Meeting documents

Wednesday, 3rd May, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


3 May 2006




A Review of Primary Schools in Peasedown







All but particularly Bathavon South, Bathavon West, Peasedown


Appendix 1 - Final report of the Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel
Appendix 2 - A Review of Primary Schools in the Peasedown Area - A Discussion Paper


1.1 Falling rolls in schools are a national issue which is reflected in Bath & North East Somerset. Examination of the number of unfilled and potentially surplus places in schools can ensure that funding is directed to where it is most needed, to the benefit of all pupils. Reviews of the way in which schools are organised are therefore an important element of the Council's strategic management role. Regular examination of the supply of, and demand for, school places is essential in order to ensure that education is being delivered in the most effective way.

1.2 At September 2005 the Peasedown area has, using the Audit Commission method of calculation (see 4.4), 55 unfilled primary school places which represents 8.28% of capacity in the area.


The Council Executive is asked to :

2.1 Note the valuable work of the Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel (EYCL OSP) and consider their recommendations as set out in Appendix 1.

2.2 Agree that no organisational change is needed in this cluster

2.3 Request officers to work with the governors of St Julian's Cof E Primary School to improve accommodation within the funds available.

2.4 Request officers to discuss with the Diocese of Bath and Wells the options for improving pedestrian access to Shoscombe CofE Primary School.

2.5 Note the long term security issues associated with the use of the detached playing field at Peasedown St John Primary School and request that officers work with with the Headteacher and Governors to try and resolve this issue.

2.6 Note the continuing decline in pupil numbers at Camerton Cof E Primary School and the Panel's request that a further report on pupil numbers be brought to them in Spring 2008 .


3.1 There are no financial implications arising from this report. Where the need for improvements in buildings are identified by the Panel these will be considered for inclusion in the Education Capital Programme within the context of the LEA's Asset Management Plan priorities, and subject to the availability of funding.


4.1 At its meeting on 9 July 2003 the Council Executive adopted a School Organisation Plan (the Plan) for the period 2003-2008. At a meeting of the full Council on 17 July the Plan also received unanimous support and the Plan was finally approved by the School Organisation Committee (a body independent of the Council) on 22 July 2003.

4.2 The Plan included a new process for undertaking reviews of schools. This process was developed through work undertaken by the EYCL OSP who consulted widely and heard from a number of key stakeholders during the process. The Plan is on the Council website.

4.3 The Plan stated that of the 13 Primary Planning Areas those most in need of review were those which presented the highest number of unfilled, and thus potentially surplus, places. These reviews were completed during the 2003/04 academic year. Subsequently the programme of reviews of other areas has continued with the Peasedown Review being the latest of these.

4.4 Members are invited to note that the method used by the Department for Education & Skills for calculating the numbers of unfilled places only takes into account the number of places unfilled at schools where capacity exceeds the number of children on roll. It does not take account of the deficit of places at schools where the number on roll exceeds capacity.

4.5 An initial discussion document was prepared and distributed to key stakeholders for `fact-checking' in November 2005. Following responses a number of corrections and clarifications were made and a further document was issued in December 2005. This document attached at Appendix 2 contained all the agreed facts, requests for clarification and correction, the LEA response to those requests and some draft conclusions drawn up by Officers.

4.6 The EYCL OSP organised a visit to each of the schools covered by this Review. The tour took place on 11th Jan 2006.

4.7 The revised document referred to in 4.5 was discussed at a specially arranged public meeting of the EYCL OSP, held on 18th January 2006. The meeting heard contributions and/or received written statements from schools covered by this Review plus other speakers.

4.8 The Panel reached their conclusions taking into account the views expressed at the public meeting and their observations of the schools during the tour. The Panel presented their findings at a public session on 27th February 2006.

4.9 The final report of the Panel is attached at Appendix 1 and Members are invited to note their recommendations.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The Panel were of the majority opinion that no re-organisation of the primary schools within the Peasedown area was necessary. Although there were a relatively high number of surplus places the majority of these were at one school.

6.2 The Panel noted that all 4 schools were successful and generally achieved above KS1 and KS2 national average standards. Whilst each of the schools served its local community the Panel noted that both St Julian's and Shoscombe had a significant proportion of pupils from Peasedown. This not only eases pressure on Peasedown St John Primary which is near capacity but also helps to sustain those schools.

6.3 The Panel noted the continuing decline in pupils numbers at Camerton Primary despite improvements to the accommodation, chiefly through the provision of new temporary classrooms in 2003. At that time pupil numbers and standards had improved and the LEA agreed that improvements to accommodation would provide an opportunity for the school to raise standards and maintain pupil numbers and that the situation would be monitored. Despite this investment the school has not attracted pupils to capacity and numbers on roll have not been sustained. Unit costs at the school are significantly higher than the area average. The Panel acknowledged however the considerable efforts of the new headteacher and governors to improve the school and the strong support of parents. In addition the Panel recognised that the school was an important part of the local rural community. Nevertheless the Panel observed that if the decline in pupil numbers is not arrested the schools' financial viability and its ability to deliver the curriculum would be seriously affected and could bring its long term future into question.


7.1 Given the continuing decline in pupil numbers at Camerton Primary the option of recommending a review of the school at this stage was considered. It was felt however that the school should be given every opportunity to build on the good work of the Headteacher and governors to see if this has a positive impact on pupil numbers.


8.1 Ward councillors, Executive councillor, Overview & Scrutiny Panel, Staff, Service users, Local Service users, Local residents, Stakeholders/Partners

8.2 The Panel reached their conclusions taking into account the views expressed at the public meeting and their observations of the schools during the tour.

Contact person

Chris Kavanagh - 01225 395149

Background papers

School Organisation Plan 2003 -2008