Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

This item gives the Panel an opportunity to ask questions to the Cabinet Member(s) and for them to update the Panel on any current issues.


Councillor Cherry Beath, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development addressed the Panel, she highlighted some of the recent actions from within her portfolio.


Public Realm

High Street

·  Planned completion date – 22nd April 2013


Guildhall Tech/Creative Hub

·  Decorations to interior commenced

·  Completion anticipated early April 2013


BWR Future Phases

·  Crest is progressing terms with Wales and West (WWU) to decommission the gas holders. B&NES have applied to the Local Enterprise Partnership for RIF (Revolving Infrastructure Funding) to bring this forward.

·  Cabinet decision upon use of RIF is on the forward plan for an April 2013 decision

·  Decommissioning is expected to take up to 2 years from the point WWU contract with Crest.


MOD Sites

·  It is understood that the purchasers of the three sites have been identified. No formal announcements concerning their identity have yet been made, but it is anticipated that announcements may be made shortly.

·  Once the announcements regarding the successful purchasers are made, it is expected that the timeframes around the prospective development programme should become more apparent.


South Road Car Park, Midsomer Norton

·  Marketing of the site will commence in April 2013 to dispose of a long leasehold interest for food retail use.

·  Envisaged that this will promote increased footfall & improved links with the High Street to promote private investment / regeneration opportunities for the town.



Councillor Brian Simmons asked for any further information on Somerdale and K2.


Councillor Cherry Beath replied that she would like to see a better employment plan for the Somerdale site and that the Council is currently considering bids received for the sale of the K2 site.


Councillor Gerry Curran asked why the red and white barriers were still in place on Dorchester Street. He also mentioned that he had heard of the possibility that Multi were thinking of installing a further crossing facility in the area and he asked if that was necessary.


Councillor Cherry Beath replied that this was a Highways matter and that Councillor Roger Symonds, Cabinet Member for Transport shared these concerns.


The Operations Manager added that following protracted discussion an agreement had been reached to remove the barriers next month. He added that they remain in place because the bus shelter is situated too close to the road. On the matter of the additional crossing he said that it was a Highway Authority ruling, not Multi’s to ask for six months of monitoring of the new crossing in St. Lawrence Street.


Councillor Will Sandry commented that he was concerned as to how utilities companies would replace the new paving on the High Street if any work was required in the future.


Councillor Cherry Beath replied that extra stone sets were available for such circumstances


The Operations Manager added that the Council has the power to specify the replacement materials to utilities companies.


The Chair asked at this point if the Associate Director for Housing could answer some questions in the absence of Councillor Tim Ball, Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning.


The Associate Director for Housing agreed.


On the subject of Curo Rents, Councillor Steve Hedges commented that he felt the Council was in danger of a large rise in homelessness if more properties were charged a market rent. He asked for Curo to be invited to a future meeting of the Panel.


The Associate Director for Housing replied that Curo were acting in the same way currently as most other Registered Providers. He added that the Government introduced ART (Affordable Rent Tenancy) to mitigate against the capital funding reduction to the HCA (Homes & Communities Agency). He said that in theory this was to be achieved by the Housing Associations being able to increase their capital borrowing for new housing development by utilising the higher revenue stream generated under ART.