban areas will require significant investment in infrastructure to enable increased economic and residential development. Implementation of the proposals for the sub-region will require national and regional stakeholders including national, regional and local government, together with the private sector and appropriate agencies, to provide investment in infrastructure and services (including affordable housing) that is in phase with the demands of development and that addresses existing deficiencies, including:

- demand management measures;

- Greater Bristol Bus Network/showcase bus routes along strategic corridors;

- Bath public transport package;

- strategic rapid transit network (Hengrove/North Fringe, Ashton Vale/Emerson's Green, Bath/Cribbs Causeway);

- selective additional strategic highway capacity to serve business investment and regeneration in South Bristol and Weston-super-Mare, improve access to the airport, including the South Bristol Ring Road;

- selective additional strategic links to motorways and other trunk route networks;

- Weston super Mare package including improvements to motorway junction;

- major Park and Ride improvements;

- significantly enhanced interchange facilities;

- increased walking and cycling provision;

- significant development of the heavy rail network;

- social and community infrastructure including provision of health, education, and sport, recreational and cultural facilities commensurate with an increase in the population;

- coastal defences expected to be necessary to enable the economic potential of Avonmouth and Severnside to be realised;

- new waste management facilities required to reduce landfill dependency, achieve greater local self-sufficiency and respond to economic and population growth. "

3.9 Whilst generic policies in Version 3.2 (SP4 - Sustainable Communities and SI3 - Provision of Community Services) refer to ensuring that supporting infrastructure is delivered in step with development, it is considered essential that SR10 or similar be reinstated.

3.10 As it now stands as set out in policy SR5 of the latest version of the RSS (version 3.2), the only key infrastructure necessary to enable the development of 7,500 dwellings and provision for around 16,000 - 20,000 jobs at Bath is "Bath public transport package including longer term Rapid Transit measures". This is unacceptable in a sub-region which is expected to deliver the highest levels of growth in the South West Region and at a historic City expected to accommodate such substantial levels of development.

4. South Bristol Ring Road (see also paras 4.10 - 4.13 below)

3.11 The draft RSS policy SR4 refers to investment in key infrastructure to enable the achievement of development within and adjoining Bristol. The list of infrastructure includes the need for improvements to the roads in South Bristol, including the South Bristol Ring Road. However this is considered to be ambiguous and the policy should be more explicit and clarify that its provision, and in particular the Hicks Gate to Hengrove section, is essential for delivery of the strategy for growth at south east Bristol and regeneration of south Bristol. The Hicks Gate to Hengrove section has been given a relatively low priority by the Assembly through the regional funding allocation (RFA) process. This is a process where the South West Regional Assembly provides advice to the Government on spending priorities for housing, transport and economic development.

3.12 The January 27th meeting of the SWRA agreed to advise the Government that the South Bristol Ring between the A38 and A370 and A38 to Hengrove should be in the RFA programme up to 2016, but that the link between Hick's Gate, Whitchurch and the Hengrove roundabout be categorised as being available for delivery beyond 2016. Given that this link will be essential if Bath & North East Somerset is to meet the with the proposed RSS development requirements adjoining south east Bristol, an urban extension is only likely to come forward in the latter years of the RSS period and it must raise doubts as to whether the RSS strategy for this area can be achieved.

3.13 The Government has not yet agreed the RFA and the results will not be known until the funding awards are made, anticipated to be in early summer. The RFA advise will also be reviewed as the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review is undertaken starting later in the year. There is therefore an opportunity to further influence the Assembly's transport priorities. The priority given to the scheme in the emerging Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study will be another factor.

5. Affordable Housing

3.14 Policy H1 seeks 30% - 60% of all housing to be affordable. Given that under government guidance in PPG3 the site size thresholds above which affordable housing can be sought is currently 0.5 ha or 15 dwellings except where exceptional circumstances are shown, this would result in the need to seek 40% - 80% of affordable housing in qualifying sites. This policy needs further consideration.

3.15 There have been many other detailed comments made, which in most cases have not resulted in any changes to the RSS. A further report to the July Executive and Council will recommend detailed comments for submission to the Secretary of State during the statutory consultation period.

4.0 Actions relating to Council Resolution 19th January 2006 (see Annex 1)

4.1 The 19th January Council raised a number of concerns regarding the content of the RSS and instructed the Council Executive to take specific action on some of these. Progress on each issue is discussed below.

