Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd May, 2006

Festivals Organisation SLA 2006-9 - finalExec 120406


FESTIVALS ORGANISATION [final name to be confirmed] - SERVICE STANDARDS 2006-9



Intended Outcome

Expectation (achieve standard)

Expectation (exceed standard)

Typical Reporting Evidence Required

1. Improving the environment for learning


Present, support and develop a programme of high quality cultural and artistic festivals and events, showcasing the work of nationally and internationally acclaimed artists

This Standard assesses the overall quality of the annual programme of festivals and events, each of which is run by a separate organisation.

Each festival is responsible for its own cultural and artistic quality control, and those which are funded by the Council are individually accountable to the Council for providing evaluation and report data.

Festivals Organisation is responsible for providing advice, guidance and support to all festivals and events, and for modelling a high standard of cultural and artistic programming and management, to enable all festivals to achieve the Standard.

B&NES residents and visitors experience a varied, diverse and imaginative annual programme of festivals and events comparable to those offered in other European festival cities.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive press and media coverage and reviews; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback on cultural and artistic activity in B&NES from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; press and media coverage and reviews; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Provide lifelong learning opportunities in the arts for a wide spectrum of the community, residents and visitors

This Standard assesses the education and participation aspects of the annual programme of festivals and events, each of which is run by a separate organisation.

The terms 'education' and 'participation' are interpreted broadly to include all age groups (children, young people, adults) and any type of learning experience (formal and informal, including learning in schools). Learning might include acquiring or improving on a particular skill, or being introduced to new ideas and discussing with others. Participation might include a wide range of creative activity made or done by residents and visitors and, usually, seen or performed in public in some way.

Each festival is responsible for its own education and participation work, and those which are funded by the Council are individually accountable to the Council for providing evaluation and report data.

Festivals Organisation is responsible for providing advice, guidance and support to all festivals and events; encouraging, faciliating and enabling collaborative working; directly providng some activity; and modelling a high standard of education and participation programming and management, to enable all festivals to achieve the Standard.

B&NES residents and visitors experience a varied, diverse and imaginative range of opportunities to learn and to participate in the annual programme of festivals and events.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive evaluation from service users/customers who have participated in activities; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback on education and participation activity in B&NES from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; service user/customer feedback; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.



Intended Outcome

Expectation (achieve standard)

Expectation (exceed standard)

Typical Reporting Evidence Required

2. Improving the public realm (`liveability')


Utilise a wide range of arts and cultural venues, non-arts and cultural venues, community spaces, open spaces, and public spaces for the presentation of festivals and events

This Standard assesses how successfully festivals and events, each of which is run by a separate organisation, present their activities using a wide range of venues and spaces.

Using a wide range of venues and spaces, especially those which are not traditionally used for artistic and cultural activity, contributes to festivals and events being more visible and accessible to residents and visitors. Selection of venues and spaces should take account of potential service users'/customers' travel and transport needs, and the challenges faced by those living in more isolated rural areas.

Each festival is responsible for its own planning and booking of venues and spaces, and those which are funded by the Council are individually accountable to the Council for providing evaluation and report data.

Festivals Organisation is responsible for providing advice, guidance and support to all festivals and events, and for modelling a high standard of planning and booking of venues and spaces, to enable all festivals to achieve the Standard.

B&NES residents and visitors experience festivals and events in a wide range of venues and spaces and, consequently, are more aware of festivals and events and more easily able to participate in them.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive evaluation from service users/customers who have participated in activities; achieve positive feedback from owners/

managers of venues and spaces; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Use venues and spaces which have not been used for artistic and cultural festivals and events before; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; service user/customer feedback; venue and space owners'/

managers' feedback; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Animate and enhance open and public spaces through the promotion and presentation of festivals and events, thereby encouraging use of and engagement with the public realm

This Standard assesses how successfully festivals and events, each of which is run by a separate organisation, engage imaginatively with open and public spaces (including public highway).

The scope of this Standard includes (a) festivals and events activities (such as parades, processions, performances, presentations), and (b) festivals and events promotion (such as street decoration, banners, flags). Using open and public space and public highway animates the public realm, makes it lively and attractice, and encourages residents and visitors to make use of such space.

Each festival is responsible for its own planning and booking of open and public space and public highway (including the timely securing of relevant planning permissions and advertising consents), and those which are funded by the Council are individually accountable to the Council for providing evaluation and report data.

Festivals Organisation is responsible for providing advice, guidance and support to all festivals and events; co-ordinating the requirements of all festivals; and modelling a high standard of planning and booking of open and public space and public highway (including the timely securing of relevant planning permissions and advertising consents), to enable all festivals to achieve the Standard.

