Meeting documents

Wednesday, 1st March, 2006

Appendix 9

Glossary & Descriptions


Area Child Protection Committee


Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder


Annual Performance Assessment

Aspergers out of school club

Out of School Club in Bath and North East Somerset for younger and older children with a diagnosis of AS. The clubs enable the children to play together in a safe supportive environment where the needs of young people with AS are fully understood. Group trips to various activity centres and entertainments are arranged.


A UK charity which works with vulnerable children and young people. Provides Midsomer Norton Family Centre in partnership with Bath & North East Somerset Council. Commissioned to provide coordination for Bath & North East Somerset Children's Fund

Better Play Times

A Strategy for improving the quality of play and behaviour in schools


Behaviour Support Service


Common Assessment Framework


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Children's Society

A UK charity which works with disadvantaged children and young people. Commissioned in Bath & North East Somerset to facilitate the Children 's Rights Charter and participation work for the Children's Fund

Children's Centres

Places where children under 5 years old and their families can receive seamless holistic integrated services and information, and where they can access help from multi-disciplinary teams of professionals. Local authorities have been given strategic responsibility for the delivery of children's centres.

Children's Services Liaison Group

Children's Services Liaison Group - led by Directors of Social Services and Education, with representation from senior members of Bath and North East Somerset PCT.

Citizenship Curriculum

A National Curriculum subject in which pupils develop skills of enquiry, communication, participation and responsible action through learning about and becoming informed and interested citizens

Community Play Rangers

Community Play Rangers ensure that children have safe and challenging opportunities to play in their neighbourhoods and help children and young people set up activities that they want to do. They work in parks, schools, open-spaces and play schemes to ensure that all children have access to safe and challenging play opportunities


A project which aims to steer children aged 8-13 away from crime and anti-social behaviour by offering confidence boosting solutions and access to a range of activities. It is funded in conjunction with the Children's Fund.


Connexions is the government's support service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England. For some young people this may be just for careers advice, for others it may involve more in-depth support to help identify barriers to learning and find solutions brokering access to more specialist support, e.g. drug abuse, sexual health and homelessness.


Crime Prevention Board


Crime Prevention Steering Group

Crime Diversion Partnership

A network of practitioners and managers involved in targeted youth crime prevention and other activities for young people which might be relevant. Meets quarterly to engage in problem solving around specific youth crime concerns, share good practice and explore funding opportunities.


Commission for Social Care Inspection


Community Safety and Drug Partnership


Children's Trust Arrangements


Children and Young People's Plan


Children and Young People's Strategic Partnership


Democratic Action for B&NES Youth

Duluth Model

Devised by the Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, in the USA. A 'perpetrator' programme to help men convicted of domestic assault to modify their behaviour away from violence and towards mutual co-operation with others. The programme is intended to be facilitated by a group of peers who use the Duluth Wheel's 'map' to help participants identify their own violent behaviours, who consistently remind participants of their responsibility for reducing violence, and who model alternative behaviours and alternative solutions to conflict.


Department for Education and Skills

Director of Children's Services

The Children Act 2004 requires every top-tier or unitary local authority in England to appoint a director of children's services (DCS). The DCS will be professionally accountable for the delivery of authorities' education and social services functions for children, and any health functions for children delegated to the authority by an NHS body.


Every Child Matters

First Steps Children's Centre

A service based on the Children's Centre Principles based in the Sure Start area of Bath.

Foundation Stage

For children aged 3-5, it covers the years they spend from the beginning of nursery or pre-school to the end of reception class in primary school. It was introduced in September 2000 to cover these important years in your child's life.


An emotional literacy programme delivered in certain primary schools in the Children's Fund area for children in Year 5. The programme is delivered by school nurses.


General Certificate of Secondary Education

Healthy Schools Programme

A government sponsored programme that encourage schools to apply for recognition as a `healthy school'. National healthy school status requires schools to meet criteria in four core themes. These criteria relate not only to the taught curriculum but also to the emotional, physical and learning environment that the school provides. There are a number of specific actions that schools need to take if they are to be recognised as healthy schools.