(i) The suggestion by the South West Regional Assembly that Bath could sustain an increase of 20,000 jobs is unrealistic. Council resolved to instruct the Council Executive to review the methodology used by the SWRA in relation to job and house building targets and argue for revised targets based upon creating a sustainable Bath & North East Somerset community.

4.2 Policy SR5 of the Draft RSS proposes provision of job growth in the Bath Travel to Work Area (TTWA) of between 16,000 - 20,000 jobs. The Bath TTWA includes the eastern half of Bath & North East Somerset, including the Norton-Radstock area but excluding Keynsham; part of West Wilts including Corsham but not Chippenham or Trowbridge; and northern Mendip including Frome. The majority of jobs would be located at Bath. The Council and the West of England Partnership officers have continually questioned the assumptions made by the Regional Assembly on employment projections which appear to be too high. It is considered that the assumptions made on Growth Value Added (GVA) are too high; assumptions on output and jobs growth are too high; jobs growth capacity constraints and past trends not properly considered; and the ratio between jobs and need for housing too high. Estimates carried out by the JSPTU indicate potential growth of about 9,000 jobs at Bath between 2006 and 2026 creating a need for around 8,000 dwellings.

4.3 The Regional Assembly have not revised their jobs growth assumptions despite evidence provided and the Council and West of England Partnership will need to continue to make detailed representations on these issues relating to job growth and the relationship with housing need.

(ii) That any house building in response to targets must be tied to improvements to infrastructure. The Council resolved to instruct the Council Executive to bind each element of the District Strategy with commensurate improvements in transport, school, health, and other appropriate infrastructure in future documents and negotiations with the West of England Partnership or SWRA /Government as a pre-condition to building extra houses.

4.4 At the outset the West of England Partnership has emphasised the need for infrastructure provision to be in step with development. The First Detailed Proposals state in para 11.1:

"Implementation of the proposals set out in this spatial strategy depends on commitments from national, regional and local government, together with the private sector, to provide investment in infrastructure and services (including affordable housing) that is in phase with the demands of development and that addresses existing deficiencies. Without this commitment, the spatial strategy cannot be delivered."

4.5 This remains the case and further representations have been and will need to be made to reinforce this position (see also paras 3.8 - 3.10 above).

4.6 Part of the brief from the Regional Assembly to the Joint Study Area strategic authorities was for the submission of a schedule outlining the infrastructure, affordable housing and other community benefits required to deliver the urban concentration agenda. This would provide input into the development of the SWRA Implementation Plan which it has to prepare under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act.

4.7 Consultants have been appointed to carry out this work for the West of England to estimate the likely investment required to implement the West of England element of the RSS and identify any resulting funding gaps. It is being carried out in two phases.

4.8 The Stage One report is a short study designed to provide two key outputs. First, to provide within a short period of time an initial estimate of the potential West of England infrastructure costs between 2006 and 2026 and an overview of potential funding sources. Second, to provide the context for more detailed work in Stage Two in order to more comprehensively establish the exact scale of the funding challenge to meet the cost of future infrastructure investment. Stage Two will provide a framework for a more detailed, `bottom-up' analysis that will differentiate between locations in terms of requirements, costs, funding and phasing implications.

4.9 Phase 1 is expected to be completed during April this year and Phase 2 will follow later in the year subject agreement on funding of the study. It will be essential for this work to be submitted to and agreed by the SWRA as input into the RSS Implementation Plan to cement the strategy with the need for provision and funding of infrastructure.

(iii) The timescale for the completion of the Avon Ring Road south of Bristol between Keynsham and Whitchurch is unacceptably long and paramount to any prior development. Resolved to instruct the Council Executive to present a case to the SWRA for the Avon Ring Road south of Bristol between Keynsham and Whitchurch being completed before 2016. (see also paras 3.11 - 3.13 above)

4.10 The Regional Assembly's approved RFA for Capital Transport Schemes to 2016 contains a number of schemes for the West of England Sub Region including for the completion of the Avon Ring Road in 3 stages:

A37 to A38 red link construction starting in 2010/11

A38 to Hengrove link construction starting in 2012/2013

and the Hengrove to Hicks Gate Link construction beyond 2016

4.11 The Final Joint Local Transport Plan approved by this Council for delivery to Government on March 31st 2006 recommends the construction of the Southern Ring Road from the A370 to the A4 at Hick's Gate to be delivered in a phased approach as recommended in the draft Greater Bristol Strategic Study and as shown above. Phase 3 is the Hengrove to A4 Hick's Junction with the A4174 to be delivered in the medium to long term. As part of the development of the first two phases an appraisal of the full route of the southern ring road would be undertaken. Detailed route alignments for this 3rd phase would however not be undertaken until Major Scheme bids for phases 1 and 2 have been prepared and consulted on.