B&NES residents and visitors experience festivals and events in the public realm and, consequently, are more aware of festivals and events and their contribution to animating open and public space.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive feedback from Council officers; achieve positive evaluation from service users/customers who have participated in activities in open and public spaces; use 'Happening Bath' brand logo on street decoration, banners, flags so that festivals and events promotion in the public realm is visually coherent and consistent; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback from residents and visitors who have not previously attended or been aware of festivals and events; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; feedback from Council officers responsible for delegated decision-making for planning permissions and advertising consents; service user/customer feedback; feedback from non-service users/customers; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.



Intended Outcome

Expectation (achieve standard)

Expectation (exceed standard)

Typical Reporting Evidence Required

3. Improve customer satisfaction


Maximise the opportunity for the people of Bath & North East Somerset, and for visitors to the area, to benefit from all festivals and events by means of diverse programming, targeted marketing, appropriate pricing, and accessible venues

This Standard assesses the strategies and policies which Festival Organisation puts in place to ensure maximum public benefit from the Council's investment in the organisation.

B&NES residents and visitors are proactively enabled and encouraged to benefit from participation in all festivals and events.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; consult with relevant community groups and/or Council officers with knowledge of disadvantaged groups and communities; achieve positive evaluation from service users/

customers; achieve positive feedback from service users/customers with disabilities; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback from residents and visitors who have not previously attended or been aware of festivals and events; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; artistic programming policy; marketing strategy (including pricing rationale); equalities policy (with particular reference to disability); cultural diversity action plan; records/notes from consultative meetings with relevant community groups and/or Council officers; service user/

customer feedback; feedback from non-service users/customers; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Respond to the changing needs and demands of the local community, and develop services accordingly

This Standard assesses the extent to which Festivals Organisation responds to its operating environment and proactively develops its service planning and delivery in response to changing community needs and demands.

B&NES residents' views are sought out and listened to. Residents see evidence of their views and needs being heard and acted upon.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; consult with relevant community groups and/or Council officers with knowledge of disadvantaged groups and communities; achieve positive evaluation from service users/

customers; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback from residents and visitors who have not previously attended or been aware of festivals and events; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; market research; records/notes from consultative meetings with relevant community groups and/or Council officers; service user/

customer feedback; feedback from non-service users/

customers; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Encourage the people of Bath & North East Somerset to participate in cultural and artistic festivals and events

This Standard assesses how successfully Festivals Organisation encourages and achieves participation.

B&NES residents and visitors are aware of the opportunities to participate in festivals and events, and respond positively to projects and activities.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; disseminate marketing and promotion information using appropriately targeted methods; achieve positive evaluation from service users/

customers who have participated in activities; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Achieve positive feedback on education and participation activity in B&NES from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; marketing strategy; education strategy; service user/

customer feedback; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.



Intended Outcome

Expectation (achieve standard)

Expectation (exceed standard)

Typical Reporting Evidence Required

4. Develop a sustainable economy for Bath and North East Somerset


Promote innovation and creativity in the arts, cultural and creative industries in Bath and North East Somerset

This Standard assesses how successfully Festivals Organisation engages strategically with the wider context of cultural and creative industries in B&NES.

Festivals Organisation is seen to take a strategic and proactive role in promoting innovation and creativity in the arts, cultural and creative industries in B&NES.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; contribute to strategic partnerships and other working groups; achieve positive feedback from other strategic stakeholder organisations, partnerships and agencies; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Demonstrate leadership in work with festivals, stakeholder organisations, partnerships and agencies; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; peer assessments from other strategic stakeholder organisations, partnerships and agencies; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings; minutes of B&NES Arts Partnership (BAP) meetings; minutes of Cultural Partnership meetings


Support and raise the profile of locally-based festivals, arts organisations, and artists

This Standard assesses how successfully Festivals Organisation adopts a lead role in supporting and raising the profile of festivals and arts organisations, and artists.

Festivals Organisation is seen to take a strategic and proactive role in supporting and raising the profile of festivals, arts organisations, and artists, through research, advocacy and strategic marketing.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive feedback from Bath Tourism Plus; achieve positive press and media coverage and reviews; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Demonstrate leadership in increasing awareness of B&NES' festivals, arts organisations and artists; achieve positive feedback on festivals and arts activity in B&NES from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; peer assessment from Bath Tourism Plus; press and media coverage and reviews; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Enhance the reputation and image of Bath & North East Somerset, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, contributing to the Council's vision `Making Bath & North East Somerset a better place to live, work and visit'

This Standard assesses how successfully Festivals Organisation adopts a lead role in enhancing the reputation and image of B&NES locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, and contributes to attracting and retaining residents to the local authority area.

Festivals Organisation is seen to take a strategic and proactive role in enhancing the reputation and image of B&NES locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive feedback from Bath Tourism Plus; achieve positive press and media coverage and reviews; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Demonstrate leadership in enhancing B&NES' reputation and image; achieve positive feedback on B&NES as a cultural centre from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; peer assessment from Bath Tourism Plus; press and media coverage and reviews; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


Strengthen the economy of Bath & North East Somerset by attracting visitors to the area

This Standard assesses how successfully Festivals Organisation adopts a lead role in strengthening the economy of B&NES by attracting visitors to the area.

