Agenda item


The Panel will have an opportunity to ask questions to the Cabinet Member and to receive an update on any current issues.



The Chairman invited Councillor Simon Allen (Cabinet Member for Wellbeing) to give an update to the Panel (attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes).


The Panel asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Clarke asked about the Home Improvement Agency (HIA) Commissioning and for how long the contract is likely to be for.  Councillor Clarke expressed his concern that flexibility would be lost if we have single provider for the area.


Jane Shayler replied that the contract will be awarded for 3 years.  At the moment we are having a single provider for the area and their services are not subject of the Any Qualified Provider model.


Councillor Brinkhurst commented that the HIA consultation is ready to go out and it could be that various recommendations come out of it.


Jane Shayler said that the outcome might well be status quo in that the existing provider could win the new contract.  However, the Council needs to go through the procurement process and the outcome of the procurement process is not yet determined at this stage.  It could be that the existing provider might put in a bid in a partnership with a provider from another area.  Jane Shayler suggested that the Panel should, as part of the consultation process, receive a report on the Home Improvement Agency Commissioning for November meeting.


The Panel welcomed the suggestion from Jane Shayler.


Councillor Organ said that he was not sure that bigger is better (in terms of the provision of housing related support to vulnerable people to help them live independently).


Councillor Jackson said that in her Ward (Radstock) current housing related support was impressive.  Councillor Jackson, like Councillor Clarke, was also concerned about the flexibility.  She also felt that the consultation on the HIA commission should include paper-based as well as an on-line survey considering that there are many people who still don’t have broadband at their homes (mainly over 60 population).


Councillor Allen commented that the current service is well respected service in the area.  The Council would consult with the local residents to find out what they want.  The Panel will be also included in the consultation.  Councillor Allen welcomed the suggestion from Councillor Jackson and said that survey will be also in paper form.


Councillor Hall asked if the Home Energy Efficiency scheme would run every year.  Councillor Allen replied that the scheme is generally available throughout the whole year. 


The Chairman said that BANES Care & Repair were particularly successful in providing housing related support service.  He also question the aspiration of the West of England to cover the whole ex-Avon area with one provider although with the main benefit to Bristol.  The Chairman said that there has to be a viability of that business and he felt that some projects provided by the Care & Repair, like Potting Shed project in Radstock, will stop after the HIA is commissioned.


It was RESOLVED that the Panel will receive a Home Improvement Agency Commissioning report for November meeting.