Information and Communication Technology

Inclusion Quality Mark

Self-assessment tool completed by schools, validated by LEA leading to award.

Integrated Project Board

The function of the board is to oversee the development of proposals for the governance, commissioning and management of integrated services across Children's Services, Adult Care Services and Public Health Services on behalf of Bath and North East Somerset Primary Care Trust and Bath and North East Somerset Council, in order to improve services delivery for local people.


An innovative and award winning approach to working with young people whose behaviour is sexually harmful. The model emphasises a multi-agency approach to assessment, intervention and treatment.

Key Stages

The National Curriculum applies to pupils of compulsory school age in most schools. It is organised on the basis of four key stages. The Key Stages cover four age groups. During each Key Stage pupils sit the Standard Assessment Tests to monitor their progress.


Looked After Children


Local Area Partnerships

Lead Member

The LM along with the DCS are responsible for functions of the children's services authority. These include building and sustaining the partnerships on which children's trusts depend.

Learners Charter

The minimum requirements that learners could expect from providers


Dedicated CAMHS service for looked after children.


Lead Professional


Local Preventative Strategy


Local Safeguarding Children Board

Mellow Parenting Programme

Mellow Parenting is an evaluated programme that has been shown to be effective in engaging hard-to-reach families with children under five, and in helping them make changes in their relationships with their children. One year follow-up has shown lasting gains in maternal well being, parent-child interaction, child behaviour and child development.

Mentoring Plus

Mentoring Plus is a youth crime prevention project working with young people who have offended or are at risk of offending. The project provides an intensive mentoring and education support programme structured over one year. Mentoring Plus also manages `KEY', a holiday activity programme for young people.


Modern Foreign Language

National Framework for Learner Performance

Entitlement to post 16 education


Not in education, employment or training


National Service Framework for Children and Maternity Services

O&S Panels

Overview and Scrutiny Panels


Office for Standards in Education


Off The Record

Passport to Health Scheme

A unique and exciting partnership between Bath & North East Somerset Sport & Active Leisure, B&NES Primary Care Trust and Aquaterra Leisure , which will allow healthcare professionals to refer inactive individuals with a range of other health-related risk factors to a supervised activity and lifestyle change programme.


Physical Education

Play Rangers

See `Community Play Rangers'

Playing for success centre

Out of school hours learning programme to raise standards using sport as motivation

Project 28

Substance Misuse service for children and young people funded by the Drug and Alcohol Team.


Personal, Social and Health Education


School Action Plus

SEAL programme

A resource which aims to provide schools and settings with an explicit structured whole-school curriculum framework for developing all children's social, emotional and behavioural skills.


Special Education Needs

Shout out

Children's Rights and Advocacy Project commissioned by the Children and Families Service.

Southside Family Project

Based in SW Bath an independent organisation commissioned by the Council ,the PCT and Sure Start that provides a range of support services for local families, e.g. counselling, community parenting, family focus project and others.


Single Point of Entry


Sure Start is a Government programme that aims to develop services for children under the age of 5 and their families, to ensure that every child gets the best start in life. It provides, through Local Programmes, integrated services covering early education, childcare, health and family support. Sure Start South West Bath is the only Sure Start Local Programme in Bath and North East Somerset.

Teenagers to Work

A special scheme to encourage young people to have a taste of working life. Teenagers to Work is part of a joint initiative sponsored by the Department of Health and the Local Government Association and is aimed at helping young people looked after by the council to take part in the world of work.

Triple P

The Triple P-Positive Parenting Program is a family intervention programme for the prevention and treatment of behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. The programme's unique multi-level approach tailors information, advice and professional support to the needs of individual families.

Unitary Authority

A system of local government in the UK in which official power is given to one organisation which deals with all matters in a local area instead of to several organisations which each deal with only a few matters.


Voluntary and Community Sector


Youth Offending Team

Young Carers Project

A commissioned project run by Off the Record providing support, advice, advocacy and activities for young carers.