Festivals Organisation is seen to take a strategic and proactive role in contributing to a stronger economy in B&NES by developing cultural tourism.

Achieve positive feedback from festivals; achieve positive feedback from Bath Tourism Plus; achieve positive press and media coverage and reviews; achieve positive feedback from Arts Council England and other funders and sponsors.

Demonstrate leadership in developing cultural tourism in B&NES; achieve positive feedback on B&NES as a cultural tourism centre from festivals and festival cities elsewhere in the UK and in Europe; use interpretation of qualitative evaluation to make improvements in future years.

Peer assessments from festivals; peer assessment from Bath Tourism Plus; market research; press and media coverage and reviews; Arts Council England and other funders' and sponsors' assessments; minutes of Festivals Forum meetings.


FESTIVALS ORGANISATION [final name to be confirmed] - SERVICE TARGETS 2006-9

(A) Festivals Organisation



Intended outcome

Baseline and Rationale

Expectation (must do - essential)

Expectation (advised - good practice)

Reporting evidence required

A1. Produce annual budget for each of the three programmes (City of Festivals and festivals development; Bath International Music Festival; Bath Literature Festival), showing allocation of Council funding

Show budgeted and actual income and expenditure for:

a) total Council funding;

b) allocations to each of the three programmes;

c) in-kind benefits (rent, room hire)

through clear presentation in quarterly management accounts

Transparent evidence is provided of how Council funding is allocated to the three programmes.

Management accounts are clearly presented so that variation from target budgets can be seen and understood

The presentation format of the former Bath Festivals Trust management accounts made tracking of Council investment against different budget headings difficult.

Festivals Organisation will present management accounts in a clearer format

Meet the target set for the year

Provide supporting explanation of how allocations have been decided upon.

Provide supporting explanation of variations

Business Plan

Quarterly management accounts

Annual audited accounts

A2. Achieve successful Annual Review Meeting (ARM) assessment from ACE-SW

ARM is key performance management mechanism for ACE-SW to assess the organisation

ACE-SW is satisfied with the performance of the organisation

Take account of previous year's ARM for Bath Festivals Trust (not directly comparable)

Meet the target set for the year

ACE-SW minutes from ARM show that organisation has exceeded expectations

ACE-SW ARM minutes

A3. Sustain ACE-SW funding

ACE-SW is the main funder apart from B&NES Council

ACE-SW funding is sustained over the three-year period

Funding for 2006-7 is the same as or more than 2005-6

Meet the target set for the year

Show increased benefit for ACE-SW investment (measured through increased attendance and increased leverage of other funding)

ACE-SW funding offer letter

A4. Meet Recovery Plan milestones

Recovery investment from ACE is subject to separate performance measurement

Recovery Plan targets are achieved satisfactorily. Key milestones include Chair and Board recruitment, and meeting financial targets

Existing Bath Festivals Trust Recovery Plan

Meet the target set for the year

Show increased benefit for ACE-SW investment (measured through increased efficiency of the organisation)

ACE Recovery Plan quarterly meetings

A5. Aggregate figures for the Bath International Music Festival and the Bath Literature Festival

This target aggregates the following targets:

C1-C16 plus D1-D16

The Council is able to see total figures for both festivals (in addition to the reporting of each separately under C and D)

Reported out-turn figures for both festivals for 2005-6

Meet the target set for the year

Provide commentary on significant variations between the two festivals

Box office and marketing report data

A6. Re-locate Festivals Organisation office and the box office to Abbey Chambers

Note: this target relates to B17

Both Festivals Organisation and the Council believe there to be many strategic benefits in locating Festivals Organisation (administration and box office) in Abbey Chambers. Housing Festivals Organisation, Bath Tourism Plus, and other arts and cultural organisations (including Council services such as Arts Development) together has long been an aspiration of the City of Festivals Working Group, with a view to eventually creating a `festivals centre'

There is better collaborative working between arts and cultural organisations, greater visibility of arts and cultural activity, and the use of shared facilities leads to increased operational efficiency and improved customer service

Existing Bath Festivals Trust Recovery Plan

Executive Member support

Re-locate the administration office to Abbey Chambers by 31.7.06

Re-locate the box office to Abbey Chambers by 04.09.06

Note: The Council is jointly responsible for achieving this target

Re-locate the administration office to Abbey Chambers by 31.7.06

Re-locate the box office to Abbey Chambers by 04.09.06

Note: The Council is jointly responsible for achieving this target

ACE Recovery Plan quarterly meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Notes of meetings with Property Services

(B) City of Festivals and festivals development



Intended outcome

Baseline and Rationale

Expectation (must do - essential)

