Agenda item

Any Other Business


Bath City Forum - Transport Sub Group


Cllr Peter Turner explained that a discussion has taken place with Cabinet member Cllr Mark Shelford and he would welcome a group that could assist him with transport matters in Bath. Peter is willing to take on the duty of Chair.

Peter suggested that the group of six people from Bath be set-up, they will be non-political, action focused and passionate about transport issues. Representative volunteers to join this group are being sought. 


Cllr Shaun Stephenson-McGall felt that the having only Bath people was at odds with the wider perspective. Shaun also felt the requirement for the group to be non-political was wrong. 


Ashley Ayre explained that this is the Bath Forum and looks to represent resident’s views from a Bath perspective. This forum needs to make decisions on what it wants to do for the city.


Cllr Colin Blackburn felt that the forum has a structure where sub groups have been set out but some of these have not really gone anywhere. There may be a need to review what is actually wanted going forward.


Chris Roche felt that sub groups need to allow representation of people with other links to the city.


Caroline Kay felt that transport is a topic with many areas that need to be covered and existing groups and linkages need to be looked at.


Cllr Joe Rayment felt that many issues are political and it is wrong to take into account political party membership when working to address issues. If the Chair of the transport group is from a political party then others on the group should be able to be from political parties. Where Bath&NES Ward Councillors are involved in subjects covered by the forum there is a role where working together to work out conflicts needs to happen.


Purpose of Bath City Forum


Cllr Dine Romero asked that the forum looks at what it is here for and what it is able to achieve. The sub groups that we have need to have a purpose and be clear on what they are being used for. The forum needs to avoid replicating work that is going on elsewhere. Additionally there needs to be a route for recommendations to be taken forward to a regular slot at cabinet meetings.


Cllr Rob Appleyard explained that the Bath City Forum was set up to cover the deficit that exists between Bath and the remainder of North east Somerset. Outside of Bath, Parish Councillors are working at a local level with other area forums. Ward Councillors from Bath are attending the forum as an extension of the role they carry out as part of B&NES as a whole, this at time feels conflicting. There does need to be a clearer outline of what we are here to achieve.


Virginia Williamson endorsed Dines comments and added that the forum has potential to be successful; it needs a work plan and a greater level of advanced planning. Where presentations are being given, copies of these in advance would be welcomed.  A separate workshop might be needed to get things working better. There needs to be a reassurance that discussion takes place on organic ways for the forum to work.


Robin Kerr asked why the student representative had not been replaced on the Forum. Ashley Ayre responded by explaining that a process is set out for co-opted members that leave and this will be followed.


Ashley Ayre explained that the governance model to Bath is different to the areas outside of the city. The forum does have advisory powers on spending of the neighbourhood portion of CIL and the Community Empowerment funds.  Ashley attends the agenda setting meeting as the role of the Councils Senior Officer to the forum, the forum members are also represented and are encouraged to bring ideas on what needs to be covered. Last year a workshop was held on CIL and from that a process has been set up. 

This forum needs to decide what it wants to do and if there are different options required we can look at these.


Cllr Joe Rayment explained that the forums outside of Bath will see B&NES Councillors, Parish Councillors, Local Organisations and members of the public attend.

The mixture of representatives for the Bath Forum are Ward Councillors and selected co-opted members (other individuals and organisations else can also attend). The membership when attending forum meeting are here to represent Bath even if they hold a wider role.


Action: It was asked that The Chair, Vice Chair and Council Officers look at the roles and responsibilities of the Bath City Forum and set this so that there is a clear document that references this. 


Rosie Phillips asked that all suggestions for be e-mailed to Mark Hayward.


Cllr Shaun Stephenson-McGall suggested that Bath may wish to consider a community governance review, this happened in Norton Radstock and more recently in Swindon. It would be good to look at this on a future agenda with advisors on the legal matters that sit with this.



Outgoing Chair


Chris Roche asked that the forum pass its thanks onto Cllr Bob Goodman for his work as the first Chair of Bath City Forum.