Issue - meetings
Implementation of the car parking proposals agreed in the budget
Meeting: 21/03/2024 - Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 61)
61 Implementation of the car parking proposals agreed in the budget PDF 138 KB
This report will be published at a later date.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Outline of proposed parking charges, item 61
PDF 220 KB
- Appendix 2 Draft Equalities Impact Assessments, item 61
PDF 296 KB
- Webcast for Implementation of the car parking proposals agreed in the budget
The Cabinet Member for Highways, Councillor Manda Rigby gave a presentation which included the following:
· Parking Charges 2024/25
· Air Pollution and Air Quality
· Emission-based charges in BANES
· Proposals agreed in 2024/25 budget
· Outline timeline.
· Actions requested from the Panel
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Hughes asked for confirmation that Midsomer Norton car park scheme would include a 2-hour free period and shop owners permit. The Cabinet Member explained that no decisions had been made, options are being shown during the consultation, a TRO cannot be prejudged. She confirmed that a 2-hour free period has never been confirmed – it is an option in the consultation.
Councillors Hughes stated that he felt that residents of Midsomer Norton had been misled in that the report mentions only 30 minutes free, he asked how this would improve footfall. He also stated that clean air could not be an excuse as there is not a pollution issue in the area. The Cabinet Member stated that there is no safe level of pollution and everyone should be kept safe, especially vulnerable people.
Councillor Hughes stated that emissions-based parking charges penalise poorer people who cannot afford electric cars. The Cabinet Member stated that at some stage, when older cars are no longer driveable – we would like people to consider less polluting cars.
Councillor Ross asked if the consultation would involve the school in Midsomer Norton as the car park is used for drop off and pick up. The Cabinet Member explained that the consultation would try to capture as wide a population as possible and yes, the school would be contacted.
Councillor Auton stated that, when he started his 2-hour campaign he did not want there to be any charges but aspired to 2 hours free parking if there must be charging. He urged everyone to take part in the consultation. He stated that he had not claimed that his engagement was scientific and he is working on behalf of those he has spoken to.
Councillor Ross asked about 30 minutes on street parking in the city. She asked if charges could start at 1 hour. The officer stated that there is support for the higher turnover for on street parking in the city. Charging is driven by the amenity in the area.
Councillor Hughes asked about motorcycles and why they would have to pay £15 to park in Bath. The Cabinet Member stated that motorcycles take up the same space as a car and are as polluting as a car. The report shows the clear timeline on this.
Councillor Ross asked how Park and Ride charges are enforced for people who just park. The Cabinet Member stated that there would be a review of Park and Ride services and exciting future options. There is not constant enforcement. A new system could mean that people pay before they get on the bus and enter their registration number.
Councillor Ross asked if everything is based on air quality data ... view the full minutes text for item 61