Agenda item

Bath & North East Somerset Core Strategy: Inspector's Preliminary Conclusions and review of the Local Development Scheme (40 Minutes)

The B&NES Core Strategy examination has been suspended in order to undertake a review of the District’s housing need and supply, along with a limited number of other issues, in response to concerns made by the Examination Inspector.  This requires a review of the Core Strategy programme which, because of its strategic nature, has implications for the preparation of other Plans such as the Placemaking Plan, the Gypsy & Travellers Site Allocations Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy.  The Local Development Scheme is therefore also being reviewed.


The Policy & Environment Manager introduced this item to the Panel. He informed them that the examination into the Bath & North East Somerset Council Core Strategy had been suspended in light of the Inspector’s preliminary conclusions. This will enable further work to be undertaken to address the concerns raised by the Inspector.  He added that the Inspector’s most substantive issue of concern relates to the housing requirement for the district. The Inspector is of the view that the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) during the course of the hearings rendered the B&NES methodology for assessing housing target non-compliant with national policy.  He therefore stated that he could not come to a conclusion on the level of housing that should be planned for.


The Policy & Environment Manager then spoke of the decision to suspend the examination. He said that the reason why suspension was favoured over withdrawal was because the Government had urged Local Authorities to ensure that an up-to-date Plan was in place as quickly as possible (NPPF para 184).  He added that the delay to the Core Strategy had significant implications for the Council. It would delay the preparation of CIL potentially affecting CIL income from April 2014 and it would delay the adoption of other Plans currently under preparation. It may have an impact on housing delivery because of the delay in providing clarity and direction for key development sites. A suspension would entail less of a delay than a complete withdrawal.


Furthermore, a withdrawal would mean the removal of the entire emerging policy framework in the Core Strategy requiring the Council to fall back on less up-to-date Local Plan policies and the NPPF. Even those emerging Core Strategy policies which are potentially sound would be lost.


The Chairman asked what other elements of the Council’s work will be affected by the delay to the Core Strategy.


The Policy & Environment Manager replied that the decision affects the Placemaking Plan, Gypsies & Traveller Sites, CIL, Neighbourhood Planning SPD and Sustainable Construction SPD.


Councillor Malcolm Hanney commented that population figures for the area are now predicted to be much lower and therefore questioned the need for further housing. He also asked who made the decision to suspend the examination.


The Policy & Environment Manager replied that population figures are now expected to be substantially lower and that the Inspector had been informed of this. He added that the affordable housing capacity also has to be met. He stated that the decision to suspend the examination was taken at a meeting of the Informal Cabinet.


Councillor Nicholas Coombes asked how the new housing figures would be calculated.


The Policy & Environment Manager replied that the Council would use the latest Census data and seek the use of expert demographers to aid it on this matter. He added that he would be happy to bring the methodology to the Panel and the Local Development Framework (LDF) Steering Group.


Councillor Geoff Ward asked if the Inspector made any comments in relation to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller sites.


The Policy & Environment Manager replied that he had asked for our plans but had made no comment on them.


Councillor Malcolm Hanney asked if the minutes of the LDF Steering Group could be shared with the Panel.


The Policy & Environment Manager replied that he saw no reason why this should not be possible.


The Chairman thanked him for the update on behalf of the Panel and stated that she looked forward to receiving further information as and when it became available.






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