Issue - meetings

Children and Young People Sub Group Report 2015/16

Meeting: 07/12/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 45)

45 Children and Young People Sub Group Report pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To consider a report and recommendations from the Children and Young People Sub-Group of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


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The Board considered a report and recommendations from the Children and Young People Sub-Group.  The Group takes the strategic lead in ensuring that the priorities identified in the Children and Young People’s Plan 2014-17 are met.  The Group is chaired by a member of the Health and Wellbeing Board and includes representatives from other groups.


It was noted that all priorities were currently either amber or green using the traffic light system.  The current transformation plan was available on-line and on the Council website.  The effective delivery of the CAMHS Transformation Plan 2016/17 would be monitored through the group and any comments should be fed through to Mary Kearney Knowles, Senior Commissioning Manager.


Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board felt that it would be helpful for the Group to focus on some key priority areas and evidence based outcomes.  They welcomed the opportunity for reciprocal challenge.




(1)  To note the Year 2 review of the Children and Young People’s Plan 2014-17.


(2)  To note the plan to complete the Year 3 review of the Children and Young People’s Plan 2014-17 and the proposal that the completed Year 3 review is presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board in September 2017.


(3)  To note the details of the CAMHS Transformation Plan 2016/17.


(4)  To retain the existing priorities of the current CYPP and develop an outcomes framework as follows:


·  Children and Young People are healthy

·  Children and Young People are safe

·  Children and Young People have equal life chances


(5)  To receive 6 monthly reports in June and December on the work undertaken by the CYP Sub Group and its delivery groups.


(6)  To note that the B&NES LSCB issue challenges each year to the CYP Sub Group from the work of the LSCB and its Annual Report 2015-16 and Business Plan 2015-18.  To agree that these will provide the reciprocal challenge to the Health and Wellbeing Board on its delivery to children and young people as outlined in the Terms of Reference 3.2 and that these challenges will be reported on every 6 months within the LSCB Business Plan and annually to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
