Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions. Cabinet member update papers are now attached.


Housing Services Update – The Head of Housing introduced this item in the absence of Councillor Ball.


Panel members received a written update on current issues (a copy of the update is on the website attached to the relevant item on the agenda). Councillor Simmons asked that Cabinet Members attend Panel meetings so that Panel members can ask questions – other Panel members agreed.


Councillor Hedges asked how many empty homes had been brought back into use in the last 3 years. The officer stated that 89 had been brought back into use over the last year. He did not know the exact figure for 3 years but felt it was broadly similar figure. Regarding a question from Councillor Hedges on compulsory purchase, the officer responded that this process was only just starting and would be concluded in this financial year.


Councillor Player asked if gardens fell under the ‘Additional Licensing Scheme’. The officer replied that the Council only had minimal influence in this area. He explained that the Act was not designed for gardens but to ensure that tenant’s facilities are adequate and safe. He gave his support around improving the appearance of gardens and stated that his department can contact landlords if problem gardens are reported to them. Councillor Jackson stated that there can be similar problems with gardens in private residences; she explained that there had been use of a compulsory garden clearance orderin her area.


There was some discussion around fire regulations in HMO (Houses of multiple occupation) properties. The Chair congratulated officers on bringing properties into use that had been found in a dangerous state.


Councillor Hedges commended the team on their work in the area of bespoke housing solutions (Housing adaptations for special needs). There was some discussion around expensive adaptions made to houses and how these houses are used in the future. The officer explained that when adaptions are made, exit strategies are designed in for the property. He explained that there is not a simple resolution to this issue but that significant adaptions only related to a few properties. He stated that stair lifts are the most common adaption and they are easily removed. He stated that adapted properties get put through the normal system but people are made aware of the adaptions in a property.


Councillor Jackson referred to a site visit to a Gypsy and Traveller site in Bristol and thanked officers for arranging this. The officer updated the Panel on the families still on the Lower Bristol Road site and explained that they had moved to another site today and that bailiffs would be going in tomorrow to remove remaining caravans.


Development, Regeneration and Project Delivery Update Tim Hewitt – Regeneration Team Manager answered questions on this paper in the absence of Councillor Stevens.


 Panel members received a written update on current issues (a copy of the update is on the website attached to the relevant item on the agenda).


Councillor Jackson asked that Radstock be put back on the list. She also asked why Radstock and Westfield Economic Forum had been abolished. The officer explained that the group had been wrapped up to make way for a more general development advisory group with a broader remit for which the terms of reference were currently being drafted. Councillor Jackson stated that such a decision should not have been announced out of the blue and without consultation.


Councillor Simmons asked about rumours that the ventilation system in the Keynsham development were not working. The officer stated that he would check with John Folly as there were no officers present to answer this query.


Councillor Jackson asked about the roof of the Guildhall, the officer stated that there would be a reply at the next meeting.


Councillor Hedges asked that his thanks be passed on to officers regarding Odd Down 3G Pitch.


Councillor Jackson mentioned that the real time information at bus stops in Midsomer Norton and Radstock is not triggered by all buses. Councillor Hedges mentioned that this was also the case with a bus stop in Newbridge.





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