Agenda item

Financial Plan 2013/14 - 2015/16, Budget and Council Tax 2013/14

To agree and set the Council's medium term planning approach and recommend the 2013/14 Council Tax and Budget to Council


Della Simmons (parent of a child at First Steps Children’s Centre) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 11 and on the Council's website] referred to the proposed budget cuts to children’s centres and presented a petition of 280 signatures asking for Cabinet to reconsider the proposed cuts to children’s centres.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in an ad hoc statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 14 and on the Council's website] asked the Cabinet to reconsider the proposals to cut the budget for children’s centres.  She referred to the section on the Victoria Hall on page 56 of the papers and pointed out that there was still no business plan for saving the Hall, nor had there been any analysis of the consultation which had taken place in November 2012.  Councillor Jackson then referred to the Affordable Housing section on page 55 of the report.  She supported the allocation of £550K for this, but asked for more detail of how the money would be used.

Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement explained the concerns of the Conservative Group over some issues and gave notice that the Group would present some amendments to the Budget, although he did not anticipate that these would be significant.  He particularly emphasised the need to address the problem of potholes.

Councillor Ben Stephens in an ad hoc statement congratulated the Cabinet for its prioritisation of supporting the local economy, in particular for entrepreneurs from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Peter Duppa-Miller (Secretary to the Town and Parish Councils Association) in an ad hoc statement thanked officers for keeping the association informed during the budget process.

Councillor Geoff Ward in an ad hoc statement expressed concern over the proposed 30% cut in public protection which he felt would leave the Council very vulnerable in an emergency.  He also objected to the proposed cuts in pest control.

Councillor David Bellotti introduced the item.  He referred to an additional paper which had been placed into the public gallery before the meeting [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 12 and on the Council's website] which listed a number of small changes in wording and content of the published report.  He moved an amended motion which included the points from the additional paper.

Councillor Bellotti explained that the proposals would protect front-line services, would deliver a zero Council Tax rise, and would invest in homes and jobs across the area.  All this was against the background of government grants which, over 3 years, had reduced by £30M.

He was delighted that the proposed budget had avoided any cuts to bus services or the youth service.  He was delighted that housing would continue to grow because of Bath Western Riverside and the Radstock Regeneration.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the budget proposal.  He reminded the Cabinet that the Council had been able to maintain strong reserves by delivering over £25M in efficiency savings.  This had enabled the Cabinet to protect front-line services.

Councillor Crossley gave an assurance to Councillor Liz Hardman that Cabinet would work with her to consider options for supporting Children’s Centres.  He thanked Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones for his suggestion of extending the joint venue ticket to include the VAG, and promised that the idea would be explored.  He listed investments which were being made across the whole area despite the difficult decisions being taken.

Councillor David Dixon said he had been encouraged that teams from all over the Council had been coming up with ideas to improve their services on tighter budgets.  He assured members that in an emergency the necessary funds would be made available so that public protection would not be endangered.  He reminded the Cabinet that all 8 of the Council’s libraries were being kept open and had been enhanced by the addition of a new hub at Paulton and 3 community-based facilities in rural areas.

Councillor Tim Ball committed to take into accounts all the comments he had received.  He observed that by getting empty houses back into use, £0.5M had been put back into the coffers for use in delivering worthwhile services.

Councillor Cherry Beath endorsed the comments already made about supporting small businesses.  She highlighted the flood protection along the river, and the support for the Victoria Art Gallery.

Councillor Simon Allen said that the Cabinet was fully supportive of the government’s aim to cap the cost for those needing adult social care.  He observed that over the next 3 years the proposed budget would put over £260M into supporting the most vulnerable in the community, as well as supporting young people with disabilities into adulthood.

Councillor Roger Symonds explained that the budget aimed to protect road repairs and snow and flood responses.  He was delighted that the plans included the redevelopment of Lansdown Park and Ride; and next year would see the redevelopment of Newbridge P&R.  Investments in cycling and 20mph zones would continue.

Councillor Dine Romero echoed her commitment front-line services.  She thanked Della Simmons and Councillor Liz Hardman for their observations about the Children’s Centres which she would consider carefully.

