Issue - meetings

Fit For Life - Update

Meeting: 09/05/2016 - Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel (Item 76)

Fit for Life - Update

There will be a presentation by GLL at the meeting.



The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement introduced this item to the Panel by giving them a presentation. A copy of the presentation will be available online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.


Contractual Aims/Requirements:


·  OJEU procurement of 20 year contract

·  To improve customer experience and sustain and improve participation levels

·  Built Facilities included in the contract: Bath, Keynsham, Chew Valley, Bath City Academy/Culverhay and Odd Down

·  Condition surveys identified £2.2 million of backlog maintenance for Bath Leisure Centre alone and £5.735 million across the contract

·  Built Facilities – Improve disabled access to the buildings and improve the offer for those with disabilities and long term health conditions

·  Fit for Life – More focus on families and young people, attracting new users, particularly those who are traditionally less engaged in physical activity.

·  The proposed changes increase usage from 660,000 visits per year to over 970,000 per year, a 35% increase


Contract Governance:


·  Cabinet

·  Leisure Programme Board

·  Project Board – Managing Works – Bath and Keynsham

·  Design Team meetings

·  Contractor meetings

·  Key Performance Indicators


Councillor Alan Hale asked if financial plans will be submitted as part of the contract.


The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement replied that they would.


Councillor Bob Goodman asked if the previous contract had within it repair obligations as the identified £2.2m relating to Bath Leisure Centre is a more than significant sum.


The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement replied that she would have to find out that information and respond to the Panel in due course.


Councillor Neil Butters asked what the difference in costs would be if the Leisure Centre was rebuilt not refurbished.


The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement replied that the Leisure Centre in Bath can only be refurbished and not knocked down and rebuilt.


Councillor Jonathan Carr asked what level of public scrutiny will take place.


The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement replied that GLL have an internal scrutiny process alongside a good customer dialogue.


Councillor Bob Goodman asked what the ratio would be between the Council and GLL for contributing to the £2.2m maintenance.


The Group Manager for Public Protection & Health Improvement replied that she would have to find out that information and respond to the Panel in due course.


Tony Wallace, Regional Director (GLL) and Jason Curtis, Partnership Manager (GLL) addressed the Panel with some additional presentation slides. A summary is set out below.


Progress to date:


·  £1million invested in the facilities since the start of the contract (Bath gym equipment replacement, Culverhay health and fitness upgrade, Bath Pavilion upgrade and upgraded signage and branding)

·  Achieved nearly 900,000 visitors in first 9 months. On track to achieve 1.2m for the first year = 4% up

·  Memberships have grown from 4,621 to 5,047

·  Over 2,600 Swim School customers – up 3%

·  Health referrals have doubled from average 45 to 90 p.m.

·  Additional 8 – 10 FTE staff to be employed


Exciting New Product Development:


·  New learner  ...  view the full minutes text for item 76
