Issue - meetings

Newbridge and Weston - Parking Restrictions TRO

Meeting: 09/05/2012 - Cabinet (Item 223)

223 Newbridge and Weston - Parking Restrictions TRO pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The Cabinet is asked to consider the points raised during the public consultation of Traffic Regulation Order "(Various Roads Newbridge & Weston Bath) (Prohibition & Restriction of Waiting) (Prohibition of Loading/Unloading)” Traffic Regulation Order and decide whether to proceed with the proposed scheme.


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Councillor Roger Symonds in proposing the item explained that there had been a backlog of yellow line proposals, and that officers from the Transportation Division had worked hard to bring them to this point.  He observed that his recommendation was to implement some of the proposals as advertised, but in some cases to overturn or to amend the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the motion.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

To AGREE that in regard to the advertised proposals below that the proposals are implemented, modified or withdrawn as below:

(1) proposal to prohibit parking in lengths of Apsley Road, Burleigh Gardens, Cedric Road, Chelsea Road, East Lea Road, Manor Road, Meadow Gardens, Newbridge Gardens, Newbridge Hill, Newbridge Road, Partis Way, Penn Gardens, Penn Hill Road, Penn Lea Road, South Lea Road, Westfield Park, West Lea Road and Weston Park;

Apsley Road: That the Double Yellow Line (DYL) junction protection in Apsley Road from Newbridge Road is implemented as advertised. That the proposal for DYL on the west side of Apsley Road from Newbridge Hill is modified to reduce the length of DYL to commence at a point 94 metres south of the junction of Newbridge Hill, extending for a distance of 20 metres in a south westerly direction into the western cul-de-sac, in response to public feedback.

Burleigh Gardens: That the proposal to implement DYL on the east side from its junction with South Lea Road for a distance of 190 metres in a southerly then westerly direction encompassing the turning head in the western spur of Burleigh Gardens is modified to implement DYL on the east side from its junction with South Lea Road for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction. Then DYL on the south side of Burleigh Gardens from a point 150 metres south westerly from the eastern kerbline of its junction with South Lea Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 44 metres, encompassing the turning head in the western spur of Burleigh Gardens to allow traffic movement.

That the DYL on the west side of the road from the junction from its junction with South Lea Road for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction is implemented as advertised for junction protection purposes.

Cedric Road: That the proposals are implemented as advertised as no objections were received.

Chelsea Road: That the proposals are implemented as advertised as no objections were received.

East Lea Road: To implement DYL on the junction on the east side from its junction with South Lea Road for a distance of 19 meters as advertised to ensure traffic flow and road safety issues are resolved. To modify the proposal on the western side of East Lea Road to DYL from the junction of South Lea Road for a distance of 19 meters then reduce restriction to Single Yellow Lines in operation 10am till 4pm Monday to Friday  ...  view the full minutes text for item 223
