Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd March, 2005

Mainstreaming Community Safety

Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act:

Imposes a duty on authorities to which the section applies `to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the need to deal all that it can reasonably to prevent crime and disorder in it's area.


Cross referencing to the Community Safety and Drugs Strategy 2005-08 strategic priorities

A - Alcohol-related Crime and Disorder

ASB - Anti-social Behaviour

CC - Community Confidence (reducing the fear of crime)

D - Drugs Intervention and Prevention

DV - Domestic Violence

HC - Hate Crime

VC - Volume Crime

YP - Young People as victims and perpetrators of crime

D&A - Drugs and Alcohol (combining 2 priorities from above)

S17 - (wider than the CSDS) Delivering a reduction in other crimes outside of the 3 year strategy

Service Area delivering Section 17

Current work delivered by service that contributes to the delivery of the Community Safety and Drugs Agenda via mainstream activities

Cross Reference in this Plan

Other/ Service Plans

Adult Care and Commissioning Service

Brief Summary of the Vulnerable Adult policy in B&NES

In B&NES use the term "vulnerable adult" to describe adults who are vulnerable through disability and who are at risk from abuse or severe self neglect.

There is an inter agency vulnerable adult group including representatives from a wide range of agencies, including the Social Services, the NHS, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, the police, voluntary organisations representing carers and service users, and private sector providers.

The group meets quarterly to oversee the implementation of the local interagency policy. This policy sets out in detail the standards and agreed processes for the way in which agencies in B&NES will work together to protect vulnerable adults. Social Services is the designated lead agency in all cases where a multi agency approach is required. There is one point of referral, the Adult Duty Service based at Lewis House. All agencies are expected to report cases to Adult Duty to ensure social Services are aware and for accurate data collection. Anyone including members of the public can refer if they are concerned about an adult who may be suffering abuse or neglect.

Training is available free or at low cost for staff from across the range of agencies, and training for senior managers is currently being developed. available on request from Yvonne Bonifas, Strategic Planning Officer PO Box 3343 Bath BA1 2ZH or from Social Services offices. Most agencies will receive a copy automatically through a mail out in late January. A new public information leaflet has also been produced., and a poster which will shortly be distributed for public display in council offices, libraries, GP surgeries and so on.



Adult Care and Commissioning Service

We work in partnership with Bobby Van Scheme in order to protect vulnerable older people improving home security



Business Support Unit

Provide a finance service to internal Council departments. Main focus for reducing crime are directed at improving internal accounting systems to reduce the possibility of the risk of fraud and theft. This is a continuing task, in which the collaboration of other areas of Finance, plus Internal and External Audit, is used whenever relevant



Children and Families Service

Protocol for working with families where domestic violence is an issue have been updated and are implemented by all agencies. The Area Children Protection Committee (ACPC) Business Plan includes plans for improving services to families and improving staff training. Domestic Violence Co-ordinator is member of sub committee of the ACPC and provides reports to the ACPC. Designated Officer for domestic violence established within the Children and Families Referral and Assessment team.



Children and Families Service

Every Child Matters agenda being progressed in B&NES with clear focus on the 5 outcomes for children and young people as detailed in the Green Paper (including Staying Safe; Being Healthy; making a Positive Contribution). Partner agencies are building upon current local projects to progress this agenda. Projects include the development of an extended school service at Wansdyke School; the development of local services and resources to reduce the need for young people to be placed outside Bath and North East Somerset; the development of SEN centres of excellence.



Children and Families Service

Protocol for working with families where domestic violence is an issue have been updated and are implemented by all agencies. The Area Children Protection Committee (ACPC) Business Plan includes plans for improving services to families and improving staff training. Domestic Violence Co-ordinator is member of sub committee of the ACPC and provides reports to the ACPC. Designated Officer for domestic violence established within the Children and Families Referral and Assessment team.



Children and Families Service

Every Child Matters agenda being progressed in B&NES with clear focus on the 5 outcomes for children and young people as detailed in the Green Paper (including Staying Safe; Being Healthy; making a Positive Contribution). Partner agencies are building upon current local projects to progress this agenda. Projects include the development of an extended school service at Wansdyke School; the development of local services and resources to reduce the need for young people to be placed outside Bath and North East Somerset; the development of SEN centres of excellence.



Children and Families

Through the ACPC Business Plan 2004/05 work programme plans have been implemented to improve services for families experiencing domestic abuse; to revise the protocols for working with families where domestic violence is an issue, and where parental substance misuse is an issue; for inter-agency staff training; to improve service user contributions to child protection conferences; to improve responses to children who are privately fostered; to further develop Childsafe (in sports ,activity and leisure groups; to further develop Travelsafe; to further develop Keepsafe service for working with young people who offend against other young people.



Children and Families

The Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership has developed the Local Preventative Strategy (LPS) designed to promote the health and well-being of young people in Bath and North East Somerset and deliver improved outcomes through partnership. The overall aim of the LPS is to promote positive outcomes and to prevent children and young people from experiencing negative outcome. The LPS incorporates the 5 main outcomes for children and young people as detailed in the Green Paper Every Child Matters (including Staying Safe Being Healthy and Making a Positive Contribution).. 16 Strategic objectives have been agreed and lead groups established to develop delivery plans for each. 4 immediate priorities for action have been agreed , including the development of a comprehensive parenting strategy

The LPS has been approved by the Council Executive and will be championed by the Local Strategic Partnership.

Progress with the delivery plans will be monitored by the CYPSP



Children and Families

Reducing the number of looked after children who offend. The Children and Families Services provides funding for two Social Workers and the Practice manager in the Youth Offending Team. Also works with the Compass Project to work with young people(including looked after) who are on the cusp of offending, and with ASBO's. Looked After Children Monitoring and Development (LACMAD) Group coordinates services to looked after children.



Commercial Services Commercial Services

Community Wardens are employed to work on crime prevention and reduction (particularly around vehicles and graffiti) and fear of crime by their presence in the community. They build community confidence by active engagement with people in the areas in which they work. There are now 3 schemes - one each in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton.



Commercial Services

Parking Attendants contribute to keeping car crime under control by deterrence and observation. They are a reassuring presence in the community and often are the first on the scene when an incident has occurred. As a result they frequently instigate the attendance of the appropriate emergency services.



Commercial Services

Park & Ride Attendants are employed to keep crime under control by deterrence and observation. They are a reassuring presence on the sites in which they work.



Commercial Services

All relevant staff are familiar with the principles around safeguarding children as a specific initiative ensuring young people's safety.



Corporate Performance Unit

The Procurement Strategy and audits ensure that there is no (unfound) fraud in both procurement and procured services bought in by the Council



Democratic Services

Working on connecting with and engaging young people in their own democratic process (e.g. electing a Youth MP) to assist in their understanding of the political process and create awareness of good citizenship. Part of this process challenges the stereotypes of young people as perpetrators of crime rather than victims or challengers



Democratic Services

The Registration Service does have a responsibility to provide a robust check on the validity of couples giving notice of marriage in order to weed out "bogus" "sham" marriages under Immigration & Asylum Act requirements



Democratic Services

The team supports the Executive Member, with responsibility for Community Safety, ensuring papers are on time, decisions are made in accordance to our constitution and training is undertaken



Democratic Services

Members' support offers the members a training and development programme which endeavoured to foster a greater awareness of young people's issues among councillors.



Democratic Services

Registration services undertake (informal) work with young parents. Although this is primarily the formal process of birth registration, it does serve as an early opportunity to engage with young parents about parenting issues generally. There are plans, up for discussion about the development of this service. This can be used as part of the crime prevention strategy.



Economic Development

Training Solutions to include youngsters in danger of exclusion from schools and those who have come through the system without achieving basic literacy and numeracy standards who are consequently in danger of falling into crime



Economic Development

Leading the City Centre Governance Framework in line with the Public Realm Strategy and in partnership with local stakeholders. Bath city centre is visited by several million people every year for a variety of purposes. It is also an area in which key events take place each year, such as the Act of Remembrance, Christmas Market and New Year's Eve celebrations. This corporate initiative will examine issues concerning the city centre public realm, the evening economy and visitor management, in consultation with key stakeholders such as the Abbey Residents Association, the Mayor's Honorary Guides, Bath Tourism Plus and the Chamber of Commerce ensuring community safety concepts are always considered.




Fund £18K towards a YOT (Youth Offending Team) worker to assist in the delivery of work with young offenders




Aim to generally improve Educational attainment in order to ensure young people find gainful employment and are diverted away from criminal activity through our mainstream schools programme




Work with the DAT (Drug Action Team) on staff training, youth worker training to ensure an understanding the impacts of drugs and alcohol on young people by those working with them

YP, CC, D & A



We have Youth workers working on CSAG (Community Safety Action Groups) in Twerton and Peasedown to support their work and engage young people in the CSAG process




The excluded pupil provision enables young people excluded from school to still achieving academic qualifications to ensure that they do not need to enter a life of crime




Run attendance and behaviour programmes working with young people on modifying their behaviour in schools in line with social expectations




Truancy Schemes and Education Welfare provision/services ensures young people are engaged in school activity during school hours.




Employ a Drugs Co-ordinator (Kate Murphy) who works with schools to ensure they include Drug education in their Citizenship programmes




Through the RAMP/XL project work in six schools with 10 - 12 year olds at risk of exclusion in order to keep them engaged in school




There are four teams of detached youth workers working with young people to keep them motivated and interested rather than disaffected




Introduced a mobile youth club in early 2005, focusing on rural communities, offering young people alternative activities to keep them motivated and interested rather than disaffected



Environmental and Consumer Services

Run an `Events Safety Coordination Group' that designs out crime at local events



Environmental and Consumer Services

Manage the CCTV (Close Circuit Television) network and work closely with the Police to ensure safer streets of B&NES and the successful delivery of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)



Environmental and Consumer Services

The Licensing policy and process ensures crime and disorder is considered in licensing applications and saturation policies

CC, A, VC,


Environmental and Consumer Services

We work in partnership on the `Retail Radio Link' ensuring safer shopping in the Centre of Bath



Environmental and Consumer Services

Underage sales initiatives are undertaken to ensure that traders are not selling to underage patrons.



Environmental and Consumer Services

Co-ordinate the removal of fly tipping, abandoned vehicles (including those at risk of arson), graffiti removal, related enforcement and detection. Also lead positive publicity and enforcement issues.



Environmental and Consumer Services

Currently finalising a Litter Reduction Plan which looks at how we can positively influence environmental quality (which impacts on fear of crime etc) - education, enforcement, operational and partnership working.



Environmental and Consumer Services

Removal of needles, needle boxes & installation of blue lights in public toilets.

work with offenders on allotments, social inclusion work encouraged by Leisure working (i.e. the positive impact sport can make on disaffected people)

Designing out crime through the redesign of parks & open spaces areas and reduction of plant growth



Environmental & Consumer Services

We aim to `Reduce fear of crime' by reducing or eliminate begging and drunkenness on the streets a baseline assessment will be undertaken



Heritage Services

Extended the project with the Bath Foyer, Twerton, working with disadvantaged young people (16-24 year olds). This innovative project is being pioneered in the South West by the Roman Baths and three other museums. It uses museums as learning vehicles for disadvantaged teenagers, who may be at risk of offending, and is externally funded.



Heritage Services

We ensure the removal of fly tipping, abandoned vehicles (including those at risk of arson), graffiti removal & detection plus the positive publicity and enforcement issues. Thus ensuring an environment that engenders community confidence. Should these be split further one heading for each?




In partnership with Probation and Police work to re-house dangerous offenders leaving prison under the Dangerous Offenders Protocol. Have adopted the following policy for prisoners: Prisoners can make an application if they are within the last 6 months of their sentence and will accrue time on list points during that period. Applicants who go to prison will have their application suspended. Their application will accrue time on list points for the last 6 months of their sentence. Applicants in prison will be unable to register an interest in a property until they are within two weeks of their release.




The `Move On Scheme' is an agreement through Supporting People with the Drug and Homeless Initiative (DHI) for 6 places on the Assisted Move On Scheme. Both projects are for people in secondary treatment and who have originally been referred by probation to the projects.

CC, VC, D & A



LLP's (Local Lettings Plans) with Registered Social landlords (RSL's) are schemes where tenants have a significant history of difficulties, such as anti-social behaviour, drug misuse, and criminal activity. At present there are LLP's in place at three locations. The LLP's usually specify that applicants under certain age will not be considered, along with applicants who have high support needs. This is in order to create a sustainable community. The LLP's are time limited.




