Issue details

Former MoD Site - Foxhill - Mulberry Park

The Panel received a report at their January 2014 meeting informing them of the proposals for the former MoD sites of Ensleigh, Foxhill and Warminster Road.


The Panel asked for the developers of the sites to be invited to a future meeting of the Panel to address them on their proposals.


Curo were unable to attend the meeting on March 10th 2015. The Panel asked for the presentation relating to the Mulberry Park development at Foxhill to be delivered at a future meeting of the most appropriate Panel following the local elections.


This item has been superseded by the Foxhill Regeneration Charter which will be discussed by the Planning, Housing & Economic Development Panel at their meeting on March 1st 2016.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/06/2013

Lead member: Councillor Rob Appleyard

Lead director: Strategic Director - Place

Contact: Graham Sabourn, Head of Housing Email: Tel: 01225 477949.

Agenda items