Expectation (advised - good practice)

Reporting evidence required

B1. Measure length of stay by visitors to all festivals

Festivals' knowledge about length of stay of visitors is variable

Encouraging increased length of stay would benefit festivals and would benefit hotel, restaurant and retail


Evidence of how long visitors to festivals stay in B&NES

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Marketing and accommodation data

B2. Measure frequency of stay/return by visitors to all festivals

Festivals' knowledge about frequency of stay/return is variable

Encouraging increased frequency of stay/return would benefit festivals and would benefit hotel, restaurant and retail


Evidence of how frequently visitors stay in B&NES (separate return visits)

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Marketing and accommodation data

B3. Increase day visits for all festivals

Festivals' knowledge about number of day visits (ie. whole day in B&NES, in addition to attendance at festival event) is variable

Encouraging increased number of day visits would benefit festivals and would benefit restaurant and retail


Evidence of how many day visits to B&NES

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Marketing data

B4. Estimate ancillary spend (hotels, retail, travel, other attractions) in association with all festivals

Festivals' knowledge about ancillary spend by visitors is variable, with the majority not having any data

Encouraging increased ancillary spend would benefit hotel, restaurant and retail


Ancillary spend per visitor per day

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Marketing data

B5. Estimate employment of local people on all festivals (including volunteers)

Each festival has data about its own staff and about the number of local people it employs (paid and volunteers)

Encouraging increased employment of local people is beneficial to the local economy

Aggregated data for all festivals will show the number of jobs generated by festivals which contribute to the cultural and creative industries employment

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with B&NES Economic Development team

Employment data

B6. Set up Festivals Forum

The Festivals Forum is to be established wef. 1.4.06 and replaces the City of Festivals Working Group. Membership is through annual subscription

All B&NES festivals are able to contribute to festivals development and achieve collective benefit and influence

Target applies to 2006-7 only

Meet the target set for the year

Ensure all festivals (including those not previously in City of Festivals Working Group) are involved

Planning notes and agenda for first Festivals Forum meeting

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

List of subscribing `founder' member festivals

. Co-ordinate four meetings of Festivals Forum per year

The Festivals Forum replaces the City of Festivals Working Group and should extend to include all festivals

The Festivals Forum meets regularly and all festivals report satisfaction, engagement and involvement

Quarterly meetings agreed by City of Festivals Working Group

Meet the target set for the year

Engage those festivals not previously in City of Festivals Working Group

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B8. Ensure that all B&NES festivals are members of Festivals Forum by the end of the three-year period (31.3.09 )

Festivals Forum should engage and involve all festivals in B&NES

All festivals in B&NES are aware of the benefits of the Festivals Forum, and contribute proactively to it through membership subscription.

Festivals report satisfaction with outcomes of Festivals Forum after 18 months (review autumn 2007).

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Show data as

number of festivals who are paid-up members of Festivals Forum as % of all festivals in B&NES

Define the baseline of potential membership

Meet the target set for the year

Achieve 100% membership by 31.3.09

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

List of subscribing member festivals

Notes from Annual Monitoring Review meetings

B9. Ensure that all B&NES festivals benefit from advice, guidance and co-ordination activity by the end of the three-year period (31.3.09)

This target measures what proportion of all festivals work closely with, and benefit from, Festivals Organisation, over and above their membership of the Festivals Forum

All festivals in B&NES recognise the benefits of working with Festivals Organisation to support and develop their work, and make use of the services it offers

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Show data as number of festivals who benefit from advice/support/ guidance as % of all festivals in B&NES

Meet the target set for the year

Achieve 100% of festivals using Festival Organisation services in some way by 31.3.09

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B10. Produce a monthly anti-clash diary

Production of the anti-clash diary should include information from all festivals in B&NES

Its purpose is to assist the planning, programming and marketing of all festivals

All festivals plan events with clear knowledge of other festivals' plans. Programming clashes (where two events are seeking the same target audience) are avoided where possible

Contributions from organisations other than B&NES festivals (venues; festivals and venues outside B&NES) should be included as appropriate

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Published anti-clash diary sent to Link Officer

B11. Develop City of Festivals website

The City of Festivals website should incorporate information about all festivals in B&NES

Its purpose is to promote Bath/B&NES as a `festivals city'

The City of Festivals website presents a well-designed, lively `front page' for all festivals in B&NES, with links to each individual festival's website, and links to accommodation and other visitor information

Site will be developed from existing City of Festivals `front page' template for website

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Published website

B12. Plan and implement joint working with Bath Tourism Plus

The Council requires both organisations to work together to achieve efficiency improvements with respect to office administration, box office/customer service provision, marketing and promotions, and website development

Festivals Organisation and Bath Tourism Plus identify (in 2006-7) those aspects of both organisations' work which may be jointly administered, and put in place operations, systems and procedures to achieve this as appropriate.

