Register of interests guidance note
Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Code of Conduct adopted 19 July 2012
I, ………………………………………………………………………………………..
a Member/Co-opted Member of Bath and North East Somerset Council (The Council) give notice that
I have no registrable interests which are required to be declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct, and I have put ‘none’ where I have no such interests under any heading.
I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests, and those of my spouse/civil partner (or person with whom I am living as such) of which I am aware, which I am required to declare under the Council’s Code of Conduct. These include any disclosable pecuniary interests under sections 29 to 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, and I have put ‘none’ where I have no such interests under any heading.
Where you consider that information
relating to any of your interests is a ‘Sensitive
Issue’ you need not include that interest provided you have
consulted with the Monitoring Officer and he agrees that it need
not be included. A ‘Sensitive
Interest’ is an interest which could create or is likely to
create a serious risk that you or a person connected with you may
be subjected to violence or intimidation.
Where the interest is no longer a
‘Sensitive Issue’ you must notify the Monitoring
Officer within 28 days of that change.
This form gives general
guidance but is not
comprehensive. The Localism Act and the
Regulations named above should be referred to where
necessary. Continuation sheets should
be used where needed and clearly marked.
Please note the significant change under the new rules requiring disclosure of not only your own interests but also known interests of your spouse/civil partner or person with whom you are living as such. There is no need to identify, if there is one or more interests, to which of you it belongs.