Agenda item

People and Communities Strategic Director's Briefing

The Panel will receive a verbal update on this item from the People and Communities Strategic Director.


The People and Communities Strategic Director addressed the Panel.


Oldfield School


He said he was sure the Panel were aware of the recently published report by the Education and Funding Agency (EFA) concerning the leadership and governance of Oldfield School.  The report was the outcome of a review by the EFA which was in turn triggered by an inspection by Ofsted in December 2013. He said that the new Chair of Governors of Oldfield School had been in regular contact with the Council and there was a clear intention to begin to work with local schools and the Council.  He added that through the EFA the school are also accessing support from academies with outstanding professional leadership and governance with a view to developing their understanding and practice. He stated that the Council was providing services to Oldfield School and would support the Acting Head Teacher as requested. 


He commented that over the last six months Councillors had asked questions about the role of the Council in addressing concerns regarding Oldfield School and about how the Council holds such schools to account for its actions or omissions.  He said that in this regard, the law was clear.  The Council has no power to intervene or to demand answers either on behalf of a parent or on its own behalf as local education authority. He said that events at Oldfield School demonstrated a fundamental flaw in the legislation which resulted in an accountability vacuum regarding academies and free schools.


He stated that the Council had maintained active oversight of Oldfield School and other academies. He said that when parents had approached us with concerns or complaints we advised them on the process they had to follow and we have assiduously notified the EFA and, where relevant, Ofsted.  We have also actively queried and challenged Academies over particular incidents to ensure that children and parents are offered fair process. 


He said that the reality was that any system can be made to work if relationships are strong and that required respect, discussion and transparency.  He added that he would be pleased to see Oldfield School working with other schools and the LA.


Staff Changes 

    A number of valued colleagues were leaving over the next few months.


Chris Kavanagh, Team Leader Schools Capital & Organisation will retire on 30 June after 42 years of service.


Jen Southall, Senior School Improvement Adviser will leave us on 31 August.


Amber Gillani, Commissioning and Contracts Manager will leave us in late June.


Joe Duncan, Data and Performance Manager has also decided to leave us for pastures new.


He said that he wished to pay tribute to these colleagues who have all contributed enormously in their own way to the delivery of good outcomes to our children and young people and families.


Children and Young Peoples Plan


The new three year plan (2014-2017) is now published.


LSCB Annual Plan


The annual business plan for Safeguarding Children’s Board has just been published and sets out our safeguarding priorities for the next year.


Councillor Loraine Morgan-Brinkhurst wished to thank him on behalf of all concerned parents with regard to the work undertaken relating to Oldfield School. She added that she hoped that it was now a time to look forward.