Agenda item

Housing & Major Projects Update

This report provides an update in respect of housing delivery and the projects currently managed by the Development & Major Projects Directorate.



The Divisional Director for Project Management introduced this item to the Panel.




He stated that Keynsham occupies a strategically important location between Bristol and Bath and is therefore well placed to improve and attract investment. It will continue to act as a market town and service centre for the surrounding area. In responding to the loss of a major employer, it will evolve as a more significant business location. Keynsham will retain its independence and its separate identify within an attractive rural setting. It will become a more sustainable, desirable and well-connected place in which to live and work.


He added that the Keynsham Regeneration Project will see a major redevelopment of the existing town hall site in Keynsham. The redevelopment aims to revitalise Keynsham and make better use of the town centre, and will ultimately maximise opportunities for retail business and encourage wider private sector investment into the town.


The project will deliver:

• New retail units

• An innovative 'one stop shop' and library for people to access local services together with a multifunctional community space

• New Low Carbon office space for Council and Partner staff


Willmott Dixon are working closely with the Council to maximise the benefit of the project to Keynsham and the B&NES district. A couple of examples are:


• A “Meet the Buyer” event is being arranged for the beginning of December where local contractors can learn more about forthcoming tender opportunities.


• Over the two year construction period, Willmott Dixon will provide training and employment opportunities for local people including two work placement opportunities for children leaving care, three apprenticeships and range of training outcomes.




The Council has commenced a study on the options for the demolition and redevelopment of the Riverside Building. Once determined, the Council will start consulting with the community in the New Year before any decision on the future of this site. The ideas being considered indicate that there could be a range of uses for the site and particularly housing, including town houses and retirement living for older people. The May 2012 Cabinet report obtained in principle agreement to the use of CPO powers to secure the future regeneration of the Riverside site if required.



Fire Station


Avon Fire and Rescue Service are considering consolidating their services at Bristol, Brislington and Keynsham and have identified the need to secure a more suitable location for response services. They have identified Keynsham as a potential site for back-office space and for a new fire station. As such they are working with the Council to bring forward their town centre site for redevelopment in line with the regeneration strategy for Keynsham town centre.


Leisure Centre


With the potential redevelopment of Riverside, the Council is considering options for the future of leisure provision in the town. Consultation on this will take place with the Riverside and Fire Station proposals.




Planning permission for 285 homes granted on appeal in July 2011. Taylor Wimpey is the developer and are currently undertaking work to satisfy the pre-commencement conditions in the planning consent. Taylor Wimpey is actively marketing new homes on their website.


Councillor Gerry Curran commented that he hoped the Avon Fire and Rescue Service could rationalise their organisation within Keynsham.


The Chair commented that she was concerned about the low figure of ‘Undisputed invoices paid within 30 days’.


The Associate Director for Housing acknowledged that it was not good enough.


The Chair, on behalf of the Panel thanked the officers for their report.

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