Issue - meetings

Annual Commissioning Intentions

Meeting: 07/12/2016 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 43)

Annual Commissioning Intentions - Key Messages

To receive a presentation about the key messages regarding annual commissioning intentions.


Additional documents:


The Board received a presentation from Jane Shayler, Deputy Director Adult Care, Health and Housing Strategy, B&NES Council and Tracey Cox, Chief Officer, CCG, regarding commissioning intentions.  A copy of the presentation is attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes.


The following issues were outlined in the presentation:


·  How best to translate national priorities to local priorities

·  It was important to consider how to use the resources available to best provide positive outcomes for the B&NES population.  The financial context was very challenging.  The Council had an estimated budget gap of £37m for the next 3 years covering 2017/18 to 2019/20.  Of this £37m, the Strategic Review reported last year found £14m, leaving a further £23m to identify.  The CCG had savings plan requirements of £7.8m (3-4% in 2017/18 and £4.3m in 2018/19 (1.8%).  There were also a greater number of people living with complex needs.

·  The your care your way project aimed to provide a sustainable, preventative, integrated health and care system in the local community with services co-ordinated around locality hubs aligned with groups of GP practices.

·  The Primary Care – Statement of Intent aimed to address concerns regarding the sustainability of the primary care service.  Future plans including the estates and technology fund were outlined.  A bid for 2 years funding for all 26 practices for a new practice website, online consultation software and extension to patient partner funding had been successful.

·  Plans for the mental health service were also outlined and it was noted that access to psychological therapies in B&NES was the highest in the country.

·  Urgent Care procurements included a GP out of hours service, NHS 111, Clinical Hub, Urgent Care Centre and Homeless Health Service.


John Holden stated that the saving targets outlined could not simply be achieved by efficiencies within the service.  He queried whether thought had been given to stopping the provision of some services.  Tracey Cox confirmed that these issues had been considered at Board level and it was hoped that shared arrangements such as co-working with the Wiltshire area would be beneficial.  The need to find budget savings was a challenge and it would be important to find ways to provide services differently.  Consideration was being given to whether to continue to provide certain services such as gluten free products on the NHS and discussions were ongoing.


Ashley Ayre explained that the budget plan for the next three years would be published on 3 January 2017.  He acknowledged that there were currently huge financial pressures on health and social care.


The Health and Wellbeing Board NOTED the presentation.
