Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd October, 2002

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive



2nd October 2002


Annual Library Plan




List of attachments to this report:

Annual Library Plan



1.1 This report invites Members to agree the Draft Annual Library Plan, which must be provided to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The report includes progress against targets in the current annual plans and sets out future plans and aspirations. The Library and Information Service is currently working on a long term Vision and action plan, which is not yet complete. Therefore this plan is aspirational, and subject to further detailed work. The plan is not binding, and will be used to inform the Bath and North East Somerset service plan for 2003-4 in due course.


2.1 The Draft Annual Library Plan is agreed for submission to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

2.2 The members note that the Bath and North East Somerset Library and Information Service is currently working on a long term Vision and action plan.

2.3 This report is commended to the Executive and the full Council.

Printed on recycled paper


3.1 Funds for the medium term plans (next 18 months) are from existing Library budgets, other than the implementation of the Special Needs Action Plan (work not yet complete), funding for co-location projects and actions from the Culture and Leisure Best Value Review. A business case is being compiled for the Best Value Review; A Business Manager will be recruited by March 2003. This will be a self-funding post to explore all income possibilities including commercial and retail opportunities.

3.2 Funds for the longer term (3rd year action plan) are not yet accurately quantified or budgeted for on the basis that the aims are aspirational and will be amended in the light of the Vision and the People's Network evaluation.

3.3 The People's Network is funded by New Opportunities Fund for a period of 3 years only. Sustainability will be addressed as part of the evaluation of the project.


4.1 The Annual Library Plan sets out the review of performance over the period of the previous Plan, and proposes targets for the coming year. The work of the Library Service is closely linked with that of Customer Access, Education, Heritage and Arts, Economic Regeneration and Social Exclusion.

4.2 Staff within the library service, Heads of Service and other key officers have been consulted on the action plans. UNISON have also been consulted.

4.3 The Medium Term Action Plans (next 18 months) focus on developing and implementing a strategic direction and plans for the service via the Vision, Best Value implementation, and the People's Network Project (increased Internet provision for the public and establishment of Learning Centres in Libraries).

4.4 The Third Year Action Plan is aspirational and key points relate to implementing the library `Vision',

4.5 Included in the plans are proposals to apply for the Children's Charter, and Chartermark.

Contact person

Julia Fieldhouse, Head of Customer Service, Libraries and Information

01225 396404

Background papers

Annual Library Plan
Service Plan 2002-03
Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries DCMS October 1999.


This version was printed 23-Sep-02 11:50 a50/p50