4.12 Thus the above sets out the agreed programme for the phasing of the schemes and resources for delivery of the Southern Ring Road. Should the Council wish to accelerate the later phase additional budget resources would be required.

4.13 Officers, in making representations to the SWRA and the consultants carrying out the GBSTS, have made it clear that development on urban extension at south east Bristol is dependent upon the provision of the section of the ring road between Hick's Gate, Whitchurch and Hengrove.

5.0 Consultations

5.1 Under the Planning Act the SWRA will need to formally consult on the Draft RSS. It is understood that this will be in a twelve week period during May to July. The precise dates are yet to be confirmed.

5.2 Representations will be forwarded to the EIP Panel who will then prepare for the EIP anticipated to be held between February and March 2007. After considering the Panel's report the Secretary of State should publish any revisions during 2008. The Secretary of State will then publish final changes.

5.3 The EIP will test the soundness of the Draft RSS and will cover the matters identified by the Panel i.e. not all representations will be heard. Participants will be at the invitation of the Panel with the main criteria being the significance of the contribution participants can be expected to make to the discussion.

5.4 A summary of the consultation and EIP process can be found on the SWRA website `RSS update' newsletter at:

5.5 This is made available to Parish Councils and other SWRA stakeholders. It provides links to the SWRA website where the relevant documents can be found. A further issue will be published prior to the formal consultation period setting out the process and detailed timetable. In addition it is understood that an executive summary of the Draft RSS will be made available. It is not yet known how else the SWRA will publicise the Draft RSS.

5.6 Whilst this will bring the proposal in the Draft RSS to some of the stakeholders and public in Bath & North East Somerset it is likely that many will be unaware of the content, the process and the opportunity to comment. In this context the Council Executive may wish to consider how to further publicise the Draft RSS. Possible options are:

B7 link on Council website

B7 article in June version of Council News

B7 letter to Local Development Document stakeholders

5.7 Members may wish to further consider this matter at the meeting.

6.0 Next Steps

6.1 In order for the West of England Partnership and Bath & North East Somerset to further develop the strategy for the District it will be necessary to carry out a range of further studies in time to inform the response to the Draft RSS consultation. The SWRA have agreed that should the Partnership and Bath & North East Somerset provide compelling evidence for an alternative strategy then the Regional Planning Body would be supportive of changes proposed and it could be introduced at the EIP.

6.2 A programme of work is being carried out as a matter of urgency both by officers of the Council and those in the Joint Strategic, Planning & Transportation Unit (JSPTU). It includes:

1. Bath urban extension landscape and heritage study to assess impact of an urban extension to the south of Bath.

2. Review urban housing and employment capacity for Bath, Norton-Radstock and Keynsham linking with the Visioning work being undertaken by the Major Projects Team.

3. Review capacity of potential urban extensions at south east Bristol, Norton-Radstock and Keynsham.

4. Carry out a sustainability appraisal of development options for meeting growth/development requirement. This will involve looking beyond Bath & North East Somerset at locations in West Wiltshire and Mendip. Discussions are already taking place with these authorities.

5. Assessment of Green Belt Implications for proposed strategy.

6. Input into the Infrastructure Study for the West of England.

7. Analysis of implications of GBSTS final report.

8. Further analysis of final draft version of the RSS.

6.3 A report on the progress of these studies and proposed representations on the Draft RSS will be brought to the Council Executive and Council in July.

7. Conclusion

7.1 The Draft RSS has now been agreed for submission to the Secretary of State.

7.2 The strategy as it affects Bath & North East Somerset raises significant issues in terms of location and levels of development and supporting infrastructure. In order to prepare representations for submission to the SWRA there is a significant amount of evidence to be prepared. Whether the SWRA consultation will sufficiently engage with the residents, organisations and businesses in Bath & North East Somerset is also an issue and Members may wish to consider this further.


Minutes of Council Meeting

19th January 2006


The Council considered a report on a referral from the Council Executive at its meeting on 11th January about the issues emerging from the second draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the West of England being published by the South West Regional Assembly.

During the debate on this item Councillor Curran undertook, in response to a request from Councillor Nigel Roberts, to contact UNESCO to investigate if action could be taken to limit the growth of the housing proposed for the Bath area in the draft Strategy because of the City's World Heritage Site status.

