Agenda item

Main Plans List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee


The Committee considered:


·  A report by the Development Manager on various applications for planning permission


·  Oral statements by members of the public etc, the Speakers List being attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes


·  An Update Report by the Development Manager, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 3 to these Minutes



RESOLVED that, in accordance with their delegated powers, the applications be determined as set out in the Decisions List attached as Appendix 4 to these Minutes.


Item 1 Sainsburys Supermarkets Limited, Green Park Station, Green Park Road, City Centre, Bath - Erection of extension to foodstore to provide additional retail floorspace and warehouse floorspace. Alterations to car park layout and engineering works to the southern bank of the River Avon to provide flood storage compensation.

Geoff Webber introduced the application and gave the reasons for his recommendation to Permit the application subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement (as presented in the main and update report) and also subject to the conditions presented in the main and update report. He also gave further advice following comments from English Heritage (attached as Appendix 5 to these minutes).


Members of the Committee debated this application and in particular the flood storage system, river safety on that part of the river, retail impact on Moorland Road and the design and sustainability of the store.  Some Committee Members suggested that the air quality could be improved by using the river, instead of HGVs, for deliveries.


Councillor Neil Butters moved the officer’s recommendation to delegate to PERMIT this application.  Councillor Bryan Organ seconded the motion.


Some Committee Members felt that future applications, such as this one, should have energy and sustainability issues included in their applications.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried. 


Item 2 The Bath Press, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland, Bath – Withdrawn from the agenda.


Item 3 The Galleries Shop, Freshford Lane, Freshford, Bath - Erection of extension to Freshford Shop to increase cafe area and decking.

The Case Officer introduced the report and gave the reasons for their recommendation to Refuse the application.


Councillor Neil Butters (local Ward Councillor) read out a statement in which he said that the shop is a success story for Freshford, it fulfils a community purpose and it also improved the look of the village hall.


Councillor Butters moved to overturn the officer’s recommendation and instead Permit the application for the following reasons: community benefit; reduction of car journeys; shop promotes village life and activity, and; the extension is adding to the viability of the shop. Councillor Martin Veal seconded the motion.


Members of the Committee debated the application.  Members generally supported the motion by saying that this is a successful small enterprise which benefits the community.  Some Members questioned if this would be against the Local Plan policy.


Lisa Bartlett (Development Manager) explained that the officers are bound to make recommendations on planning applications according to the Local Plan policy.  This proposal is in the Green Belt and as such was inappropriate.  If Members of the Committee are minded to overturn the officer’s recommendation to Refuse this application then the advice is to Defer this application to a future meeting to allow  the applicant an opportunity to submit further information about the very special circumstances which the applicant said existed  and to advertise it as a departure from the Development Plan.


Councillors Neil Butters and Martin Veal agreed with this suggestion and withdrew their original motion. 


Councillor Martin Veal moved to DEFER this application for the reasons highlighted above.  Councillor Neil Butters seconded the motion.


Voting:  All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 4 Lady Farm Cottage, Lady Farm Cottage Road, Chelwood, Bristol - Erection of new dwelling to regularise part built works (retrospective).

The Case Officer introduced the report and updated Members regarding correspondence received shortly before the meeting. She also informed Members that the application would be referred to the Secretary of State.


Lisa Bartlett explained to  the Committee that the officer’s recommendation for this application had changed slightly from Permit to Delegate to Permit subject to a) public consultation on the amended plans showing an additional porch and a balcony and no objections being received as a result of that consultation; and b) the Secretary of State not calling in the application for his own determination.  If objections were received during the consultation then the application would come back to the Committee.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to Delegate to PERMIT this application as above.  Councillor Douglas Nicol seconded the motion.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 5 Fountain Buildings, City Centre, Bath - Installation of Superfast fibre optic broadband cabinet (PCP 012) at Fountain Buildings, S/O 1 Alfred Street.

The Case Officer introduced the report and gave the reasons for their recommendation to Refuse this application.


Members of the Committee debated this application, in particular the need for superfast broadband in the city.  Members of the Committee also commented that if the application is permitted then the officers should negotiate the appropriate colour with BT.


Councillor Martin Veal moved to overturn the officer’s recommendation and instead PERMIT the application for the economic prosperity of the city that superfast broadband will bring.  Councillor Jeremy Sparks seconded the motion.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 6 Queen Square, City Centre, Bath - Creation of two pedestrian access points to east and west of Queen Square Gardens and insertion of two gateway piers within the existing boundary railings to the north side of Queen Square.

Note: Lisa Bartlett did not provide Senior Officer support to the Committee, nor took part in the debate, for this application as she is the partner of the applicant’s agent who spoke at the meeting.  Andrew Ryall (Planning Team Leader) provided the support for this item only.


The Case Officer introduced the report and gave the reasons for their recommendation to Permit this application.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to PERMIT this application.  Councillor Douglas Nicol seconded the motion.


Members of the Committee debated the safety and access to the site and also the width of two gateway piers.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 7 Stables, Butcombe Lane, Nempnett Thrubwell, Bristol - Retention of stable block, field shelter, hay store, hard-standing, lean-to and secure tack room and tractor, trailer, horsebox, creation of feed/storage area, incorporating a change of use of the land to equestrian (Resubmission).

The Case Officer introduced the report and gave the reasons for their recommendation to Permit this application.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to PERMIT this application.  Councillor Liz Hardman seconded the motion.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 8 Various Streets, Bath Urban Area - Display of 60 no. freestanding feather flags (30 Olympics branding + 30 Paralympics branding), bunting on railings and around lamp-posts and fence scrim on railings.

Geoff Webber introduced the report and gave the reasons for his recommendation to Grant the Advertisement Consent.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to grant the CONSENT.  Councillor Eleanor Jackson seconded the motion.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Item 9 Pulteney Road, Bathwick, Bath - Erection of 4 non-illuminated signs on Bathwick Hill roundabout.

Geoff Webber introduced the report and gave the reasons for his recommendation to Grant the Advertisement Consent.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to grant the CONSENT.  Councillor Eleanor Jackson seconded the motion.


Members of the Committee asked that the signs be positioned as safely as possible on the site.


Voting: All in favour.  Motion carried.


Councillor Bryan Organ left the meeting at this point.


Item 10 8A Cavendish Crescent, Lansdown, Bath - Internal and external alterations (Part Regularisation). 

The Case Officer introduced the report and gave the reasons for their recommendation to Grant Listed Building Consent with conditions.


Councillor Les Kew moved the officer’s recommendation to grant CONSENT with conditions.  Councillor Douglas Nicol seconded the motion.


Voting: 10 in favour with 1 abstention.  Motion carried.

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