Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

This item gives the Panel an opportunity to ask questions to the Cabinet Member(s) and for them to update the Panel on any current issues.



The Chairman asked if a written report had been received in the absence of Councillor David Dixon, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods.


The Democratic Services Officer replied that he had not received one.


Councillor Roger Symonds, Cabinet Member for Transport addressed the Panel. He informed them that a consensus had been gained from those who had attended the recent transport conference as to how the Transport Strategy should be devised. He added that he was hoping to include parking as part of the strategy.


He stated that a vast response had been received from the public regarding the Resident’s Parking Survey and that the zones would be analysed as part of the next steps of the project.


He said that he had met with representatives of First to discuss how they and the Council could work better together in relation to bus services. He added that First had signed a memorandum of understanding. A Stakeholder Panel was also in the process of being set-up which would include a senior representative from First and would meet every quarter.


He informed them that he would be meeting with the Highways Agency on November 7th to discuss amongst other things the A46 and the request by Claverton Parish Council to have a limit of 50mph imposed in the area.


He stated that the Batheaston Bridge must be completed before the end of March 2013. The bridge will link Batheaston to the towpath and form part of National Cycle Route 4.


The Chairman asked if it was reasonable to suggest that the Transport Strategy would be in place in one year’s time.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied yes.


Councillor Geoff Ward thanked him for his liaison with the Highways Agency on the A46. He added however that he was disappointed not to have been invited to the recent transport conference or the announcement that was due to be made later in the afternoon regarding East of Bath Park & Ride sites.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied that the capacity of the venue for the conference was limited but assured the Panel that all political groups were represented. He apologised for not inviting Councillor Ward to the announcement of the proposed East of Bath Park & Ride sites.


Councillor David Martin asked if there were to be any further Civitas projects.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied that bids had been submitted for a decision in May 2013 on projects working with electric freight distribution and for further cycles in the area.


Councillor David Martin commented that he would be interested to see the new Stakeholder Panel in action and that he would like to see a copy of the memorandum of understanding that had been signed by First.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied that he would send a copy to the Panel.


Councillor Caroline Roberts asked if the bus user’s panel that had been set up around two years ago would be retained.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied that the work of the bus user’s panel needed to be re-visited to see how it could contribute in the future.


Councillor Ian Gilchrist asked how the Department for Transport could be approached regarding the implementation of 20mph speed limits on A roads.


Councillor Roger Symonds replied that he would be meeting with the Council’s Team Leader for Traffic and Safety on October 12th and would discuss the matter with him.


The Chairman thanked him for his update.


Councillor Tim Ball, Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning addressed the Panel. He informed them that the Core Strategy, Gypsy & Traveller Draft Sites Plan and the Placemaking Plan were all due to be discussed at meetings of the Cabinet and Full Council in February / March 2013.


He added that the Local Development Framework Steering Group were currently analysing the revised list of Gypsy & Traveller sites and assured the Panel that each site would be looked at on an individual basis. He also called for the need to have a political consensus on the matter and that he was intending to seek adoption of the Plan in June 2013.


The Chairman thanked him for his update.