Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st June, 2005

Appendix 2: Achievements of Oldfield Outlook since its inception in 2002


A8 Bath and North East Somerset Council's Student Liaison Committee's Community Liaison Co-ordinator has been appointed and has published the first edition of the Oldfield Outlook Community Newsletter as part of this role. The newsletter has been distributed to residents in the Oldfield Outlook area and sent to other Stakeholders. The newsletter provides the opportunity to inform the local community of news in the area, the actions of the Steering Group, local events and adds to the sense of community within the area.

A8 Two annual editions of the Housing Handbook and Area Profiles have been produced for students. In addition to housing advice, this includes advice on how to be a good neighbour, promote security, enhance the local community and improve recycling rates.

A8 Hillside Hall has been repainted by students, arranged through Oldfield Outlook, as part of national volunteering day.

A8 Friends of Moorfields established and supported through seed grant money through Oldfield Outlook


A8 The Bath and North East Somerset Student Liaison Committee has allocated a grant to improve security in Houses of Multiple Occupation, a proportion of which will be allocated to the Oldfield Park area.

Transport and Parking

A8 Transport Study carried out in the Oldfield Park area.

A8 Funding and locations have been identified to install dropped kerbs and tactiles in the Moorland Road area

A8 A parking review has been carried out on Moorland Road and subsequent changes have been made to restrictions.

A8 Bollards have been allocated to solve parking issues on Beckhampton Road.

A8 Living Streets Pedestrian Access Audit carried out in the Oldfield Park area.

A8 Bath Car Share Club have provided a car in the area.

Crime and Safety

A8 Identified neighbourhood watch areas with groups being set up road by road.

A8 Alleygaters funded / installed in various locations in Oldfield Park, partly funded by the Student Liaison Committee.


A8 Local area garden competitions are underway in student housing locations across Bath, including Oldfield Park.

A8 Funding has been provided through the University of Bath working with `envolve', to promote recycling amongst students.

A8 Funding has been granted for an accessible Automated Public Convenience