Agenda item

Update Reports (20 minutes)

The Board are asked to consider the following update reports:


·  Children’s Safeguarding report (Maurice Lindsay)

·  Children’s Health Services Commissioning Performance (Liz Price)

·   Safeguarding Adults at Risk (Lesley Hutchinson)

·  Adult Health and Wellbeing Commissioning Report (presentation from Tracey Cox)


Children’s Safeguarding – Liz Price (Acting Divisional Director for Children’s Health, Commissioning & strategic Planning) gave apology for Maurice Lindsay (Divisional Director for safeguarding, Social care and Family Service) who is report author and took the Board through the report.


Patricia Webb commented that, looking at the reports, it seems like that the service lacks on resources to keep up with the increase in demand.


Ashley Ayre responded that the reasons are complex and include cyclical recruitment issues, increasing volumes, etc.  However, it is not simply a case of needing extra resources. 


John Everitt pointed out to the table in Appendix 1 of the report (page 18) and said that figures in ‘2011/12 Actual’ row are identical with the figures in ‘2011/12 Quarterly/Q4’ row and asked the officers to check that. 


John Everitt also said that some of the indicators in the table should be challenged and that he doesn’t think that there should be automatic presumption that we need more resources, especially in these times when everyone are struggling financially.  The targets for 2012 looked pretty ambitious and John Everitt questioned if they are reasonable.


Councillor Simon Allen said that targets set are important but as Health and Wellbeing Board we need to investigate why the numbers of referrals increased drastically and collectively look how to make change in that area.  Lots of red fields have to be challenged.


It was RESOLVED to note the update and for officers to take on board comments and suggestions from the Board.


Children’s Health Services Commissioning Performance- Liz Price took the Board through the report.


It was RESOLVED to note the update.


Safeguarding Adults at Risk – Lesley Hutchinson (Assistant Director for Safeguarding and Personalisation) took the Board through the report.


Councillor Simon Allen said that the increase in referrals is a result of the increase of awareness.  Councillor Allen asked about those referrals that were investigated, that are partly or fully substantiated, is there an increase in year by year on those cases.


Lesley Hutchinson responded that for this year there was a slight increase in the cases where there was no further action required and also slight increase on cases that partly or fully substantiated.  The figures are broadly the same.


Paul Scott commented that it would be interesting and helpful to see some background data to these report in the annual report.


Lesley Hutchinson responded that the background data will be included.


It was RESOLVED to note the update


Adult Health and Wellbeing Commissioning- Dr Simon Douglass said that the results of the end of year are really good. Immunisation rates and screening programme really good, good engagement on child obesity measuring programme, NHS Healthchecks are also good.  NHS Dentistry continues to improve.  Better performance and results in un-planned care.  No indicators yet for performance in Social Care due to delay of data.  Planned care – met all of targets for this year.  Increase in activity for referrals to RUH.  Mental Health – we achieved agreement to develop more robust understanding of performances affecting the AWP and we will look at those concerns to set commissioning intentions for future.


It was RESOLVED to note the update.


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