Issue - meetings

Saltford and Keynsham Air Quality Action Plan

Meeting: 09/05/2016 - Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 77)

Saltford and Keynsham Air Quality Action Plan

There will be a presentation at the meeting on this report.



The Environmental Protection Manager and the Senior Public Protection Officer gave the Panel a presentation regarding this item, a copy of which will be available online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.


How did we consult?


  Officer group consisting of representatives from Environmental Monitoring; Transportation Planning; Public Health; Sustainability; Development Control devised the possible actions for the consultation

  Public consultation between 14th Sept and 4th December 2015 including online survey and printed copies supporting 3 public drop in sessions with officers


How many responses did we get?


  30 relating to Keynsham

  36 relating to Saltford

  2 General comments




As no budgets currently agreed for the majority of actions, officers will:

  Use the Action Plans to lever additional external funding and influence future policy development

  Identify future capital works, through which the actions can be implemented

  Identify the opportunities to secure alternative funding streams through similar actions within other strategies

  Some actions will require further formal approval through the democratic process


What are the recommended actions for Keynsham?


  Quantify the benefits from one way system pilot for the High Street

  Recommend Tree Planting in future infrastructure programmes

  Increase public charging points through Source West electrical vehicle charging


What are the recommended actions for Saltford?


  Continue feasibility work on reopening Saltford train station

  Advice to landowners on planting that protects against air pollution

  Influence planning policy to encourage the provision of cycle parking for each new property


What amendments are suggested for the plans following consultation?


  Substitute the message alert system with targeted advice for vulnerable groups

  Support the provision of improved lighting on cycle paths

  Encourage low emission bus services in Keynsham and Saltford

  Increase public education messages which promote healthier choices for short journeys


What are the next steps?


  Officers will progress the final Action Plans, incorporating comments arising from today

  Single Member Decision in May 2016

  Submission to DEFRA

  Implementation subject to funding and agreement


The Chair asked at what stage the message alerts were sent.


The Senior Public Protection Officer replied that they would be sent when air pollution went above a certain threshold. He added that B&NES does not currently get close to the level required.


Councillor Dine Romero asked if the traffic lights in Saltford have an impact on levels.


The Senior Public Protection Officer replied that the lights have been synchronised by the Highways team to their best configuration.


Councillor Neil Butters commented that there would be limited parking available at the proposed Saltford train station.


Councillor Jonathan Carr asked if officers were aware that the Government have announced plans to improve air quality in cities by introducing Clean Air Zones.


The Senior Public Protection Officer replied that they were aware of this and were monitoring its progress.


The Chair thanked them for their presentation on behalf of the Panel.