The Council expects changes to be implemented during 2006-7, but recognises that other developments will require a longer timescale and will be implemented during 2007-9.

The SLAs of both organisations may be amended as required for years 2 and 3 to reflect changes in operational working practice agreed between them and the Council

Changes in operations, systems and procedures should be focused on the benefits to customers

Both organisations should take the aims of the City of Festivals initiative, and the aspirations of Festivals Forum, as the starting point

Meet the target set for the year

- proposed plans for joint working to be presented to the Council by 30.6.06

- early implementation from 1.7.06

- evaluation of 2006-7 by 30.4.07

- further implementation during 2007-9 (specific milestone dates tba)

Involve the Boards of the organisations, the Executive Member for Tourism, Leisure & Culture, and Link Officers for both organisations, as appropriate

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Notes of meetings between Festivals Organisation and Bath Tourism Plus

Notes from Annual Monitoring Review meetings

Notes from joint review meeting with Bath Tourism Plus to be held April 2007

B13. Develop positive working relationship with retailers (including restaurants and bars) and other businesses

Festivals present very positive benefits to retailers and other businesses from the presence of visitors to B&NES. However festivals events can also adversely affect retailers and other businesses, and so they need to be fully consulted and involved

Retailers and other businesses recognise the opportunities that festivals activity can deliver, understand the parameters of festivals events planning, and report that they are involved and engaged with planning of festivals events that may affect and/or benefit them

Build on festivals' existing relationships with individual retailers, retailer/trader groups, and other businesses

Meet the target set for the year

Involve Council officers as appropriate

Notes of meetings with retailers and other businesses

B14. Develop positive working relationship with hotels

Festivals present very positive benefits to hoteliers from the presence of visitors to B&NES.

However hoteliers need to be kept informed of planned festivals and events so that they can benefit from these opportunities

Hoteliers recognise the opportunities that festivals activity can deliver, understand the parameters of festivals events planning, and report that they are involved and engaged with planning of festivals events that may affect and/or benefit them

Build on festivals' existing relationships with individual hoteliers and with hotelier groups

Meet the target set for the year

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Notes of meetings with hoteliers

B15. Develop positive working relationship with B&NES Heritage Services and B&NES Open Spaces in respect of use of historic buildings and open spaces

Festivals (in particular the Bath International Music Festival and the Bath Literature Festival) benefit from use of B&NES Council-run historic buildings and open spaces

However it is essential that Council services are kept informed of planned festivals and events so that booking arrangements are managed efficiently

Festivals Organisation, B&NES Heritage Services, and B&NES Open Spaces report efficient forward planning of festivals and effective management of booking arrangements

Festivals Organisation, B&NES Heritage Services, and B&NES Open Spaces recognise the opportunities that festivals activity can deliver, and communicate the parameters of festivals events planning

Build on festivals' existing relationships with B&NES Heritage Services and B&NES Open Spaces

Meet the target set for the year

Attend at least one pre-festival planning meeting, and a post-festival debrief meeting, for each of Bath International Music Festival and the Bath Literature Festival

Work in collaboration with Council officers on planning and consultation as required

Notes of meetings with Council officers

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from other officers

B16. Encourage all B&NES festivals to use Box Office service by the end of the three-year period (31.3.09)

This target measures what proportion of all festivals work use the Box Office service

All festivals in B&NES recognise the benefits of using the Box Office to sell tickets, to support online booking, and to supply and analyse audience data, and make use of the services it offers

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Show increase in each of the three years 2006-9

Show data as number of festivals using Box Office service as % of all festivals in B&NES

Meet the target set for the year

Achieve 100% of festivals using Box Office by 31.3.09

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B17. Develop Box Office facilities/


Note: this target relates to A6

The Box Office service is well used by festivals

Customers need improved online booking facilities, and festivals organisers need improved customer data to assist marketing and audience development

The Box Office provides an improved service to festivals, especially in relation to the development of online booking and the provision and analysis of audience data

Use 2005-6 feedback from festivals as baseline

Show phased development and improvement in each of the three years 2006-9

Meet the target set for the year

Involve Festivals Forum in determining priorities for development of service

Achieve agreement that all Council-run events held in Council-run venues use Box Office service

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

Notes of meetings with other Council officers

B18. Identify appropriate staffing to progress festivals development, and recruit and appoint as required

The role of staff working on festivals development is to collaborate with all festivals to progress the aims of the City of Festivals initiative

The development of all festivals is supported by appropriately experienced staff within the organisation

Target applies to 2006-7 only

Meet the target set for the year

Festivals development workplan produced in consultation with Festivals Forum

Involve Festivals Forum in defining staffing resources required and developing workplan

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

B19. Generate new income and sponsorship benefiting all festivals (both cash and sponsorship value in-kind)

The organisation will lead on identifying new sources of funding and sponsorship which is to be used to benefit all festivals

