Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st June, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 1 June 2005




Oldfield Outlook Action Update and Future Priorities









List of attachments to this report:

Map of the Oldfield Outlook Area
Achievements to date
Priorities for action and associated costs
Links to other Council strategies


1.1 The Community Group Oldfield Outlook has achieved much since its inception in 2002. Following a recent review, the Steering Group has identified new priority items for action which require recognition from Council services and funding to move forwards.


2.1 Executive members are asked to consider if:-

a) Any of the proposals could be delivered this year within their existing programmes

b) Any could be put into their programme and budget for 2006/7


3.1 New funds have not been identified in the Council's financial plan to finance the priority actions in the Oldfield Outlook Action Plan. However, funds allocated and unspent in the previous year, totalling £38,000, could be made available in the current financial year. The provision of this sum will be subject to agreement by the Executive when reviewing the financial position of the Authority in June.


4.1 This section will vary with the issues but should contain all the background information required to enable the Executive member to make a decision.

The Community Group Oldfield Outlook was established in 2002, when the Steering Group first came together to agree how best to produce and progress an Action Plan for the area. Following extensive community consultation, which produced an extremely high response rate, the group wrote a five year action plan working towards their vision, that Oldfield Park will "continue to be a place with its own very distinctive identity; a place in which people will positively choose to live, work and visit." Having achieved and progressed many of the actions within budget allocations further funding is required to meet community objectives, identified through working with stakeholders. Oldfield Outlook contributes to the Community Strategy and the Corporate Plan.


Oldfield Outlook, Chaired by Cllr Shaun McGall, is a partnership between many service areas of Bath & North East Somerset Council, (including Economic Development, Youth and Community Services, Transportation and Highways, Community Safety, Planning and the Customer Services, Libraries and Information Service), the Moorland Road Traders Association, the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Bath Car Share Club, Bath Spa University College Students' Union, Hillside Hall Community Association, Oldfield Park Residents' Association, the Student Liaison Committee and the University of Bath Students' Union. The Steering Group meetings are also regularly attended by representatives of local residents. All of these partners are instrumental in achieving the identified actions and shaping future ones.

The Oldfield Outlook Area

The geographical area of Oldfield Outlook comprises of the whole ward of Oldfield and areas of Westmoreland and Widcombe wards (appendix 1). Moorland Road, within the Oldfield Outlook area, is a vibrant local shopping centre, sitting within a residential area which has a strong community spirit, both attracting shoppers from outside the area and providing a focus for the community. The Oldfield Outlook area not only offers excellent shopping facilities but is a friendly place to live and visit. Consultation with the local community has identified some issues of growing concern.

Consultation and Action Plan

Oldfield Outlook produced, in 2002, a five year action plan for the area, developed through consultation as described in the relevant section below. Both residents and shoppers expressed positive views about the Oldfield Park area and the proposed Action Plan. Through this consultation the Oldfield Outlook Vision and Action Plan were both adopted by the Council and the local area. The Action Plan itself has been split into six areas of interest in the community; Crime and Safety, Housing, Environment, Shops and Services, Transport and Parking and Community.


Many actions on the Oldfield Outlook Action Plan have been achieved or progressed with the funding which has already been allocated to the project. A recent Action Plan review has been undertaken by the Steering Group, highlighting this progress. Some of these achievements are listed in appendix 2, grouped under the headings in the Action Plan.

Priorities for Action

Having reviewed the Action Plan and had the Transport Study and Living Streets Audits carried out in the Moorland Road area, the members of the Steering Group were then able to identify priorities for action. These have been listed within the headings of the Action Plan with related costs in appendix 3.

Links to the Council's Corporate Plan and Local Plan and the LSP's Community Strategy

Oldfield Outlook links to the Bath and North East Somerset Corporate Plan, Local Plan and the Local Strategic Partnership's Community Strategy, these links are set out in appendix 4.


Oldfield Outlook is recognised as an excellent and innovative example of community working and having used time and funding resource to establish, through community consultation and independent studies, which actions to include in a plan to achieve the vision, further funding is required to take this project forward.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The rationale for the Council Executive to consider the recommendations of this report is that, as demonstrated, Oldfield Outlook represents the views of those living in, working in and visiting the area. Much consultation work and studies have been done and actions identified. The Action Plan provides a vehicle for existing funding streams to be channelled, in part, to assist in achieving improvements in the area which are supported by the local community.


7.1 None


8.1 Ward councillor, Other B&NES Services, Local residents, Community Interest Groups, Stakeholders/Partners

8.2 Before the Oldfield Outlook action plan was completed extensive public consultation took place. Questionnaires were mailed to 3000 households, delivered to 60 local businesses and 75 on-street face-to-face interviews were conducted with non-residents. Over 1000 responses were received from this and a further public exhibition was then held in the entrance hall of the Co-operative Scala in Oldfield Park. Over 650 people attended the final exhibition which presented the findings of the survey and provided people with an opportunity to comment on the proposed actions and 5 year vision. The Transport Survey and Living Streets Audit are also available for public comment.


9.1 Not urgent.

Contact person

Katherine Jenner (on behalf of Oldfield Outlook) - 01225 477 573

Background papers

Oldfield Outlook Action Plan
Transport Survey
Living Streets Audit
Oldfield Outlook Community Newspaper