Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd May, 2006


Service Level Agreement

Schedule of Services

The following schedule sets out the agreed minimum levels of service that Bath Tourism Plus, (the company) is required to provide

for the fee provided by the Bath & North East Somerset Council (the Council).

The Fee will be subject to annual reviews between the company and the council after the initial first 12 months of the agreement has expired. For the period April 1st 2006 to March 31st 2007 the initial fee for the Services will be £387,000

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Strategic Management

Fee :


The Company will work with the Council to develop a strategic approach to the management and development of tourism in Bath & North East Somerset and will work with other key delivery organisations and partners both regionally, sub-regionally and locally to ensure services are delivered efficiently and effectively

The Company will, with the help of funding from the Council and South West Tourism, lead on the development of the following strategic documents :

o A Destination Management Plan developed in conjunction with South West Tourism

o A review of the Tourism Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset to identify key issues for the period 2006-2009

o A Business Plan for Company covering the period 2006-2009

The Company will participate in the development and implementation of a Tourism Development Plan for the West of England working with regional & sub-regional partners

The Company will work with the Festivals Organisation for Bath & North East Somerset to investigate the potential for joint working and the integration of core services with a view to achieving more effective and efficient service delivery

The Company will liaise monthly with the Council's Client Officer on the production of the strategic documents

The Company and the Festivals Organisation should identify during 2006-7 those aspects of both organisations' work which may be jointly administered and/or delivered and seek to put in place systems and procedures to achieve this at the earliest appropriate date

Proposed target dates :

Plans for joint working presented to the Council by 30.06.06 including proposals for implementation in 06/07

Review of 06/07 progress 30.04.07 including proposals for implementation in 07/09

The Company will attend monthly meetings with the Festivals Organisation and the Council's Client Officer(s) for the Tourism Contract and the Festivals SLA to develop proposals for joint working and integrated service delivery


Reduction in overall running costs for Bath Tourism Plus & Festivals Organisation

10% increase in overall ticket sales

30% increase in on-line bookings

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Visitor Services



The company will deliver a consistent visitor service that exceeds the expectations of day visitors and staying visitors in the Bath and North East Somerset region. These services will be primarily met through the operation of the Tourist Information Centre.

Visitor information service via customer facing staff, available 52 weeks of the year 7 days per week.

Visitor information service via telephone service delivered 52 weeks of the year 7 days per week.

Comprehensive provision of tourism literature of Bath, North East Somerset and area

Develop host and maintain a high quality destination based web site providing information on all relevant aspects of tourism within Bath & the North East Somerset area.

The company will produce a bi-annual visitor satisfaction survey of users of TIC services. This should achieve a minimum rating of 90% user satisfaction with all services.

Web site to show evidence of regular content management. Web site to have prominent position within search engines on relevant keyword assignment.

The company will provide half yearly progress reports to the Council's Client Liaison Officer and report annually through the Overview & Scrutiny Process.


Visitor information service provided as per Contract

Visitor satisfaction with TIC maintained at 90%

Web site linked to England Net : web site visits increased by 25% over period of Contract

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Destination Marketing



The company will undertake to provide effective destination marketing for Bath & North East Somerset to ensure that the region remains a pre-eminent visitor destination for national and international travellers.

Domestic & International Visitor Marketing

1. Undertake activities to ensure awareness and perception of the destination is high in target markets through the production of translated marketing materials, both brochure and web based and specific short break campaigns

2. Provide information and booking channels relevant to target audiences and consumer preferences for either print, telephone, "e" mail or internet services

3. Encourage growth in off-peak tourism to reduce seasonality in visitor numbers through specific seasonal promotions

Travel Trade Marketing

1. Maintain and further the development of a comprehensive travel trade marketing database for the use of the company and the member organisations of the company.

2. Maintain as part of the e-strategy a specific travel trade web site marketed to travel trade organisations as an effective information source for the market.

3. Work on joint travel trade initiatives in conjunction with qualified regional partners.

The company will undertake bi-annual visitor survey analysis to identify effectiveness of promotional activity at generating demand into the region.

The company will undertake relevant tourism surveys to establish impact of marketing activity on visitor length of stay and spend.

The company will undertake bi-annually an economic impact study based on the Cambridge model and seek to create sustainable increase economic growth of 12% within the tourism sector over the next three years.

The company will produce an annual business report on tourism activity and the state of the market.

The company will provide half yearly reports to the Council's Client Liaison Officer and report annually through the Overview & Scrutiny Process.

The company will maintain a library of editorial coverage on Bath & North East Somerset as a tourism destination.


Increase value of tourism to local economy by 12% over life of Contract

Increase average length of stay in serviced accommodation to 2 nights

Attract 1% of overseas UK visitors to Bath & N. E. Somerset

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Conference, & Incentive Marketing

Fee: £47,000

The company will provide a comprehensive marketing programme specifically promoting Bath & North East Somerset as a quality conference & business destination.

The company will deliver an effective venue placement service for small to medium corporate events and conferences so that enquirers are provided with an effective tool to deliver meetings with necessary accommodation.

The company will market venues using distribution channels relevant to target markets, including print & e-marketing, to create demand within the region for the conference facilities available.

To be effective the company will work with sub-regional and local partners where appropriate.

The company will demonstrate the promotional activities undertaken and their impact upon the local tourism economy in relation to conference business.

The company will demonstrate that as a result of their activity that business tourism will have grown by a minimum of 5% over the previous year.

The company will provide an annual report of conference & business activity to the local authority.

The company will provide half yearly reports to the Council's client liaison officer and report annually through the Overview & Scrutiny process


5% growth in the value of business tourism to the Bath & N. E. Somerset economy over life of contract

Venue & delegate placement : overall value of booking placed increased by 10% annually

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Business Advice and Membership Services

Fee: £21,000

The company will become the leading source of information on tourism activity within the Bath & North East Somerset area. The company will provide timely and accurate data on all issues of relevance to the industry as well as providing advice and guidance to the local authority to enable officers and councillors to make informed decisions on policy affecting the broad spectrum of tourism issues.

The company will provide an annual tourism trends report considering national and local tourism trends.

The company will provide advice and attend appropriate council meetings with the client liaison officer in order to offer comment and opinion based upon relevant information matters relating to the development of the tourism economy within Bath & North East Somerset

The Company will manage and develop a Membership Scheme and seek to achieve 80% retention year on year working closely with a minimum of 250 tourism businesses.

The Company will work with Business West and the Tourism Task Force to ensure local tourism businesses have access to business advice & training programmes.

The Company will provide half yearly reports to the Council's Client Liaison officer and report annually through the Overview & Scrutiny process


10% growth in Company membership year on year for life of Contract

100 tourism businesses annually receiving business advice or assistance with training

Core Service

Service Level


Report & Review

Event Management & Promotion


The company will deliver and manage all matters relating to the provision of an annual Christmas Market within central Bath.

The company will develop and seek to deliver a strategy which aims to spread the economic benefit of the Market across central Bath linking with, or developing complementary event activity as appropriate.

The market should a `German style' market running for a minimum of 10 days over the pre-Christmas period.

At least 30% of stall holders should be traders based within Bath and North East Somerset subject to maintaining overall quality criteria

The company will be responsible for the production of, and be bound, by all Health and safety criteria, emergency procedures and safeguards required under licensing arrangements.

The development and management of a new seasonal event to be held annually in Bath.

The company will commission a market research exercise to be undertaken during the course of the Market evaluating customer satisfaction and visitor spend during the course of the Market and produce a report for the Council's Client Liaison Officer.


5% increase in number of stalls at Christmas Market over life of Contract

30% increase in economic value of Events to local economy