Agenda item

River Corridor Group Report (20 minutes)

The Economic and Community Policy Development & Scrutiny Panel is asked to review and discuss the final River Corridor Group report and recommendations and provide any additional outcomes of discussion as final feedback to Cabinet.


The Chairman invited Nicolette Boater to read her statement.


Nicolette Boater thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel.  Nicolette Boater congratulated a number of people who had their input in the report.  The work described in this report has been undertaken over a period of unprecedented financial challenge, uncertainty and structural change for the Council, but also one full of opportunity for those who want things to be done differently or better than before. Nicolette Boater said she was pleased how the vision and change agendas of many diverse organisations can combine and develop momentum in this way. However, as the report also recognises, a strong and widely owned vision is not enough alone. Therefore, Nicolette Boater hoped the Panel will urge the Cabinet to grab the opportunity inherent in our River Corridor by wholeheartedly supporting the two main recommendations suggested in this report, and be forthcoming with suggestions as to how the report might be made even more complete, persuasive, and authoritative.


A full copy of the statement is available on the Minute Book in Democratic Services.  The Chairman thanked Nicolette Boater for her statement.


The Chairman introduced the report and thanked everyone who took part in the report.


The Panel made the following points:


Councillor Brett said that she couldn't attend the Scrutiny Inquiry Day (SID) and asked if the Trust could influence planning decisions, would the Trust have resources, would the Trust work with Councils and Ward Councillors so the vision becomes reality.


The Chairman said that the simple answer to all these questions would be yes.  The Chairman also said that quite a range of people and organisations were involved in this review.  To come up with very specific proposals that would have unanimous agreement from all involved would not be possible.  But, if we are looking to make developments in the future it has to be on basis involving all those with interest and expertise, which is why the independent Trust model is one of the suggestions in the report.  The Chairman said he would hope that BANES representative (officer and/or Councillor) sits on the Trust as the Council is the main landowner along the river but not the only one.  If we have an independent Trust then it makes it better and easier to influence planning decisions as there will be minimum of conflict in the interest.  The Trust should also work with local Councillors.


Councillor Brett welcomed the comment from the Chairman and added that she would like to see the Vision of what the entire river corridor could potentially look in the future as a driver for the future.  Councillor Brett also said that the Trust could become only talking block unless they have the Vision.


The Chairman responded that it is up to the Trust to define the vision.


Councillor Clarke said that he was not keen on the Trust.  Councillor Clarke was very much in favour for river to be developed but this would not be done if we decided to redevelop another part of the city or authority (i.e. formation of the Trust) and the concern he had was democratic accountability for what it is actually quite a major group of policies that have to come forward.  Councillor Clarke added that he is in favour to get the best possible advice though he would be very concerned to hand over democratic responsibility to the Trust.


The Chairman responded that it is not the intention that any Trust should supersede responsibilities in planning, for example.  The Chairman understood the point about the democratic deficit but one of the problems is that BANES is one amongst many who has interest and influence in land and none of that gives us any right to supersede planning process. 


Councillor Clarke added that this is not about the planning.  The reason why Councillors are here is to represent, as elected Members with officers’ support, the residents out there. 


Councillor Stevens said that the Trust would not need any support from the Council anyway though, to some extent, if the body decide to establish themselves then the Council should offer some support.  The Council, in his view, should not be involved in the establishment of the body at all.  The Council, in case the Trust is established, can choose to be part of it or not.  The overall Vision and Strategy is covered in the 1st recommendation. 


Councillor Rigby said that she is in favour of the Trust because the Members proved not to be experts in the river before.  The key would be that the Trust has the right people and expertise on board.  The Council has absolutely part to play but we don't own the riverbanks.  As a Council we could share our Vision with the Trust.


Councillor Anketell-Jones said that we are only part of what is catchment area.  It would be useful to have a trust to put all expertise in one place to address not only what is required in the city of Bath but also to neighbouring authorities. 


The Chairman confirmed the recommendations as they are printed in the report and that the report should also include comments made by the public at and out of the meeting and also to include comments made at the meeting today before it goes to the Cabinet.


Councillor Dave Laming commented that the Trust will have a range of right people and expertise on board.  Councillor Laming welcomed the River Corridor report and also added the Strategy will be a Vision for the river and not the planning document.


Councillor Brett commented that at the moment it all feels a little bit intangible in the report and personally she would want to see something more cohesive in order to develop the Strategy and to know exactly what we want to achieve.


It was RESOLVED to:


1)  Note the report

2)  Support the recommendations

3)  Include comments made by the Panel on 24th January, and also comments made by the public, in the final report and present it to the Cabinet.

Supporting documents: