
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies, and officers.

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Decisions published

02/12/2024 - Residents Parking Zones: Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO)for additional visitor parking in Oldfield Park and Westmoreland (WL) ref: 2153    Approved

To make a decision on whether the current Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, providing additional visitor parking bays throughout Oldfield Park and Westmoreland following the introduction of a Residents Parking Zone in August 2023, should be made permanent.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways

Decision published: 03/12/2024

Effective from: 11/12/2024


To agree:


(1)  The information provided in the appendices relating to the public consultation responses and analysis on the use of the additional parking bays.


(2)  Support is provided from the Cabinet Member to make the scheme permanent as soon as possible. This will be reflected within the formal statutory TRO decision-making process, noting that the final sign-off is via a delegated decision made by the Director of Place Management within which the Cabinet Member and ward members will have the opportunity to give formal comment.


(3)  That a review of the temporary parking permits will take place by March 2026.

Wards affected: Oldfield Park; Westmoreland;

Lead officer: Cathryn Brown, Tom Foster

28/11/2024 - CRSTS - Midsomer Norton Walking, Wheeling & Cycling ref: 2152    Approved

To fully approve WECA funding of £103k to uplift the CRSTS Midsomer Norton & Westfield Full Business Case (FBC) budget. This is funded by bringing forward (accelerated expenditure) from existing CRSTS construction and delivery allocation.

Decision Maker: Director of Place Management

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2024


To approve a budget uplift of £103k against CRSTS Midsomer Norton and Westfield Walking, Wheeling & Cycling Links Capital FBC. This is fully funded by WECA CRSTS grant.

Lead officer: Kate Hobson

28/11/2024 - CRSTS - Bath Quays Link ref: 2151    Approved

To fully approve WECA funding of £370k to uplift the CRSTS Bath Quays Links Full Business Case (FBC) budget. This is funded by bringing forward (accelerated expenditure) from existing CRSTS construction and delivery allocation.

Decision Maker: Director of Place Management

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2024


To approve a budget uplift of £370k against CRSTS Bath Quays Links Capital FBC. This is fully funded by WECA CRSTS grant

Lead officer: Kate Hobson

28/11/2024 - CRSTS - Somer Valley Link FBC ref: 2150    Approved

To fully approve WECA funding of £390k to deliver the CRSTS Somer Valley Links Full Business Case (FBC). This is funded by drawing from existing CRSTS allocation held for delivery and construction. The £390k will be allocated to:
i) Uplift the BANES capital programme by £60k
ii) Release match funding of £330k and replace with WECA grant

Decision Maker: Director of Place Management

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2024


To approve Somer Valley Links Capital FBC award of £390k. This is fully funded by WECA CRSTS grant.

Lead officer: Kate Hobson

28/11/2024 - Commercial Planned Maintenance - RULE 3.5.16 ref: 2149    Approved

Terms for the proposed capital reinvestment into income generating commercial properties within the Milsom Quarter Masterplan area with the purpose of approving capital programme budget from provisional approval to full budget approval.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Resources

Decision published: 28/11/2024

Effective from: 28/11/2024


(1)  To approve capital spending of £10m into properties within the Milsom Quarter Masterplan area.


(2)  To allocate £502K Revenue Budget Contingency (within Corporate Budgets cash limit) to Commercial Estate of £13K 2024/25, further £358K in 2025/26 and £131K in 2026/27.


(3)  To delegate all lease decisions to the Head of Commercial Estate in consultation with the Executive Director - Resources (S151), Monitoring Officer and Cabinet Member for Resources.

Lead officer: Carolyn Smallwood

18/11/2024 - St Mark's School - SEND Resource Base ref: 2148    Approved

To fund capital works which will enable BANES to open a Secondary School Resource Base to accommodate children and young people with SEND. The new SEND Resource Base will support up to 20 pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Resource Bases are for pupils with special educational needs and an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who will attend mainstream school and receive additional specialist support at a resource base. This is in line with the Council's priorities as set out in the SEND Education Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2024.

Decision Maker: Director of Children and Education

Decision published: 27/11/2024

Effective from: 18/11/2024


To fully approve a £390,679.30 capital budget, funded by CIL, Basic Needs Grant and High Needs Provision Capital Allocation Grant (HNPCA).

Lead officer: Christopher Wilford

27/11/2024 - Bath Western Riverside Phase II - Land Swap ref: 2147    Approved

The Council intervened at Bath Western Riverside through acquisition of former gasholder operational land and has subsequently delivered infrastructure and gas network rationalisation works to unlock the potential of this brownfield site.

This decision enacts a land swap to register a portion of B&NES’ landholding to be transferred to St William and in exchange a portion of St William’s land holding being transferred to B&NES, which creates developable plots for both parties. The land swap is a barter transaction at zero financial consideration, other than applicable taxes and fees.

Decision Maker: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery

Decision published: 27/11/2024

Effective from: 27/11/2024


In accordance with the delegations set out within Decision E3168, the Director of Capital and Housing Delivery approves the Land Swap transfer.

Lead officer: Simon Martin