The City of Festivals aims, and festivals development in general, are achieved through generating additional funding, to be used for the benefit of all festivals

Agree with Festivals Forum what target is realistic in 2006-7

Use the figure achieved by 31.3.07 to set targets for 2007-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work with Festivals Forum to define priorities

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B20. Co-ordinate festivals' education work

The City of Festivals Working Group identified a need for all festivals engaged in education work to co-ordinate their activity more effectively

Education programmes run by festivals are promoted with a co-ordinated approach

B&NES Education dept., schools, colleges, and other organisations working with young people, understand what is offered and its benefits, and are consulted on their needs

Agree objectives for 2006-7 with Festivals Forum

Use the extent to which these are achieved as the basis for objectives for 2007-9

Meet the target set for the year

Work with Festivals Forum to define priorities

Use Creative Learning Agency as resource

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with B&NES Education dept. officers

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B21. Ensure that all B&NES festivals use the `Happening Bath' logo by the end of the three-year period (31.3.09)

The purpose of the `Happening Bath' logo is to promote the City of Festivals concept and to build a contemporary cultural brand identity for Bath/B&NES

All festivals in B&NES recognise the benefits of participating in the `Happening Bath' logo, and use it on their promotional and marketing material

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Show data as number of festivals using `Happening Bath' logo as % of all festivals in B&NES

Meet the target set for the year

Achieve 100% of festivals using `Happening Bath' logo by 31.3.09

Note: The Council wishes to see this target achieved within an earlier timescale)

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

Feedback to Link Officer from festivals

B22. Expand the number and range of permanent sites for on-street visibility for festivals and events (banner sites, other street decoration sites, performance sites)

Banner sites, other street decoration sites, and performance sites are an important way of raising the profile of festivals activity

However the use of sites must be compliant with relevant planning legislation

There is increased visibility of festival activity through use of banners, street decoration, and on-street performance, contributing to a `festive' atmosphere during festival periods in Bath/B&NES

Use 2005-6 data (existing sites) as baseline

Show increase in each of the three years 2006-9

Meet the target set for the year

Achieve `umbrella' agreement for the benefit of all festivals with B&NES Planning dept.

Work with Festivals Forum and B&NES Planning dept. to agree appropriate additional sites

Minutes of Festivals Forum meetings

Notes of meetings with B&NES Planning dept. officers

Notes of meetings with Link Officer

(C) Bath International Music Festival



Intended outcome

Baseline and Rationale

Expectation (must do - essential)

Expectation (advised - good practice)

Reporting evidence required

C1. Measure number of events

The total number of events in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period)

The number of events may not be the same in consecutive years, and may not increase

B&NES residents and visitors have the opportunity to experience a large number of events

The Council achieves value for money for the investment it makes in the organisation

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Provide rationale for number of events in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Programme information

C2. Increase attendances

The total number of attendances in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period), and including free events

The total attendances increase year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased attendances in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

C3. Increase proportion of events held in venues outside Bath, within the B&NES area

The purpose of this target to ensure that residents outside Bath are able to participate in the festival and to feel engaged with it

This meets the needs of people in rural areas who cannot (for reasons of poverty, lack of transport, disability, family and work circumstances), or do not wish to, travel to Bath

B&NES residents who live outside Bath are able to access festival events in, or very near to, their towns, villages and communities.

2005-6 baseline = 20%

Organisation to set own target for the proportion in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Programme at least one event in Keynsham and at least one event in Norton Radstock

Programme events in villages

Exceed the target set for the year

Programme more than one event in Keynsham and more than one event in Norton Radstock

Use community venues which have established audiences/


Venue information

C4. Increase number of events and projects for children and young people (under 25)

This target includes both individual events and longer projects

Young people are able to experience and participate in festival activity

Young people have the opportunity to work with professional artists

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for the number of events and projects in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Programme events and projects in primary and secondary schools in consultation with B&NES Education dept. officers

Programme activity with young people out of school

Exceed the target set for the year

Work with Youth Service and other out of school providers to target and engage excluded and disaffected young people

Event and project information

Notes of meetings with B&NES Education dept. officers

C5. Increase number of schools worked with

B&NES schools should have the opportunity to benefit from festival activity

Teachers and children are able to experience and participate in festival activity

Teachers and children have the opportunity to work with professional artists

The festival contributes to enriching the schools music curriculum

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for the number of schools worked with in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Work with B&NES Education dept. officers

Exceed the target set for the year

Participating schools information

Feedback to Link Officer from B&NES Education dept. officers

C6. Increase total attendances by children and young people (under 25)

The total number of attendances by children and young people in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period), and including free events

The figure includes children and young people performing

The total attendances by children and young people increase year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased attendances by children and young people in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

C7. Increase the percentage of children and young people expressing satisfaction

This target measures how satisfied children and young people are with the events and projects targeted to them

