Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update(s) provided.



The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones addressed the Panel, see the summary below.


He started off in reference to a point made by Councillor Blackburn at a previous meeting regarding the lack of support for businesses locally.  He had discussed this point with Economic Development Officers and informed the Panel that a new officer had been recruited to support businesses in the area.  There was a Business Assist Target of 65 per quarter and in the last quarter 83 businesses had been supported.


He went on to inform the Panel about some of the meetings he attended: the Independent Traders and Council Officers where further liaison was planned; a Bath Preservation event where there was a very good exhibition at Royal Crescent; Kingsmead Square and the Public Realm where it was hoped to create a piazza environment to improve the quality of the area during business hours; he had met with his fellow Bristol City Council Cabinet Member to discuss shared interests like tourism and devolution, the arts and the Arts Council; he had visited the Old Mill site which he believed would be a huge asset to the Council; Bath Quays South where the recent planning application had been heavily criticised by English Heritage and needed reworking; and the waterside and Quays Bridge development which was going to the Development Management Committee the following day.


Following the update there were questions.


Councillor Cherry Beath queried the modification to the development and did not want the employment space affected?  Councillor Anketell-Jones responded that the modifications were to the atrium space.


Councillor Cherry Beath spoke of the importance of the Cultural Forum which was a ‘not for profit’ group and queried whether the group was folding due to lack of funds?  Councillor Anketell-Jones replied that the future of the group was under discussion.


Councillor Barry Macrae stated with reference to the recent meetings the Cabinet Member had attended, that they were all in Bath and queried what was happening in Midsomer Norton and the Somer Valley where there was a lack of footfall?  There had been a meeting with Bath Tourism and there were no boundaries for tourism in the area and retail.  He spoke about local competitors – Southgate and Cribbs Causeway.  The Cabinet Member reassured Councillor Macrae that he was thinking of the Somer Valley as well and would welcome an invitation to the local Chamber of Commerce.


The Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, Councillor Liz Richardson also addressed the Panel, see the summary below.


With regard to the catchment area referred to in the Water Space Study she sat on the Wessex Regional Flood Committee which covered an area including Bournemouth, Poole and South Gloucestershire.  She explained with regard to land that local owners put forward land and potential development was put into the plan. 


In relation to Housing Services there was a successful bid for £450,000 for housing and technology for people with learning disabilities. There had been another successful bid to the Department for Communities and Local Government enabling an adviser to be put in place to enhance and support those suffering from domestic abuse and a support worker at the refuge.  An Empty Properties Officer was newly appointed to review protocols.  She acknowledged that it was harder to find these properties now.  There was also a trial on Universal Credit, she noted that previously where residents were in temporary Bed and Breakfasts it was easy to get the funding back from government, with Universal Credits it would be difficult.


With regard to affordable housing 170 had been completed this year.  CURO was putting Homes and Communities Agency funding into Somerdale where there were 23 units, 14 at affordable rents and 9 under shared ownership.


There was no report yet on the Placemaking Plan but the consultation was finished.  There was no news on the Core Strategy and she had a meeting about the Joint Spatial Plan next week.  The consultation on Draft Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Supplementary Planning Document Plan was delayed for six weeks due to purdah.


She concluded by saying that there was a quarterly Planning Agents Forum and there was a plan to have a Develops Forum in addition.  There was also positive feedback on the planning pre-application forms.


Following the update there were questions.


Councillor Barry Macrae asked if the Planning Agents Forum was just for professionals or could councillors play a role?  Councillor Liz Richardson explained that the forum was led by officers and was about the planning process.  Any general comments could be fed back.


Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked with regard to the homes for people with learning difficulties, was there a policy for supported housing or was it ad-hoc?  Councillor Liz Richardson said there were specialist places and she would be happy to meet her after the meeting to give her more information.


Councillor Fiona Darey asked about support for domestic abuse victims and whether the officer would be in place in the refuge soon?  This was confirmed.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked about refugees and housing?  Councillor Liz Richardson stated that there were some more families in the area but the Council Leader was dealing with them.


Councillor Will Sandry queried whether the shared ownership scheme at Western Riverside was less popular due to the service charge?  Councillor Liz Richardson explained that it was two-fold the cost of properties in Bath and the service charge.


Councillor Barry Macrae asked about the Placemaking Plan and the Core Plan in light of the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Mayoral Steering Group?  Councillor Liz Richardson explained that the way meetings took place would not change but the Mayor of WECA would have a list of his responsibilities.


RESOLVED to note the Cabinet Member updates.