Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd October, 2002

Appendix 2

Revenue Implications for Elderly Person's Homes Reprovision

Care Staff

Staffing Costs for a 30 bed plus 15 extra care - MSN £649,400 Note 1

Staffing Costs for a 30 bed plus 15 extra care- Keynsham £649,400

Staffing Costs for a 45 bed registered home in Bath £663,660

Extra Care Staff Team for Bath £293,500 Note 2


Domestic/Catering Staff - MSN £102,400 Note 3

Domestic Catering Staff - Keynsham £102,400

Domestic/Catering Staff - Bath £112,400


Staffing transferred from Homeward Unit £180,750

Total Staff Costs £2,753,910

Non Staffing Costs

Domestic/ Catering costs i.e. food and cleaning materials £182,775 Note 4

Other Non-pay costs i.e. Heating and Lighting £158,100 Note 5

Loss of Income and Change in Purchasing £319,500 Note 6

Capital Financing £481,800 Note 7

Total Revenue Costs £3,896,085

Available Funding for Financing

Current Gross Budget for EPH's £3,358,500

Current Budget for Homeward Unit £235,400

Financial Plan Provision £308,000

Funding Available £3,901,900

Small Surplus £5,815

Appendix 2 Continued

Note 1

Note 2

The costings for extra care have been revised from the July report. They include additional funding to create a new 30 place extra care unit in Bath and boost the staffing at the Orchard to create 15 extra care places at a cost of £40,700. The costings for the 30 place extra care unit are as follows:

Note 3

The costings for the July report used estimates prepared by Commercial Services for `Hotel' services. Additional analysis has identified that management of these services within the home will give more value for money.

Note 4

Based on £60,925 per home using information supplied by Commercial Services and costs of existing homes

Note 5

Based on £52,700 per home using information on existing homes

Note 6

Calculations based on loss of income due to transfer of registered care beds to extra care beds. Residents in extra care units pay lower charges

Note 7

These are capital financing costs of 6% of the current maximum costs. A reduction in the capital costs will also reduce these financing costs and bring potential savings against the financial plan.