Agenda item

Housing Allocations verbal update (15 minutes)

The Panel will receive verbal update on housing allocations.


The Chairman invited Mike Chedzoy (Housing Services Manager) to give a verbal update on Housing Allocations.


Mike Chedzoy highlighted the following points in his update:


Housing Services are currently reviewing the housing allocation scheme.  The housing allocation scheme is called Homesearch at the moment.  Homesearch aims to give more choice in deciding where people want to live. Properties that are available for rent will be advertised each week in a weekly advertising cycle. At present there are more than 12,000 applications waiting on the Homesearch register. The service is only able to advertise approximately 750 properties per year.  Private rented properties are now advertised on the Homesearch website so that local accredited private landlords and lettings agents can advertise their available accommodation. These landlords will consider people who are receiving Local Housing Allowance (Housing benefit).  Consultation, with the general public, on the future of housing allocation has been going on for a year and people are asked if they support the following criteria:

1.  Priority to people who want to downsize

2.  Priority to people who are overcrowded in their units

3.  The housing register be restricted to people who work and live in BANES; and

4.  Priority to people/household who provided contribution to the community.


The first three criteria received strong support from those who participated in the consultation whilst the fourth criterion did not get strong support and it is unlikely that it will be used in the new policy.


Following the new guidance on social housing, the Housing Services are also proposing are proposing to give extra help to members of the armed forces, people who care for others or who foster children by giving them additional priority and more flexible housing need assessment.


New policy will be released in April 2013.


The Panel made the following points:


Councillor Lisa Brett gave her support to criteria 4 - priority to people/household who provided contribution to the community.


The Panel asked about the strong public support for downsizing and about the additional priorities for people who foster children.


Mike Chedzoy replied that downsizing will be very much a choice and not enforcement, which should not affect older people.  The service will be asking for the evidence that the applicants are existing foster-carers or have been approved to be foster carers and this will be closely monitored.


The Panel asked how the service would ensure the quality of the private housing.  The Panel also asked what will happen to fathers who are separated from wife/partner and children – will they have any chance for separate rooms when visiting.


Mike Chedzoy replied that Council will receive guidance from the Government about the use of private sector in housing.  Mike Chedzoy also said that there will be no change in the policy related to separate households but that the service can always make allowances for joint custody.


The Panel asked how people without the PC and access to internet can submit their housing applications.


Mike Chedzoy replied that the service is encouraging people to use online application forms.  However, people can also use Council offices in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton to submit their applications.  People can also receive assistance in submitting their applications and/or “bids” for specific properties.


It was RESOLVED that draft Homesearch Policy be reviewed by the Wellbeing PDS Panel before it is submitted to the Cabinet for adoption.


It was also RESOLVED to invite Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning to comment on the Homesearch Policy.