Councillor David Bellotti in summing up observed that there was an ongoing debate about whether services should be universal or targeted.  He pointed out that the proposed budget was for one year only, but was indicative for 3 years.

On a motion from Councillor David Bellotti, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

To RECOMMEND to Council:

(1)  That the Council approve:

a) The General Fund net revenue budget for 2013/14 of £123.359m with no increase in Council Tax.

b) That no Special Expenses be charged other than Town and Parish Council precepts for 2013/14.

c) The adequacy of reserves at Appendix 2 Table 9 with a risk-assessed level of £10.5m.

d) The individual service cash limits for 2013/14 summarised at Appendix 2 Table 5 and detailed in Annex 1.

e) That the specific arrangements for the governance and release of reserves, including invest to save proposals, be delegated to the Council’s Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Resources and the Chief Executive.

(2)  That the Council include in its Council Tax setting, the precepts set and approved by other bodies including the local precepts of Town Councils, Parish Councils and the Charter Trustees of the City of Bath, and those of the Fire and Police Authorities.

(3)  That the Council notes the Section 151 officer's report on the robustness of the proposed budget and the adequacy of the Council's reserves (Appendix 2, Annex 2) and approves the conditions upon which the recommendations are made as set out throughout Appendix 2.

(4)  That in relation to the capital budget the Council:

a) Approves a capital programme of £59.036m for 2013/14 and notes items for provisional approval in 2013/14 and the programme for 2014/15 to 2017/18 as shown at Appendix 2, Annex 3 including the planned sources of funding.

b) Approves the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy as shown at Appendix 2, Annex 4

c) Approves the Capital Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix 2 Table 7.

(5)  That the Council notes the approach to Community Assets as set out in Appendix 2, Annex 6 and supports the progression of the Quick Wins identified in this Annex.

(6)  That the Council notes the Policy Development & Scrutiny review of Medium Term Service and Resource Plans and instructs the relevant officers to finalise these in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and in light of feedback from the PD&S reviews, and in line with the approved cash limits.

(7) That the Council agrees the proposed pay policy statement as set out at Appendix 5.



(8)  That the Divisional Director – Finance, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Resources, is authorised to make any necessary presentational improvements to the draft budget proposal for submission to Council; and

(9) That the following changes be made to the wording and content of the published report:

a)  Page 21, final paragraph – to replace the word “significant” with the word “some”.

b)  Page 23, first bullet – to replace “£33 million” with “£34 million”.

c)  Page 51, final paragraph – to replace “provisional” with “Fully Approved”.

d)  Page 53, insert following sentences before the title “Flood Risk Management” - “The following projects have received approval for the use of £11.2m of Revolving Investment Funding from the West of England LEP to support the delivery of this infrastructure to enable development of sites within the Bath City Riverside Enterprise Area.  This funding will be repaid from developer and related contributions once the relevant developments are completed.”

e)  Page 110, to delete the existing proposal for a saving of £50k in 2013/2014 relating to Waste Recycling Centres and replace with “Waste Grant Funding will be used to protect existing recycling centre opening hours for the 3 year period of this MTSRP.  There is therefore no impact to service delivery”.

f)  Page 127, to add the following text as para 5.3 – “The savings identified in para 5.1 above are anticipated to be a net revenue saving position across all Council owned assets, after taking account of any costs which may arise as a result of the Community Asset “Quick Wins” identified in this paper.

g)  Page 132, to add the following sentence after the existing paragraph under “Climate Change” – “The Council will also seek to recognise the potential impacts of weather related events like flooding for Council service areas including Environmental Services, Sustainability and Emergency Planning.”

h)  To include an item in the proposed use of “One-off Headroom Allocations” funded by the Financial Planning Reserve as set out on page 39 as follows:

·  £15,000 to protect the funding for the Wheels for All event for 2013/2014. 

and to authorise the Section 151 officer to make such appropriate amendments to the figures presented in the Budget Report for Council, as necessary to recognise this change.

Supporting documents: