Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st September, 2004


Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




1st September 2004



Mobile Communications Infrastructure Provision in Bath City Centre






Abbey & Kingsmead


List of attachments to this report: None


1.1 Mobile telecommunications technology is advancing rapidly and will become an increasingly important piece of economic and social infrastructure. Businesses are increasingly looking at the availability of mobile telecommunications infrastructure in their investment decisions. The major mobile operators have invested heavily in Third Generation or 3G technology. This technology enables video phone, mobile broadband data services and web browsing and other significant advances in mobile technology. The `roll out' plans of the major operators have been estimated to mean a three fold increase in traditional antenna/masts. However, traditional mobile infrastructure raises two key concerns

¾ Visual amenity - particularly in a World Heritage Site context.

¾ Health and safety issues

1.2 The Council has been discussing these issues with BT, who propose a BT Microconnect system to overcome these key concerns and help exploit the economic development opportunity. While business is likely to be first to take up the opportunities the new generation technology offers it is expected that public take up will follow with rapid development and disbursement of new mobile technology.


The Council Executive is asked to agree that:

2.1 The BT Microconnect system offers advantages, unique to this product, in terms of protecting the World Heritage Site of Bath, enhancing the competitiveness of the area and offering public benefit.

2.2 The Head of Economic Development be given delegated authority to conclude negotiations and agree contract terms with BT.


3.1 The proposed contract with BT pays a rent for the use of the Council's street furniture. The new street furniture provided by BT is owned by the Local Authority. The contract sum is commercially confidential and under negotiation.

3.2 Any income generated will be utilised in line with the Corporate Plan and to further invest in information and communication technology infrastructure within Bath and North East Somerset.


What is BT Microconnect?

4.1 It is a new product developed by BT which is designed for use in sensitive city centre locations. The system is in use in Cardiff City centre and is being deployed in Chester City centre. It uses a different approach - traditionally, a few substantial masts are used to gain coverage, but Microconnect uses a higher number of low power masts to gain coverage. The system is designed for areas which have a concentration and critical mass of mobile communication needs such as the core of city centres. In Bath this means the area from Southgate North to George Street. This system also offers the potential for providing the infrastructure for further Information Communications Technology such as Wi-Fi (wireless internet access). Provision may also influence further applications such as Internet Kiosks about which the Council can take forward further discussion with BT.

Visual Impact

4.2 The lower power masts can be added to existing street furniture and have minimal visual impact.

4.3 Once a location has been established, the chosen piece of street furniture (usually street lighting column or traffic sign) is re-engineered so that the equipment associated with the antenna is located within the column. The antenna is attached at the top (approximately 15 cms. high and 2 cms. in diameter). The piece of street furniture is then replaced.

4.4 Early indications suggest that the system will require around twelve low power masts to operate.

Health and Safety

4.5 Radio Frequency Radiation; the guidelines relating to radio frequency radiation from mobile phone technology are based on the potential of Radio Frequency radiation to cause illness or injury through heating of body tissue.

4.6 The BT Microconnect system has been independently tested and is below the requirements of the radio frequency public exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP Guidelines have been adopted in a European Council Recommendation as they operate a two tier system; for occupational levels and general public levels. This is intended to allow for potentially higher sensitivity in certain population groups such as those who are frail or elderly. Also, those identified as being within the occupational tier, can be trained to be aware of potential risks and to take precautions to avoid unnecessary exposure.

4.7 Mobile phone antennas or base stations pose a significantly lower health risk than the mobile handsets themselves in terms of Radio Frequency radiation. At full capacity Microconnect operates at 6 watts, which results in exposure at street level at least 100 times below the established guidelines for set by the ICNIRP.

4.8 The balance of evidence to date suggests that exposure to radio frequency radiation below ICNIRP guidelines do not cause adverse health effects to the general population. Source: Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, (In March 1999, Sir Walter Bodmer FRS, was asked by Tessa Jowell, the Minister for Public Health, to set up an independent expert group to assess the current state of research into possible health risks from mobile phones. The Expert Groups was set up in 1999 and reported in May 2000.).

Which Operators Can Use the Network?

4.9 The system is unique in that all of the mobile phone operators can use the system at the same time. This obviates the need for many separate networks and the attendant impact on the environment. This system is the only available system of its type.

Legal Issues

4.10 It is proposed to enter into a contract with BT for the provision of this infrastructure. A draft contract has been submitted by BT and has been considered by Legal Services, and amendments have been proposed to BT. If approval is given to enter into the contract, negotiations will take place on matters of detail before it is finalised. It is proposed that the erection of new street furniture be carried out on behalf of the local authority using authority granted under the Highways Act 1980. The BT equipment should be installed using BT's Code Powers granted under the Telecommunications Act 1984, Section 7 providing access to the permitted development rights for such code operators under the General Permitted Development Orders.

4.11 The Local Planning Authority view is that in general the proposed antennas are classed as de-minimis and would not require planning permission. However, each proposed site will be examined on its merits and planning permission may be required if a particular proposed site has potential adverse implications for the character of the World Heritage Site.

4.12 The BT approach to consultation with the public is to ensure that the sites for each antenna are chosen with care and consideration for the local community. BT is committed to industry best practice and subscribes to the mobile operators' Ten Commitments and Traffic Light Rating for public consultation.

4.13 Within the next stages of the project BT will, if approved and following detailed negotiation, conduct a public consultation and information exercise within the guidelines identified in 4.12.

4.14 All Microconnect sites will be clearly labelled when they are introduced, with a dedicated enquiry telephone line (0800 389 3108). The location of the antennas will also be available on the Office of Communications (OFCOM) mast site database. The site is regularly updated and available to the public (

4.15 This initiative will enable the development of new services by local businesses and help "future proof" our mobile telephone infrastructure. The Councils Sustainable Economic Development Strategy - Towards 2013 includes an action to develop state of the art communications throughout the district. This initiative will be an important part of this ambition.


5.1 A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The BT Microconnect system has inbuilt flexibility - allowing all operators to use it. This should reduce the number of planning applications from the numerous operators as they will have to demonstrate why they cannot use the infrastructure in place.

6.2 The system relies on a number of very low power antenna which should overcome health and safety concerns. The small size of the antenna also makes them more acceptable in visual terms.

6.3 The draft contract with BT goes into some detail regarding the operational arrangements between the Council and BT. The relevant officers from Transport, Access and Waste Management are satisfied that the system will have no negative impact on the provision of street lighting and related services.

6.4 The contract is subject to further negotiation in matters of detail and the Head of Economic Development is best placed to conclude these negotiations after receiving appropriate professional advice.


7.1 Other options include status quo. The consequences of doing nothing are that the authority will be faced with increasing pressure from the mobile operators to identify traditional higher power antenna sites within the city centre. Visually intrusive systems may have to be allowed. The economic development opportunities afforded by this infrastructure would be delayed.


8.1 Consultation has taken place with Transport, Access and Waste Management Services, Property and Legal Services and Planning Services. Future consultation on the location of the antenna will include engagement with external stakeholders such as conservation groups, ward councillors, business organisations and the local community.

Contact person

Bill Cotton, Head of Economic Development

Tel: 01225 477295

Background papers
