Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd October, 2002


Goldney House 28th September 2002


David Smallacombe

Yvonne Case.

Jan Crookes

Phil Marshall

Eunice Giles

Anne Ashely

Ivor Chappell

Harry Dixon,

Emily Bridges

Noreen Busby

Lesley Parrot

Gwen Iles

Norman Peel

Vera Collins

Sylvia Rivers

Flo Comer

Ruth Millgrove

Brian Withers

Terry Withers

Ivy Sims

Percy Dowling

Tom Walker

Ruth Woodland

Fred Norris

Shirley Withers,

Jackie Withers

Cassie Pow

Doris Loring.


David Smallacombe made a presentation to the group outlining the proposals the Council Executive had asked officers to consult on at its July 12th meeting. The presentation included the preferred model of care and site location for future care for older people in Bath and North East Somerset. In addition he explained the process for completing the Consultation Questionnaire a copy of which was provided to each relative and resident present.

After the presentation the following questions were asked:

Questions and comments

I think the whole package is brilliant!

DS We think it's good. I recently visited a new type of home and there were people coming and going, it felt more like a resource, the atmosphere had a buzz, people living in the sheltered housing could enjoy the activity.

Could you tell us about the finance?

DS On the Registered Care side the finance would be as it is now, a person is assessed in terms of need and personal finance and the threshold would remain the same. In Sheltered Housing you are a tenant, you keep control of your money, staff would help if necessary. If someone needed to move over from Sheltered Housing to the Registered Care Home they would have to be reassessed.

What about the staff, would they come with us?

DS Providing staff want to stay in the service they will move into the new buildings. There will be some familiar faces.

How soon will this be implemented?

DS November 6th is the date of the final decision. If the go ahead is given then we will put the building contract out for tender. It will take about a year to design and plan the building and find a building partner and we will have to obtain planning permission. It will take about a year to build the new homes, we are hoping we can build in parallel, people should be moving at the beginning of 2005.

I hope they get on with it, people want to know where they stand. The staff would like to know.

Obviously a lot of work has gone into this and you've come up with some exciting ideas. I think you should be congratulated, people don't want to give up their own homes. The bigger rooms are wonderful it's a pity some people have already got rid of most of their things.

David thanked everyone for coming and reminded them that there were some photographs and a floor plan to look at.

The meeting closed.

Appendix 5b


Appendix 5d


Appendix 5f


Appendix 5h


Appendix 5j


Appendix 5l


Appendix 5n


Appendix 5p