The SHI (Secure Homes Initiative) is a grant that offers financial assistance to carry out security work to homes. For example, window/door locks, security lighting etc. The grants are targeted at those who are elderly, have been victims of domestic violence, or who are considered to be otherwise vulnerable and are in receipt of one of these benefits: Income Support; Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance; Council Tax Benefit




The `Void Properties' service proactively encourages owners of empty properties to bring them back into use. This is done by a combination of advice, help and financial assistance. This benefits the entire community and has a direct effect on crime and disorder by removing the target for vandalism and such behaviour




Voluntary Property Accreditation is the Bath and North East Somerset Council's seal of approval for rented properties that meet current housing standards and which are safe for people to live in. There are currently almost 2000 bed spaces within the District that are covered by the scheme. The majority of which are in student accommodation. One of the developing requirements for this scheme is that properties meet graded security requirements. Financial assistance can be made available to assist.




Via supporting People funding "The Shed" provides meaningful occupation for homeless people"




Via Supporting People funding support DHI for single homeless and re-settlement project




Close working with Bath Churches on rough sleeping prevention work, which often includes mental health interventions and homelessness `out reach'




Through the `Secure by Design Development' encourage the proactive use of secure by design in all developments in which we are partners. Work with the Police's Architectural Liaison Officer to design out crime with a view to achieve a 'secured by design' award when providing new RSl housing. Aim to achieve the same goal with a private development.



Human Resources

Managing rough sleepers in co-operation with car parks, Julian House & Police and an ongoing initiative on reducing violence towards staff. Managing violence does include ASBO's.



Major Projects team

Bath Western Riverside Project is at present being designed ensuring that "safety" and "security" are referred to in the vision and always gets raised in general discussions.

CC, S17, VC


Planning Services

Designing Out Crime is a joint protocol with the Police with regards to `Designing out Crime.' We work closely with and consult the local police Architectural Liaison Officer, on new planning proposals as they come through the system. This often results in amendments to schemes with a view to reducing the opportunity for crime to take place.



Planning Services

Working with the `Urban Public Realm' to improve it in a tangible and coherently planned manner, through targeted transformation of unique monuments and buildings that constitute the heart of the urban realm in Bath. Thus improving community confidence in the area



Planning Services

We are working closely with partners to increase public confidence and improve and maintain the public environment and `street scene'; ensure quick removal of graffiti and dumped rubbish; maximise on-street presence of the 'police family' to improve public confidence; work towards breaking the link between street homelessness and drug misuse in and around Council buildings.



Resources Business Services Team

The main focus of our actions in reducing crime are directed at improving internal accounting systems to reduce the possibility of the risk of fraud and theft



Resources, Business Services

The making of payments to individuals, including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Refunds. Also the collection of debt from members of the public is done sympathetically and can take into account their individual financial circumstances



Service Area Delivering Section 17

Current work delivered by service that contributes to the delivery of the Community Safety and Drugs Strategy Agenda via mainstream activites

Cross Reference in this Plan

Other/ Service Plan

LSP and Community Strategy

Improvements to local environment quality

Further develop the community warden scheme & identify potential for further integration with other service areas

Provide security presence at Parade Gardens

Action Line - amendment to base budget

Provide additional funding for graffiti removal

A cleaner environment through review of street cleansing

Make inclusion achievable by building the trust, confidence & capacity of schools & the authority to meet the needs of children & young people

Licensing Act 2003: Council responsibility aimed to:

B7 Prevent crime & disorder Safe guard public safety Prevent nuisance

Ongoing Street Lighting improvement

Ensure there is a strong focus on the LSP's work on joint working to promote liveability in local neighbourhoods, & that there are close links with community safety issues

Community Warden Scheme expanded to Norton Radstock January 2005 (Joint proposal with Sustainability & Economic Development Services and

Commercial Services) - pro-active presence to ensure that street scene issues are dealt with quickly, effectively and in co-operation with local stakeholders such as Town Council, Police and Chamber of Commerce

Enforcement of Litter Fines It is intended to introduce the powers with the maximum possible publicity and the emphasis on prevention rather than the issuing of fines



LSP and Community Strategy

Drug and Alcohol Misuse: Learning Opportunities

Every school offers a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum, which is designed to inform young people about the main issues which are likely to affect their personal, social and health development. This includes information about drug and alcohol misuse. Most B&NES schools (Primary and Secondary) are involved with the Schools for Health Scheme at Level 3 (highest level) and hence are committed to addressing health needs including the provision of high quality Drugs Education.

All colleges and the local authority training provider works with the LEA's Drug Education Consultant to ensure that equivalent information is available to their students. In addition all colleges have student welfare services and tutorial sessions and can offer advice and support to students, covering a range of problems and issues. In addition the LEA's Drug Education



LSP and Community Strategy

Consultant provides direct drug education sessions for vulnerable young people attending colleges.

