Agenda item

Policy Development and Scrutiny Recommendations - Urban Gulls

Following extensive research and consultation via a Scrutiny Inquiry Day on 27 November 2013, the PTE panel developed a set of recommendations for change. These were posed to the relevant Cabinet members who have worked closely with service manager to develop their response. This report introduces these responses, the full details of which are outlined at Appendix one.


The Chair introduced this item to the Panel and asked Councillor Dixon to go through the responses he had made to the recommendations.


REC 1.3 – Introduce night-time refuse collections to limit the length of time food waste is left on the streets.


Councillor Dixon said that the amount of disruption this would cause to residents, coupled with the steps required through gaining planning permission and a new license did not make sense to him. He added that there would be nowhere to deposit the waste even if it was collected.


Councillor Douglas Nicol commented that he felt the Council should be allowed to change the rules on when it collects rubbish.


The Chair suggested that this response be amended to defer and to ask for a report to be produced that states what steps would need to be taken to allow night time refuse collections.


REC 1.4 – Pilot red plastic refuse sacks to ascertain whether this discourages gulls from attempting to get waste and, if successful, roll out to all appropriate city residents.


Councillor Dixon commented that good progress was already being made with the gull proof sacks that had been issued to some residents. He also reminded the Panel of the intention to expand the food waste collections.


Councillor Lisa Brett acknowledged the current work but felt the introduction of red sacks should be pursued.


Councillor Dixon said that he would have a discussion with officers on the matter.


Councillor Liz Richardson suggested that red sacks could be issued for the collection of commercial waste.


Councillor Dixon replied that he would consider that suggestion.


REC 5.1 – Promote and lead a joined up approach to tackling the gull population through development of a cohesive gull strategy


Councillor Dixon commented that officers were already working with Property Services with regard to egg replacement and use of the bird free gel on Council buildings. He added that through some of the recent work gulls were being displaced to some extent with numbers increasing in the Windsor Bridge / Saltford area. He said that officers would take part in a door knocking exercise to emphasise the use of the food waste collections so that no food is placed in a regular black bag.


The Chair suggested that this recommendation be re-written in such a way that it shows that this is a piece of work to be carried out by the Council and not Natural England.


The Chair added that she thought the Council in some areas could supply the replacement eggs and ask communities to work together to put them in place.


Councillor Dixon replied that a Gull Champion may be in place soon.


The Policy Development & Scrutiny Lead Officer commented that the use of red sacks for normal refuse was also suggested in the recommendations.


Councillor Dixon said he would be happy to investigate that as a piece of work.


Councillor Lisa Brett asked for the rationale for recommendation 2.2 to be amended in two places to include the word ‘will’ as follows.


Planning will include some advice and guidance on our web site to encourage developers to consider the campaign for gull-proofing of new buildings when developing their schemes. Officers will also refer to this advice when providing pre application advice.


The Chair asked for Councillors Stevens and Ball to be made aware of this proposal and their response. She also summed up the item by saying that officers will be asked to produce a report for the Panel with regard to recommendation 1.3, that recommendation 1.4 would be amended to defer and that recommendation 5.1 would be re-written to make it clear who was  responsible for that particular piece of work.


She thanked Councillor Dixon and the officers concerned for their work on the matter.


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