Programming for under 25s is effectively designed, targeted and marketed, and improves year on year

The percentage of children and young people who are satisfied or very satisfied increases

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased satisfaction ratings from children and young people in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Feedback from children and young people

C8. Increase the percentage of all attenders expressing satisfaction

This target measures how satisfied attenders are with festival events

Programming is effectively designed, targeted and marketed, and improves year on year

The percentage of attenders who are satisfied or very satisfied increases

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased satisfaction ratings from attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Market research

Feedback from attenders

C9. Increase number of responses to market research as percentage of total number surveyed

This target measures the response to market research

Festival marketing is able to draw on robust market research evidence from a representative sample of the festival audience

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for survey responses in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Market research

C10. Increase number of website visits

This target refers to all visits to website, whether for information or for online ticket purchasing

There is increased traffic to the website year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for number of visits in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Website data

Market research

C11. Increase number of tickets booked online

Customers should be able to book and complete all ticket purchasing online via the website

The percentage of tickets purchased online increases year on year

Customers express satisfaction with service

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for online purchasing in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

Website data

Market research

C12. Achieve a reduction in Council subsidy per attendance

The subsidy reduces year on year

The subsidy per attender contributed by the Council decreases, as a result of increased attendances and increased income generated from box office and other sources

2004-5 actual / 2005-6 target = £5.69 combined for both the Music and the Literature festivals.

Organisation to set own target for decreased subsidy per attender for the Music festival in consultation with the Council in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Annual monitoring review reporting

C13. Increase the number of new attenders

B&NES Council Arts Development Strategy 2005-8 seeks to increase access to the arts

There is an increased number of new/first-time attenders to the festival

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to engage hard-to-reach communities

Box office data

Market research

C14. Increase the number of new attenders from outside B&NES

The City of Festivals initiative seeks to encourage cultural tourism and so it is necessary to measure the number of festival visitors from outside B&NES

There is an increased number of attenders to the festival from outside B&NES

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to reach potential audiences outside B&NES

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Box office data

Website data

Market research

C15. Increase the number of attendances from B&NES excluding the city of Bath

B&NES Council Arts Development Strategy 2005-8 seeks to increase access to the arts, especially by residents who live in more rural and isolated areas

There is an increased number of new/first-time attenders to the festival from B&NES excluding the city of Bath

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to engage hard-to-reach communities

Box office data

Market research

C16. Undertake regular surveys/

market research on non-attenders

In order to increase attendances, it is necessary to find out and understand the reasons for non-attendance, by conducting market research with current arts attenders who do not attend the festival

The organisation has a clear idea of why some current arts attenders do not attend the festival, and uses this information to inform strategic planning, audience development, and programming policy

Undertake one survey/market research project in 2006-7

Organisation to use data and analysis to set objectives for 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Demonstrate how data and analysis informs strategic planning, audience development, and programming policy

Market research

C17. Measure the number of attendances at Opening Night events/performances

Since the Opening Night events/performances programming and the venue have changed for 2006-7, it is not possible to directly measure the number of attendances against the 2005-6 figure

The Opening Night events/performances attract a diverse range of residents and visitors

(diversity assessed by age, gender, place of residence)

Establish methodology and collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Demonstrate how baseline data informs programming policy for 2007-8 and 2008-9

On-the-night surveys and observation

Market research

C18. Measure the number of schools involved in Opening Night events/


Since the Opening Night events/performances programming and the venue have changed for 2006-7, it is not possible to directly measure the number of schools involved against the 2005-6 figure

The Opening Night events/performances involve B&NES schools (secondary and primary), and schools report that they are a positive and relevant activity for their children and young people

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of schools involved in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Demonstrate how baseline data informs programming policy for 2007-8 and 2008-9

Work with B&NES Education dept. officers to plan activity

Participating schools information

Feedback to Link Officer from B&NES Education dept. officers

(D) Bath Literature Festival



Intended outcome

Baseline and Rationale

Expectation (must do - essential)

Expectation (advised - good practice)

Reporting evidence required

D1. Measure number of events

The total number of events in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period)

The number of events may not be the same in consecutive years, and may not increase

B&NES residents and visitors have the opportunity to experience a large number of events

The Council achieves value for money for the investment it makes in the organisation

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Provide rationale for number of events in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Programme information

D2. Increase attendances

The total number of attendances in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period), and including free events

The total attendances increase year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased attendances in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

D3. Increase proportion of events held in venues outside Bath, within the B&NES area

The purpose of this target to ensure that residents outside Bath are able to participate in the festival and to feel engaged with it

This meets the needs of people in rural areas who cannot (for reasons of poverty, lack of transport, disability, family and work circumstances), or do not wish to, travel to Bath

B&NES residents who live outside Bath are able to access festival events in, or very near to, their towns, villages and communities.