On a motion from Councillor Gerry Curran seconded by Councillor Malcolm Hanney it was RESOLVED that:

The Council agrees that, subject to the overriding priority of infrastructure being put in place and early periodic review that:

(1) The spatial strategy for Bath & North East Somerset as set out in paragraphs 4.7 and 4.8 of Appendix 1 to this report be approved as a basis for submission to the West of England Partnership and Regional Assembly for inclusion in the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West.

(2) The comments on the First Draft Regional Spatial Strategy as set out in Annex 2 of Appendix 1 of the main report which have previously been forwarded to the Regional Assembly be approved.

(3) The Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Executive Members and Administration Group Leaders, be delegated to agree further comments on the Draft versions of the Regional Spatial Strategy not relating to the Spatial Strategy referred to in resolution 1 above.

This Council further notes:

> The resolution passed by members on 15th September 2005 (Minute 37, Sub-Regional Spatial Strategy for the West of England - First Detailed Proposals) and reaffirms support for this resolution where appropriate.

This Council further believes that:

> The suggestion by the South West Regional Assembly that Bath could sustain an increase of 20,000 jobs is unrealistic.

> That any house building in response to targets must be tied to improvements in infrastructure.

> The timescale for the completion of the Avon Ring Road south of Bristol between Keynsham and Whitchurch is unacceptably long (paragraph.5.7) and paramount to any prior development.

This Council further RESOLVES:

> To instruct the Council Executive continue to review the methodology used by the South West Regional Assembly in relation to job and house building targets and argue for revised targets based upon creating a sustainable Bath and North East Somerset community.

> To instruct the Council Executive to bind each element of the District Strategy (paragraphs. 4.7 & 4.8) with commensurate improvements in transport, school, health, and other appropriate public infrastructure in future documents and negotiations with the West of England Partnership or South West Regional Assembly / Government as a pre-condition to building extra housing.

> To instruct the Council Executive to present a case to the South West Regional Assembly for the Avon Ring Road south of Bristol between Keynsham and Whitchurch being completed before 2016.

(Notes: 1. The wording of the above resolution set out after paragraph (3) was added on an amendment from Councillor Malcolm Hanney on behalf of the Conservative Group which was accepted by Councillor Curran.

2. The above motion was approved by a majority with 12 Members abstaining from voting and the following Councillors asked that their abstentions be recorded - Councillors Nigel Roberts, Steve Hedges, Peter Edwards and Gitte Dawson.)




6th March 2006


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E Mail:

Mr. Peter Brown

Director of Policy & Planning

South West Regional Assembly

Dennett House

11 Middle Street




Dear Mr. Brown

Re: Draft Regional Spatial Strategy and outstanding issues for Bath & North East Somerset Council

The Council has welcomed the opportunity for engagement in the Draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) preparation process both through the West of England Partnership and in its own right as a Unitary Authority. However, it is concerned at the apparent lack of flexibility of the Regional Assembly, as well as its inability to fully understand the Council's position and the fact that a number of significant issues remain outstanding.

In the latest version of the draft RSS, housing development levels in the West of England have been amended to 4,625 dwellings per annum. This level of development reflects the West of England Partnership's First Detailed Proposals (FDP) and is therefore welcomed. However, the distribution between the four Unitary Authorities differs from that set out in the FDP. The level of housing in Bath & North East Somerset is amended to 775 dwellings per annum, which equates to 15,500 over the twenty year period. This is slightly higher than the figure of 15,400 agreed by the Council, through the FDP.

Of much greater and ongoing concern is the spatial distribution of this housing requirement within Bath & North East Somerset. The Regional Assembly's intransigence on this issue is regrettable. The Council is particularly concerned that the Assembly does not appear to fully understand the Council's position and is unclear as to whether this is affecting consideration of the issue by Assembly Members.

It is noted at Assembly meetings that the position of this Council is summarised as one of seeking strategic growth at Norton-Radstock as an alternative to development at Bath. This is not the case and as has been explained on a number of occasions the Council is seeking flexibility within the RSS in order to ensure that the forecast development needs of Bath & North East Somerset can be met.

Whilst further work is being undertaken (on which notes have been sent to Mark Newey) the Council's position can be summarised as follows:

B7 Agreement in relation to significant elements of the strategy i.e. optimisation of urban capacity within Bath and progressing the investigation of urban extensions south-east of Bristol and south of Bath.

