Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st June, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 1 June 2005




Brighter Futures Community Plan, Midsomer Norton & Radstock Area Market & Coastal Towns Initiative







Bathavon South,Bathavon West,High Littleton,Midsomer Norton North,Midsomer Norton Redfield,Paulton,Peasedown,Radstock,Timsbury,Westfield


List of attachments to this report:

Brighter Futures Community Plan

Midsomer Norton & Radstock Economic Profile


1.1 For the Executive to note the Brighter Futures Community Plan, produced on behalf of the Community by the Brighter Futures Steering Group under the South West of England (SWERDA) Market & Coastal Towns Initiative (MCTi), and support both the Plan and the Process in principle and in practice


The Executive is asked to:

1. Note the contents of the Brighter Futures Community Plan for the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Area

2. Agree that the Council will, within its annual planning processes, consider the Plan and the potential for appropriate policy and resource provisions, especially where proposals in the Plan fit with the Councils Corporate Improvement Priorities and where proposals in the Plan are most appropriately led by Council Services.

3. Agree that the Council will liaise and work with Brighter Futures to achieve a co-ordinated approach in the area.


3.1 This report does not raise financial implications outside agreed budgets. In considering the role that the Council might play in helping to implement the Brighter Futures Plan, financial implications will need to be considered through the budget setting and Service Plan process.

3.2 Any financial support for project delivery will be sourced from within approved budget provision. Council Services may also secure external funding to support project delivery. In future years Council services may bid for financial resources as part of the Councils budget setting process.


4.1 Brighter Futures is the South West of England Regional Development Agency (SWERDA), Bath & North East Somerset and Mendip supported Market & Coastal Towns initiative (MCTi) for Midsomer Norton, Radstock and surrounding Parishes (including those in Mendip). The area has a population of approx. 40,000 people.

4.2 MCTi is a regional initiative introduced by SWERDA and designed to strengthen the long term vitality and sustainability of South West Coastal and Market Towns. The Midsomer Norton and Radstock area was one of the pilots for the scheme. There is now an independent organisation responsible for implementing the initiative in 65 community areas. Midsomer Norton and Radstock is the only MCTi area in the West of England.

4.3 The Initiative aims to establish representatives from a broad cross section of the community to produce a wide ranging and long term (10 years +) Plan based on issues identified after extensive community consultation and containing projects designed to tackle those issues. The Plan draws on existing information, takes into account other Plans and seeks support from other organisations and agencies but is independent and community focussed.

4.4 In terms of implementation, the intention within the MCTi process is to use long term community plans as a basis for bringing agencies and organisations together to agree how they can help implement projects and provide services to fulfil the Plan - a process known as "brokering". While SWERDA does not take responsibility for delivering the Plan it will consider financially supporting some economically focussed projects.

Developing the Brighter Futures Plan

4.5 The Brighter Futures Community Steering Group has received financial support from SWERDA and financial and human resource support from Bath & North East Somerset to enable it to produce its Community Plan. This Plan was launched at the end of March 2005.

4.6 The Brighter Futures Plan is overseen by an independent Community Steering Group with representatives from both of the Towns and the surrounding Parishes. The Council is represented on the Steering Group and is supporting it. The Plan is based on extensive local consultation. At the outset eight local people were employed as "community agents" to consult across the area. To provide support in developing the Plan and to enable continued consultation three local people were subsequently employed as Support and Liaison Officers. Issues and proposals for inclusion in the Brighter Futures Plan were the focus of an open public consultation event in summer 2004. This event was also used to provide the community with an opportunity to learn about and comment upon a variety of specific community and other initiatives.

The Plan

4.7 The Brighter Futures Plan does not aim to duplicate existing plans. It takes them into account and aims to influence the plans of relevant organisations and agencies in the future. Equally, as the Brighter Futures Plan is reviewed and updated, it will continue to take account of other plans. The Community Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset is one of the existing plans taken into account and the Brighter Futures Steering Group considers that its plan fits well with this.

4.8 The Plan sets out a socio-economic snapshot of the area, identifies key issues and puts forward a wide range of project proposals under the following themes. A full copy of the Plan and an Economic Profile are attached as appendices to this report.

Project Themes:

Economy, Town Centres, Housing, Health and Community,

Leisure Sport and Art, Transport, Community Capacity, Crime and Community Safety,

Young People, Older People, Environment, Villages and Rural Areas.

4.9 Next Steps: A summary of the Plan will be distributed to all households in the local area in June 2005. The next stage involves the Steering Group putting in place arrangements for taking forward the process of presenting projects to potential Funders (the brokering process), monitoring progress, continuing to inform the wider community and development of long term partnership working arrangements.


5.1 The Brighter Futures Plan is not a Council document and, as such, does not give rise to specific risks for the Council. This report seeks in-principle agreement for the Executive to consider how it can help in implementing the plan. Risk assessments will need to be undertaken in relation to any projects that the Council decides to support or lead in the future.


6.1 Market towns and the rural areas they serve are changing and this gives rise to a range of issues and challenges. A long term plan is important as a basis for actions to address challenges and realise opportunities. There is a need for community ownership and partnership working to develop a shared understanding of the areas future and to enable action.

6.2 The Brighter Futures process and Community Plan makes an important contribution to local development and to creating a local area focus that has the potential to fit into Unitary, Sub Regional and Regional Plans and processes.

6.3 The Brighter Futures process has been supported by Bath and North East Somerset up to this point.

6.4 The Brighter Futures Plan addresses many issues contained in the Bath and North East Somerset Corporate Plan and Community Strategy. It includes a number of projects that are led by Bath and North East Somerset Council Services.


7.1 The Council could withdraw support and involvement in the Brighter Futures initiative and rely on its own strategies and policies. This approach would undermine community confidence and trust, weaken the capacity of the local community to participate in its future, reduce external funding opportunities and have a negative impact on the Councils relationship with SWERDA.


8.1 Executive Councillors, Ward Councillors,Staff, Other B&NES Services, Stakeholders/Partners

8.2 Email, phone and meetings


9.1 Not urgent.

Contact person

Michael Webb - 01225 396532

Background papers

Midsomer Norton & Radstock MCTi Bid document to SWERDA

SWERDA MCTi Guidance