Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st March, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council Equal Opportunities Policy

Bath & North East Somerset Council

Equal Opportunities Policy

If you have any questions about this Bath & North East Somerset Council's Equal Opportunities Policy, need assistance in using the policy please contact the Equalities Team (see below). If you would like it in an alternative format it can be made available in a range of languages, large print, on tape, electronic and other accessible formats from the Corporate Equalities Team. Tel: 01225 396267, Fax: 01225 477933, Minicom: 01225 396155, or e-mail:

1 Introduction to our Equal Opportunities Policy1

We believe:

1.1 in a fair society that offers everyone an equal chance to learn, work and live free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice;

1.2 in fighting against discrimination;

1.3 that the diversity of our community is an asset to Bath & North East Somerset;

1.4 the Council is committed to equality of opportunity and action to ensure that its employees and the people it serves are not discriminated against or receive less favourable treatment on the basis of their: age, disability, financial or economic status, gender, civil partnership or marital status, HIV status, homelessness or lack of a fixed address, political view or trade union activity, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, unrelated and spent criminal convictions;

1.5 this policy sets out our commitment to opposing all forms of discrimination and applies to those who live, work in and visit Bath & North East Somerset, to those who provide us with goods or services and those with whom we contract.

We will:

1.6 ensure that all of our policies, service plans, practices and procedures comply with our equal opportunities policy, and will use our resources to enable people to receive equality of opportunity in employment and service delivery;

1.7 ensure we are a fair and equitable employer at all times;

1.8 work with local and national organisations to enhance equality of opportunity for disadvantaged groups.

2 Our commitment to provide services

We aim to:

2.1 provide appropriate, accessible and effective services and facilities to all sections of the community without prejudice or bias;

2.2 provide accessible information about our services on request;

2.3 work in partnership with all sections of our community and have structures and frameworks that encourage people to be involved in our decision making;

2.4 act promptly when we receive complaints about the way we provide services;

2.5 review and monitor our services to identify where improvements can be made and to ensure that services do not discriminate;

2.6 provide an environment free from harassment and violence.

3 Our commitment to job applicants and employees

We are committed to:

3.1 ensuring that we provide equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment and to ensure sure that we do not unfairly discriminate against any job applicant or employee.

3.2 Job applicants

We will:

3.2.1 ensure that we do not unfairly discriminate when we decide whom to employ so that the right people are appointed;

3.2.2 only consider applicants for jobs on the basis of their relevant experience, qualifications, skills and abilities, except where prohibited by law;

3.2.3 aim to have a workforce which is representative of the local labour market area and will encourage people from under-represented groups to apply for employment within the Council.

3.3 Employees

We will:

3.3.1 ensure that every employee receives fair and equal treatment;

3.3.2 value and respect our employees' identities and cultures;

3.3.3 ensure our employees and applicants will be treated fairly in all aspects of recruitment, selection and retention;

3.3.4 ensure the workplace is free from discrimination and harassment and act promptly on complaints of discrimination or harassment;

3.3.5 wherever possible, practicable and reasonable, retain employees who become disabled and provide a workplace which is accessible to Disabled People;

3.3.6 encourage and enable all our employees to reach their full potential;

3.3.7 ensure that we work according to the relevant legislation and statutory codes of practice.

4 Responsibility for the policy and implementation

4.1 Responsibility:

4.1.1 Elected Members, Chief Executive, Directors and Heads of Service have lead responsibility for implementing this policy and implementing the monitoring of this policy. They will ensure this policy is reviewed annually;

4.1.2 Directors and all employees with supervisory responsibility are responsible for implementing, promoting and monitoring this policy;

4.1.3 Managers are responsible for ensuring that employees are fully aware of and understand this policy;

4.1.4 every employee is responsible for committing to this policy and making this policy work. If an employee does not follow this policy this may be treated as a disciplinary offence which could lead to dismissal;

4.1.5. employees must ensure they challenge incidences of discrimination, and do not unlawfully discriminate against anyone, persuade, incite or encourage another person to discriminate, harass, victimise or abuse other employees or members of the public for any reason;

4.1.6 employees and Elected Members will not be expected to experience discrimination from service users, Elected Members, other staff members, providers or any third party.

4.2 The role of the Trade Unions

4.2.1 Trade Unions are key partners in making the policy work. The involvement, support and participation of employees and their trade unions is essential.

4.3 Implementation

The Council will:

4.3.1 actively promote this policy;

4.3.2 provide training and guidance for all staff including Elected Members and particularly for Human Resources staff, line managers and supervisors to ensure that they understand their legal responsibilities;

4.3.3 take appropriate action if any employee breaks the conditions of this policy;

4.3.4 provide positive action training programmes (where legally permissible) to under-represented groups to redress current imbalances;

4.3.5 regularly monitor and review all of our selection procedures and criteria, and change them if they discriminate against anyone.

1 This policy must be read in conjunction with Appendix 1