B7 The capacity figures set out in draft RSS for the Bath urban area; the urban extensions south east of Bristol and south of Bath are too high (and do not appear to be based on sound evidence).

B7 The Council wish to secure flexibility within RSS, as set out in the First Detailed Proposals, to optimise the potential of the District's other settlements in developing an integrated strategy and are committed to providing further evidence to establish the level and nature of growth in these areas through further analysis and engagement with local stakeholders.

As you are aware the Council is undertaking further work, not only relating to capacity, but also including economic and spatial analysis, to ascertain the levels of employment and housing development that can be directed to the District's towns in order to support the strategy outlined above.

In addition to ongoing concerns regarding the spatial strategy for Bath & North East Somerset a number of comments on other policy aspects of the RSS (versions 2.3 and 3) have been submitted. It is regrettable that these comments also appear to have been largely ignored in RSS version 3.1 as they are principally aimed at improving the clarity of the policy framework that RSS will provide. Whilst the Council would ask that the Assembly looks at these comments again, of particular concern is the policy position relating to affordable housing. Clearly the provision of adequate levels of affordable housing within the South West is crucial. However, as previously commented greater clarity is needed in relation to policy H1. The proportions of affordable housing sought by the policy appear to relate to all housing provided which, if correct, will mean an even higher proportion being sought on those sites exceeding the size thresholds. This should be clarified.

Once conclusions have emerged from the further work referred to above, the Council looks forward to the opportunity to liaise with the Regional Assembly Secretariat to reach agreement on the spatial strategy for the West of England and specifically Bath & North East Somerset.

Yours sincerely

Vaughan Thompson

Strategic Manager, Planning Services


The West of England Partnership

Simon Birch, Chief Executive,

Floor 5, Wilder House, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8PH

Tel: 0117 903 6861, Fax: 0117 903 6859


Bryony Houlden, Chief Executive

South West Regional Assembly

Dennett House

11 Middle Street


TA12 1SH

Date: 28 February 2006

Dear Bryony


Comments of the West of England Partnership on Draft 3, for consideration by the Regional Assembly at its meeting on 10 March.

At its meeting on Friday 24th February, the West of England Partnership considered outstanding concerns in relation to Draft 3 of the Regional Spatial Strategy, as discussed at the RSPTG meeting on 22nd February.

Whilst the Partnership welcomes the general approach, as largely supporting the Partnership's approach to growth and Section 4.4 advice, there is a need for more emphasis on growth being delivered in a sustainable manner (consistent with views expressed at the RSPTG on 22nd February and the conclusions of Strategic Sustainability Assessment). There are also important outstanding concerns by the Partnership about Draft 3 of the RSS in relation to:

1. The specificity of proposed `areas of search' for urban extensions;

2. The definition of proposed alterations to the general extent of the Green Belt;

3. The distributions of housing proposed for Bath & North East Somerset and North Somerset; and

4. The clarity, specificity and accuracy of the proposed Key Diagram inset for the West of England.

The RSS needs to recognise that much more work is needed at a sub-regional scale on the suggested `areas of search' for urban extensions before these can be confirmed as strategic proposals. The Section 4.4 authorities and the Partnership are committed to undertaking further work on the physical opportunities, constraints and capacities for development in these areas of search; entailing more detailed analysis of green belt functions, sustainability appraisal and analysis of transport and other infrastructure requirements. This work is in hand and is described in the report to the Partnership meeting on 24th February of which a copy is attached. It has been clear for some time - partly because of the programme of the Greater Bristol Strategic Transport Study - that it would not be possible for all this work to be completed in time for the Assembly's programme of agreeing RSS for submission on 10th March. The Partnership therefore intends to continue this work, in collaboration with the Regional Assembly, and to feed it into the RSS through the public consultation process.

The submitted RSS should therefore reflect the continuing uncertainty about the scale and location of urban extensions, either by showing less detail or by incorporating qualifications about the proposed areas of search as provisional, in advance of further information. On the key diagram, the locations of all the proposed areas of search should be shown only by an arrow, star or other symbol to indicate their general location and not by any notation that could be taken to show the extent of these areas (which is suggested by the dots on the draft key diagram).

