Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd October, 2002

Comments from Staff

· That rather than build `Extracare' units, to consider sheltered accommodation that I understand is already underused. What will be different about these units and the care they will receive from that they could receive in their own home?

You mention `rehabilitation' from the new homes, but have not expanded on this and the form you think it will take. How will the changes link (if at all) to any proposed changes to domicillary care services?

· Providing the present contracts of the employees are not changed or need to be renewed and the position that you currently hold will be kept open for you as a priority in the new homes built.

· I believe Bath & North East Somerset have a courageous plan for the future and that elderly people living in the area will be afforded prestigious services - and continuous services. However, issues regarding staff (training, change of rate, terms and conditions, etc) should be clarified sooner rather than later to ensure that existing staff remain onboard in the interim.

· The new care homes will be in line with the future. This is a good thing forward.

· I think the area's starred are a good choice, for the area to be covered.

· The new care homes are definitely for the future and I look forward to working in one.

· Any new home being built should listen to the local people (Committee) who live in the area sympathetically. If it should effect where they have resided for many years. To have some input by an elderly person when planning takes place or local person of that area.

· I do feel that when the new homes are up and running there should be cleaners for cleaning, a laundry person for laundry and so on. As a night S/W we do all the cleaning ie all washing and ironing, cleaning of all toilets, lounges including all hoovering and shampooing of carpets. Laying up of the dining room, cleaning and washing the floor of the kitchen.

I feel this takes away from the care skills, I would personally welcome extending my skills to doing joint nursing care, with the appropriate training as I do like my job as a care assistant, at the moment the wheel has been broken by doing extra other than care. We don't need extra rates for nursing or EMI clients, just extra hands to do the jobs they apply for.

· The Chew Valley area would be best served by a new building on this site. Country dwellers quite often do not appreciate being uprooted and placed in town situations with large numbers of people.

· Have in another for the people of Carrswood Centre not just move them out.

· It would seem sensible to consider a flexible and adaptive style of accommodation for older people which includes `Extracare', `Residential Care and Care Support together with a staff team who can work across all of these services.

· I do not know of the two sites contact as being right choices for the new home. But I do agree strongly to the new homes being built for those new and especially for future elders. The Extracare complex is a bonus addition which is needed to support those who would benefit for stages of moving on.

· I think we need more than one home built in Bath, due to it being a bigger population and at the moment we have four homes in Bath, so one home would not be sufficient.

Carrswood is next to a housing estate, where at night has a very large group of youth who congregate in that area. It is also known to have a lot of vandalism, thefts and drugs.

· May find it difficult to travel in to Bath.

· In the area where there are dementia clients there is a need for more space for them to walk freely. If they cannot do this they become very agitated and aggressive (congestion).

· Need for dementia patients to walk around. Very important for mental health.

· I think having the Extracare units is a good idea, as it makes users feel they still have control over all the issues, but there are staff around to assist when needed and the user wouldn't feel lonely and isolated as they would see people milling about all the time. I think having the nursing care unit could also take some of the pressure off of hospitals, as long as there are enough staff to cope with demands these patients may require.

· Fit for the future - all homes need to be updated - en-suites etc.

· Why is there not a care home this side of Bath.

· As there is a population growth of elderly people. I believe that B&NES should provide more care places not less than we already have, even with careful planning and changes I feel that we will need more secure places in years to come. I don't think that Carrswood site in Twerton is suitable to represent Bath as it is too far outside of Bath. The area is subject to vandalism and muggings, leaving the elderly very vulnerable instead of safe. A central site would be better making it accessible to all relatives of service users and easier commuting for staff. People living on the opposite side of Bath may find it difficult to commute to Twerton and no other site from B&NES would be available.

I think that Bath needs more than one care home and more centralised or two at either side of Bath. Having just one home for the whole of Bath may lead to some service users having to go to sites outside of Bath re. Hawthorne or Greenacre.

· It seems from the plans that we have seen that our clients (EMI) will not have any extra space for walking around. They tend to get agitated if all in confined areas.

· These proposals talk about providing better EPH buildings but have the needs of EMI clients been taken into account. It is very important that the people making this decision remember the special sort of care EMI clients need, I also hope they LISTEN to the staff especially at Sunnyside who deal with EMI clients everyday and know more about their needs than any councillor or project manager.

· As a carer within the B&NES homes I feel that in the new builds there should be domestics to carry out the household duty and care assistants to concentrate on the care duties also I feel that uniforms would be welcomed by some staff. I would like to se my pay and conditions remain the same.

· Leave the system alone. If it works dont try and amend it.

· I don't think Twerton is a very good place due to vandalism and drugs, which would put elderly people at risk.

· Central location would/should be considered - many people now in care homes have children who are older and rely on/require public transport. Greenacres does not have a regular service.

· Due to the vandalism and drug problems in the Twerton area I feel that the elderly would be vulnerable and at risk.

· I cannot answer the last 3 questions as I do not know the locations.

· How come the bed numbers are being decreased to 165, when there is already a waiting list for the number of beds that exist at the moment?