2005-6 baseline = 20%

Organisation to set own target for the proportion in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Programme at least one event in Keynsham and at least one event in Norton Radstock

Programme events in villages

Exceed the target set for the year

Programme more than one event in Keynsham and more than one event in Norton Radstock

Use community venues which have established audiences/


Venue information

D4. Increase number of events and projects for children and young people (under 25)

This target includes both individual events and longer projects

Young people are able to experience and participate in festival activity

Young people have the opportunity to work with professional artists

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for the number of events and projects in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Programme events and projects in primary and secondary schools in consultation with B&NES Education dept. officers

Programme activity with young people out of school

Exceed the target set for the year

Work with Youth Service and other out of school providers to target and engage excluded and disaffected young people

Event and project information

Notes of meetings with B&NES Education dept. officers

D5. Increase number of schools worked with

B&NES schools should have the opportunity to benefit from festival activity

Teachers and children are able to experience and participate in festival activity

Teachers and children have the opportunity to work with professional artists

The festival contributes to enriching the schools English and literacy curriculum

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for the number of schools worked with in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Work with B&NES Education dept. officers

Exceed the target set for the year

Participating schools information

Feedback to Link Officer from B&NES Education dept. officers

D6. Increase total attendances by children and young people (under 25)

The total number of attendances by children and young people in the festival (counting both the festival itself and related activity outside the festival period), and including free events

The figure includes children and young people performing

The total attendances by children and young people increase year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased attendances by children and young people in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

D7. Increase the percentage of children and young people expressing satisfaction

This target measures how satisfied children and young people are with the events and projects targeted to them

Programming for under 25s is effectively designed, targeted and marketed, and improves year on year

The percentage of children and young people who are satisfied or very satisfied increases

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased satisfaction ratings from children and young people in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Feedback from children and young people

D8. Increase the percentage of all attenders expressing satisfaction

This target measures how satisfied attenders are with festival events

Programming is effectively designed, targeted and marketed, and improves year on year

The percentage of attenders who are satisfied or very satisfied increases

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for increased satisfaction ratings from attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Market research

Feedback from attenders

D9. Increase number of responses to market research as percentage of total number surveyed

This target measures the response to market research

Festival marketing is able to draw on robust market research evidence from a representative sample of the festival audience

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for survey responses in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Market research

D10. Increase number of website visits

This target refers to all visits to website, whether for information or for online ticket purchasing

There is increased traffic to the website year on year

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for number of visits in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Website data

Market research

D11. Increase number of tickets booked online

Customers should be able to book and complete all ticket purchasing online via the website

The percentage of tickets purchased online increases year on year

Customers express satisfaction with service

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

Organisation to set own target for online purchasing in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Box office data

Website data

Market research

D12. Achieve a reduction in Council subsidy per attendance

The subsidy reduces year on year

The subsidy per attender contributed by the Council decreases, as a result of increased attendances and increased income generated from box office and other sources

2004-5 actual / 2005-6 target = £5.69 combined for both the Music and the Literature festivals.

Organisation to set own target for decreased subsidy per attender for the Literature festival in consultation with the Council in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Annual monitoring review reporting

D13. Increase the number of new attenders

B&NES Council Arts Development Strategy 2005-8 seeks to increase access to the arts

There is an increased number of new/first-time attenders to the festival

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to engage hard-to-reach communities

Box office data

Market research

D14. Increase the number of new attenders from outside B&NES

The City of Festivals initiative seeks to encourage cultural tourism and so it is necessary to measure the number of festival visitors from outside B&NES

There is an increased number of attenders to the festival from outside B&NES

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to reach potential audiences outside B&NES

Work in collaboration with Bath Tourism Plus

Box office data

Website data

Market research

D15. Increase the number of attendances from B&NES excluding the city of Bath

B&NES Council Arts Development Strategy 2005-8 seeks to increase access to the arts, especially by residents who live in more rural and isolated areas

There is an increased number of new/first-time attenders to the festival from B&NES excluding the city of Bath

Use 2005-6 data as baseline

[or, if unavailable]

Collect baseline data in 2006-7

Show increase in 2007-8 and 2008-9

Organisation to set own target for number of new attenders in each year

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Utilise targeted marketing and promotion strategies to engage hard-to-reach communities

Box office data

Market research

D16. Undertake regular surveys/

market research on non-attenders

In order to increase attendances, it is necessary to find out and understand the reasons for non-attendance, by conducting market research with current arts attenders who do not attend the festival

The organisation has a clear idea of why some current arts attenders do not attend the festival, and uses this information to inform strategic planning, audience development, and programming policy

Undertake one survey/market research project in 2006-7

Organisation to use data and analysis to set objectives for 2007-8 and 2008-9

Meet the target set for the year

Exceed the target set for the year

Demonstrate how data and analysis informs strategic planning, audience development, and programming policy

Market research