Agenda item

Housing & Major Projects Update

This report provides an update in respect of housing delivery and the projects currently managed by the Development & Major Projects Directorate.



Mr David Redgewell, South West Transport Network addressed the Panel. He called for the doors to the bus station at Southgate to be repaired as soon as possible and asked that the Bath Transport Package be subject to a full public consultation in relation to its bus routes, stops and shelters. He added that this must be carried out to show that the scheme is compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act.


He also asked for the Council to ensure that rail services are integrated with bus services in the area including those at Oldfield Park train station. He stated the importance of the bus corridors through Western Riverside to Windsor Bridge and the Lower Bristol Road.


The Development & Major Projects Director replied by saying he would take those messages back to the relevant officers within his department.


He then wished to highlight to the Panel some of the main points within the report.


Sustainable Development Overview


The Directorate is responsible for providing a co-ordinated and integrated approach to the provision of Housing, Jobs, Business growth and Economic activity and is focused on delivering Sustainable Economic Growth as set out in the Economic Strategy of April 2010 and the Smart Economic Growth Cabinet paper of November 2010. Work continues on Planning and Financing the Future programme (PaFF). This is being carried out to establish the impact of development upon viability and corporate financing.


The ability of the Council to deliver its priorities and aspirations in this area continues to depend on the alignment of policies in Planning, Transport and the ability of the Council to influence and encourage growth and development through its asset base and influence.


There are significant challenges ahead in bringing forward development but there are also major opportunities through our Enterprise Area -Bath City Riverside, Bath Western Riverside, Bath Quays South and Manvers Street. Also, Norton Radstock Regeneration, MOD Sites, Keynsham, Somerdale and Temple Street - all of which could and should have significant ability to help the economic growth, development agenda and Housing delivery.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he was concerned by the figures on page 73 of the agenda which showed that the Housing Completion Target 2011/12 would not be met. He also asked for a graphic illustration to be shown for the number of homes that were in the process of being built and the number of homes that had been applied to be built.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson commented that she was aware of a number of sites where applications had been granted but now no developer finance was available. She added that any officer assistance in areas such as this would be most welcome.

Councillor Les Kew commented that in the current financial climate a developer will not build without knowingly being able to sell the end product.


Councillor Gerry Curran agreed with the comment made by Councillor Kew and said he felt sure the forthcoming land areas mentioned earlier in the debate would help the Council fulfil their quota.


The Development & Major Projects Director replied by saying that the work carried out by the Associate Director for Housing was very valuable as the New Homes Bonus money can be used across the Council.


Bath City Riverside - City of Ideas Enterprise Area


This designation means that the area will be one of the first to benefit from some of the financial gains from business rate retention accrued from the Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. A MoU between the Local Authorities is currently being prepared to articulate exactly how this will work.


Bath City Riverside is being used as a pilot project for the Planning Delivering & Financing the Future initiative to test the potential for rolling out the project across the whole of B&NES. Work has started to articulate the scope of the Bath City Riverside Enterprise Area. Key activities have been:

·  A study has been commissioned to identify options for the delivery of up-stream flood storage as part of a Strategic

·  Flood Risk Management Strategy for the river corridor in Bath


London Road


Following extensive recent local consultation on the issues and potential solutions for addressing problems in the London Road area, Council officers are now considering the activities which could form a Regeneration Action Plan, and the funding which is available / which may be necessary to take such activities forward. The Council owns the freehold of three buildings in the area – numbers 2, 3, and 4 Long Acre, which have the potential to contribute towards the wider regeneration of the vicinity.


During July and August the Council invited Expressions of Interest from community groups and from the open market for numbers 3 and 4 Long Acre. Resources have been identified to develop an overall plan for the area, including initial ideas for the Long Acre properties.


Flood Mitigation


In 2010 the Council commissioned a Flood Risk Management Strategy report which identified the provision of upstream flood water storage, combined with on-site flood defences, as the strategic solution to facilitate development of sites in the river corridor in Bath. A Bath Compensatory Storage Study has been commissioned which is being undertaken in conjunction with the Environment Agency. The stage 1 report investigated eight potential sites along the river corridor east of Bath for the provision of flood storage and recommended three sites, at Kensington Meadows, Mill Lane Bathampton and at Bathford, for further technical investigation. This work is being undertaken as part of stage 2 of the study. The results will be the subject of consultation prior to the development of detailed scheme proposals.


Councillor Brian Simmons asked how much the flood mitigation works were likely to cost.


The Divisional Director for Project Management replied that it would be in the region of £4.5m.


Councillor Paul Fox suggested that areas within the train and bus station be set aside to show the public what the ‘vision’ of the project is.


The Development & Major Projects Director welcomed the suggestion.


The Chairman on behalf of the Panel thanked all the officers concerned in the publication of this report.

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