Agenda item


There is no report attached, this will be a verbal update.


Councillor Bellotti – Cabinet Member for Community Resources updated the Panel on the following:




·  He explained that, with regard to Keynsham Town Centre Regeneration, a CPO (Compulsory Purchase Order) had been agreed by the Cabinet at its meeting on 9th May 2012. In response to a question from Councillor Gerrish, Councillor Bellotti explained that negotiations with the fire brigade were taking place at officer level and that there were other sites that they may decide to utilize.




·  Councillor Bellotti updated the Panel on the Workplaces Project – he explained that Trimbridge House and Plymouth House had now been vacated and that plans were on target for Northgate House and Palace Yard Mews. He updated the Panel on the plans for the Guildhall – 30 planned workers had been increased to 100. He explained that half an office block in Keynsham had deleted to make way for parking and other development.


Councillor Gerrish asked about the working environment in the Guildhall such as the heating issues. Councillor Bellotti assured the Panel that working conditions in the building would be improved.


Councillor Gerrish asked about funding, Councillor Bellotti explained that money had in part been saved by deleting half an office block. He explained that the workplaces project was on budget.


Councillor Ward asked if ICT developments had been built in to the plans for future workplaces. Councillor Bellotti explained that it was and he had asked both officers and partners to evidence their office needs. He explained that the business hub is being provided in the Guildhall to enable private sector initiatives and support economic development using new ways of working. He explained that a lot of Council office accommodation is old and not fit for purpose and the programme was addressing this.


Councillor Barrett asked about the Bath Sports Centre office accommodation in the basement which has poor ventilation, Councillor Bellotti explained that Councillor Dave Dixon had the Aquaterra contract in his portfolio and he would pass this comment on to him.


Councillor Barrett asked if there were proposals for a Casino in the Guildhall, the Cabinet Member and Strategic Director for Resources explained that there were no proposals at this time.




·  Councillor Bellotti explained that the One Stop Shop in Manvers Street opened next week. He described the facilities that would be available. He explained that there would be a celebratory event to which Members would be invited later in the month.


·  Councillor Bellotti referred to the Consultants Working Group Report and thanked the members of the working group for their work on this. He explained that he accepted the first major recommendation that future use of consultants should be shown in Service Action Plans. He stated that he was happy for the Staff Survey to be looked at. He explained that the recommendations that were relevant to the Corporate Audit Committee had been referred to them with his recommendation for approval. He explained that he would be considering the other recommendations. He stated that, regarding working with other authorities on procurement, there were other issues he would want to consider such as prioritising local businesses as part of these considerations. He explained that he would be happy to share his thinking on this.


Councillor Ward asked that work experience placements and internships be considered along with apprenticeships.


Councillor Bull asked when there would be a conclusion on the procurement criteria. Councillor Bellotti stated that this should be completed by the turn of the year, he explained that there is a lot of analysis to be done and that there was already some good practice in place.