Following the report on Green Belt by Colin Buchanan and Partners, the Section 4.4 authorities and the Partnership are expecting to discuss with the Assembly how their conclusions should be applied to the West of England. Their report does not provide a proper basis for the Green Belt proposals that are currently included in the draft RSS. You will see from the attached Partnership report that South Gloucestershire Council is currently consulting on an assessment of Green Belt in their area and that further detailed work also needs to take place in the other UA areas, in the light of Colin Buchanan and Partners' report. Work on Green Belt will need to be combined with the appraisal of opportunities, constraints, capacities and other considerations that are relevant to the sustainable development of urban extensions. There is no need to refer in Policy SR3 to the detailed changes in Green Belt boundaries at Bristol International Airport and Royal Portbury Dock that are being progressed through the current Local Plan Review and will be resolved before the RSS is approved.

The Partnership therefore proposes a revised wording for Policy SR3:

SR3 The general extent of the Bristol and Bath Green Belt is maintained subject to changes in boundaries that will be defined in local development documents:

- to accommodate urban extensions required for the longer term development of Bristol and Bath at locations identified in Policies SR4 and SR5;

- to include additional land to the to the south of Nailsea and Clevedon, whilst accommodating local development needs;

- to include additional land to the north of Yate and Thornbury whilst accommodating local development needs; and

- to include additional land to the to the south of Bath, whilst accommodating development needs;


Unitary and District Authorities should, in preparing LDDs, define the detailed Green Belt boundaries taking into account these changes.

The submitted RSS should not therefore show proposed changes to Green Belt boundaries. It should, at most, indicate the locations where changes to the general extent of the Green Belt are being considered: either because of extensions to the urban areas or because of extensions to the Green Belt. On the Key Diagram this would imply a symbol, such as an arrow, to indicate the general location of Green Belt extensions, rather than a representation that could be taken as showing a new Green Belt boundary. There is particular concern that Draft 3 of the RSS seeks to re-draw the outer boundary of the Green Belt (confusingly described as the `inner boundary' in Draft Policy SR3) to be `coterminous with the edge of the built-up area' of a number of smaller settlements. To draw the outer boundary as tightly as this would constrain opportunities for expansion of some smaller settlements, where development may need to be considered for strategic or local housing or employment. One example (although not the only one) is the Norton Radstock area where Bath & North East Somerset Council has advised the Assembly that some expansion may need to be considered to meet the district's housing targets and the local needs of those settlements, in the interests of long-term sustainability.

A third area of concern relates to the distributions of housing proposed for Bath & North East Somerset and North Somerset in Draft 3 of the RSS. Policy SR5, Figure 4.1 and the Key Diagram indicate an urban extension of 1500 dwellings south of Bath. Bath & North East Somerset Council and the Partnership have consistently indicated that this figure may be too high and an urban extension may not be justified in view of the important physical and environmental constraints associated with the setting of the World Heritage site. The levels of housing and employment proposed for Bath in the Draft RSS are also likely to be too high, because of conservation and other constraints that apply within the City. Evidence on housing capacity has already been submitted. Higher figures will therefore need to be considered elsewhere in the district, if the overall target figure is to be met.

In Table 4, a figure of 350 dwellings p.a. is shown for the remainder of North Somerset. This figure should be 250, as c.100 p.a. have not yet been allocated pending further examination of the capacities of urban areas and urban extensions in North Somerset, if the overall target figure is to be met.

Concerns about the degree of specificity of proposals in Draft 3 of the RSS are reinforced by the draft Key Diagram, which will be interpreted as showing the location and extent of urban extensions and green belt extensions. These notations must be replaced with symbols that show no more than the general locations of the areas of search, without suggesting the physical extent of such proposals. In its draft form the Key Diagram could be seriously misleading: resulting in unnecessary concerns and representations on the draft RSS. Officers of the Unitary Authorities and the Joint Unit have already submitted a schedule of detailed comments on the draft Key Diagram. Some additions to that list have been made as a result of discussions at the Partnership meeting on 24th and within the UAs. A consolidated list of comments on the draft Key Diagram is appended to this letter. In some cases, I understand that officers of the Assembly have already agreed to make the suggested changes and these points are indicated in the schedule.

The Partnership is asking for its comments to be reflected in amendments to the Draft RSS when it is considered by the Assembly on 10th March and asks you to bring these comments to the attention of the Assembly. If the Partnership's points are not incorporated in the submitted RSS, then the Partnership urges the Assembly to include statements in the text indicating that the proposals referred to are provisional, pending further work that is currently being undertaken by the Section 4.4 authorities in the West of England and will be submitted before the end of public consultation on the submitted RSS.

Yours sincerely,


Cllr Michael Roe

Chairman of The West of England Partnership

cc West of England Members of the Regional Assembly