Training sessions are offered to staff in schools and colleges by the Drugs Education team on delivering interventions as appropriate and resource packs and educational materials have also been distributed to colleges, in order to enable staff to deliver drug education or harm reduction education if needed.

Every Youth Centre provides a programme for young people, which helps them to examine health issues, including the impact of drugs and alcohol.

All youth workers are trained to identify and support young people with drug and alcohol problems, and use a referral system to appropriate agencies.

The Drug Education Consultant works together with the police-school liaison officer, youth service, Connexions and other young people's support services to ensure that both staff and young people have access to honest, accurate and up-to-date information about drugs and that there is ongoing discussion about drug education approaches.

All state schools are invited to send their sixth form students and appropriate staff to the three annual 6th Form Drug Education Conferences, which take place in Bath, Keynsham / Chew Valley and Norton Radstock and have covered a range of issues such as binge drinking, date rape, cannabis up-date, understanding addiction, sex and drugs. They are multi-agency events with drugs agencies, police, school nurse team, Off The Record, Connexions etc. running workshops. Funding is being sought from the Education Service to put on three sixth form conferences in 2005.



LSP and Community Strategy

Tobacco & Alcohol

The LEA encourages schools, colleges, youth clubs and other services to address issues surrounding binge-drinking and smoking. They have trained a number of `Support to Stop Smoking' Advisers in the LEA, who are starting to deliver `Support to Stop Smoking' courses in various settings and are based in schools, the youth service and the Educational Welfare Service, amongst others.

Supporting Young People at Risk of Offending or Re-offending

The Youth Service provides part-funding for a preventative support worker through the Youth Offending Team. Connexions have additional funding from Youth Justice Board to provide a dedicated personal adviser time equivalent to one day a week support young people covered by the Youth Offending team.

Funding also comes through Connexions to Mentoring Plus to deliver personal development programmes and Positive Activities for Young People, during the school holidays. These opportunities are for young people involved in offending or at risk of offending. This is in addition to the on-going work with these young people undertaken by Mentoring Plus, commissioned by the Local Authority/Youth Offending Team, which includes the delivery of residential learning opportunities, and for these the Youth Service will provide youth worker time to attend such residentials and to



LSP and Community Strategy

work with the young people there.

The B&NES Youth Offending Team operate a crime prevention project, the Compass Project, which is targeted at 8-13 year olds and was set up in 2003. It is designed to prevent and divert children and young people from anti-social behaviour and crime. It is funded by the Children's Fund and has a multi-agency panel (Education, Social Services, Police, Health), which works with the young person and their family on a voluntary referral basis.

The Youth Service commissions `Off The Record', an independent organisation, to provide an information advice and counselling to young people 11-25, which includes working with those recovering from an involvement with drugs, alcohol or crime. Those living in rural areas are covered through outreach work undertaken by Off the Record and from April 2005, the Youth Service will have a mobile youth bus, which will also be available to provide advice and support to those living in rural areas.

Through the generic activities of youth workers, young people with a range of problems, including offenders and those with drug or alcohol problems, are counselled and helped.

Individual support is also offered on a one-to-one basis by the Drugs Education consultant to young people if they are involved in a drug related incident or if they present as having a drug-related need. They are screened and then signposted to other young people's services as appropriate.

Connexions advisers are also trained to offer individual support and refer young people to appropriate services as required. Young people can access

printed and electronic information from Connexions' Young People's Information Points. These are located in secondary schools and colleges and at other premises around B&NES. Connexions also provides advice and information through local and national telephone helplines and web sites.

A Young Persons' Drug Service, 93Project 2894, 28 Southgate, Bath has recently been set up and is now open for drop-in advice, support, treatment, training, counselling and alternative therapy (telephone 01225 463344).

The Youth Service has developed a Young B&NES Award, which gives young people credit for activities they undertake. These activities can include drug and alcohol misuse awareness sessions.

The B&NES Youth Crime Diversion Partnership has recently been set up by the Youth crime Prevention co-ordinator to bring together all agencies involved in prevention and diversionary work to celebrate and share good practice. This involves 30/40 different people from a variety of agencies, statutory and voluntary sector, who are working with groups of young people and enables a joined up approach to issues.